Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1937 unhappiness

Fan Yongzhi is back. Yan Qi is very happy to invite him home for dinner.

Wang Zhiming stands beside him and looks at Yan Qi and ignores him completely. He's inexplicably upset. Fan

Yongzhi not only brought back biscuits, but also the recipe of biscuits, which made Yan Qi happy.

"... Mommy, let's try tomorrow." Yan Qi Dao.

Xu Qizhen tasted the biscuit. It was really delicious. It was crispy and cool with a little mint. It was neither heavy nor light. It didn't hurt the original sweetness of the biscuit at all.

"With recipes, you can try them." Xu Qizhen said.

She also asked fan Yongzhi, "where is Mr. Fan's recipe?" "

I lent the pastry maker a loan to open his shop, and he gave me the recipe." Fan Yongzhi said, "I don't open a shop next door to his house, it won't affect his business, so I accepted it."

He skipped paying a lot of money for recipes and waiting for more than four hours in the cold wind. Seeing how happy Yan Qi is, fan Yongzhi thinks it's worth it. It's worth spending more money and time.

He had a big dinner at Yan's house.

After supper, Yan Ziqing and his wife left him to chat. Compared with the last time, the content of this chat is more in-depth. It seems that I want to know his roots.

Fan Yongzhi is a little overwhelmed.

Yan Qi appeared in time to save him: "we went for a walk on the seawall, and we ate a lot tonight."

After the two of them left, Yan Ziqing said to Xu Qizhen, "this is a nice man. He is thoughtful." "

I think so, too." Xu Qizhen said, "there are no brothers and sisters in his family, only he and his father, the family is simple. There's nothing to worry about when chess and chess are married. "

Yan Ziqing has asked Si Xingfu about fan Yongzhi's father. He has a preliminary understanding of the fan family. The two families are matched. Yan

Qi and fan Yongzhi leave the door. Fan Yongzhi drives by himself, and they go to the sea bank.

She asked fan Yongzhi, "what is the purpose of going home this time?"

"Nothing, a little thing." Fan Yongzhi road.

Yan Qi said, "next time you take me with you, I also want to see Ning'an and ling'er." "


When the car arrived at the seawall, fan Yongzhi got off first, and then saw Yan Qi sitting still in the car. He had to walk to open the door for her.

Yan Qi also reached out and motioned for him to help himself.

Fan Yongzhi is almost helpless to her. As expected, he reached out and let Yan Qi's hand take over.

Yan Qi took the opportunity to hold fan Yongzhi's hand. Fan

Yongzhi: "..." he tried to draw, but Yan Qi died.

She said with a smile: "Mr. Fan, let me hold it. I miss you in your absence. " Fan

Yongzhi's breath is tight.

Then he thought of all kinds of Yan Qi's careless behaviors, throwing cold water on himself. "

I think you have a good time." He said, "with or without me, it's the same." "


"What's different?" Yan

chess: "...

she can't catch it for a while. When Mr. Fan left, she was really sad, but soon forgot what to do.

She doesn't want to be like this, just a little bit of small things can make her completely distracted. She can't concentrate.

Fan Yongzhi knew that he had made a good guess. She did it to him, but so.

He yanked back his hand.

Some things, do not need to say too clearly, fan Yongzhi does not want to give himself too much expectation.

He walked forward quickly, the warm sea breeze blowing on his cheek, there was a kind of salty smell, like tears. Fan touched Yongzhi's face.

Disappointed, he didn't cry.

Yan Qi followed him and asked carefully, "Mr. Fan, are you angry?"


"Are you telling the truth?" "


Yan Qi sighed, "that's good. I'm afraid you're angry."

Later, fan Yongzhi stopped talking and allowed Yan Qi to chatter in his ear. At nine o'clock, Yan Qi was sent home. Yan

when he saw Mr. Fan at chess, he also had delicious biscuits and recipes. He was very happy. He had already forgotten what Mr. Fan had seen of Wang Yuxin.

She had a good sleep.

When she got up early, her aunt's cousin Li Mei called her and asked her, "did you go to the racecourse last time?" "

Yes." Yan Qili said, "elder sister, my brother won the money alone. Let my aunt find him to settle the bill." Kay won a lot last time. Li

Mei smiled: "are we so stingy? I mean, did you go with Wang Zhiming last time? " "

No, by chance." Yan Qi said, "Oh, by the way..."

after Li Mei mentioned this, she suddenly remembered the incident at the beginning, and her mood plummeted. Li

has been waiting for a long time, but he can't see the following words. He says, "are you still there, chess?"

"I'm here."

"Tomorrow after school, we will have a meal together. I have something to tell you." Li Mei said, "don't tell anyone about our date."

She was very successful in diverting Yan Qi's attention.

"What is it?" Yan Qi's voice, unconsciously with some excitement.

"I'll see you tomorrow evening. I'll see you then." Yan

can't play chess. The next day, when Yan Qi got up early, she saw that her mother had made the biscuit sent by fan Yongzhi.

she tasted a piece. It was exactly the same taste. It was very delicious.

Xu Qizhen has already done a lot of work. She has canned them with delicate biscuits and plans to give them to her relatives and friends.

She took out two cans: "take this to Professor Ruan, one for him and one for Mrs Ruan. If Mrs. Ruan likes it, let her call me. I don't have time to go to Ruan's today. "

"Oh, yes." Yan Qi said, and then asked Xu Qizhen, "is there none for me?"

"You'll come back in the evening." "

I have something to do at night." Yan Qi Dao.

Xu Qizhen nodded, not asking what was going on, only when she was going on a date.

She's going to the Secretary's house and her mother's house today. She's very busy. Yan took two cans of biscuits and went to school. She asked the driver to go back first and go to Gu Shao herself.

Gu Shao has his own office, which is located on the second floor of the teachers' office area.

When Yan Qi arrived, he found his office door open. One

when female students come alone to ask questions, Gu Shao will open the office door, be frank, and not give others the chance to gossip. Yan

came in and saw the female student, a little surprised. Because

it's not Gu Shao's, but Yan Qi's, the Feng Qingqing's classmate who made her unable to play. "Miss Feng, what are you doing here?" Asked Yan Qi curiously.

Now in school, it is also popular for teachers to call students "Mr. and miss". It's said that they are fashionable and respect each other.

Feng Qingqing was slightly surprised, and his face was a little ugly: "I have something to do with Professor Ruan." "

What's up?"

Gu Shao stood up and said to Feng Qingqing with a smile, "I'm sorry Miss Feng. I can't help you. Go back first." However, after

he received Yan Qi, "how is chess coming?" Feng

Qingqing is not willing to leave.

"What is she doing?" Yan Qi is also curious about Feng Qingqing. He asks Gu Shao directly, "she is a student of music department. You teach French. What does she want from you?"

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