Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1938 birthday gifts

Yan Qi doesn't look at words. Gu is also lazy to mention female students. After all, this kind of obsessed little girl has it every year, and he has got coping experience. "

nothing." Gu Shao said perfunctorily, "Why are you here?" Yan

chess put two cans of biscuits on his table: "my mommy made it. The new recipe is very delicious. One for you and one for Mrs. Ruan. "

"Well, thank you so much for thinking about us." Gu shaodao then picked up the lesson plan and said, "I have classes in the morning..."

"so do I." Yan Qi said, "I'm going!" This

is far away from the music department. Yan Qi needs to walk back. Gu

Shao's car is parked in the garage. On campus, he occasionally walks or rides a bicycle.

When he saw Yan Qi going back a long way, he said to her, "you ride my car."

"No, I'll drive directly." Yan Qi Dao. "

no cars are allowed on campus, which has been stipulated for a long time. If you are reported by the students, you will lose face. " Gu Shao said with a smile, "ride my bike." Yan can't ride a bicycle. Gu

Shao only said: "I'll show you. There are ten minutes left for class. Don't be late." Yan

chess has to be said well. He met Feng Qingqing on the way to the music department. Gu did not stop.

Yan Qi looks back and sees Feng Qingqing standing in the same place, shocked.

When the car arrived, Yan Qi jumped out of the car and found that there were still three minutes left for class. Gu Shao had to catch up. "Goodbye, uncle." Yan Qi waved and ran quickly to the classroom.

This day, Yan Qi went to Li Mei's office.

Li Mei helps her mother manage the Xu family's business and does it well. Xu Qizhen knows a lot about Yu Mei, but she is afraid that her niece will gossip. She never tells anyone, even Yan Qi and Yan Kai. "

... I also want to pick you up at your school." Li Mei said with a smile.

Yan Qi said: "I'm OK anyway. I'm here by myself. Sister, what do you want me to do? "

Li Mei's attitude is gentle: "have a meal together." She's no big deal. Li

has a good sleeping character. He always talks with Yan Qi, and can cater to his personality. They are always happy to meet each other.

After dinner, the two of them didn't move. They ordered dessert.

Dessert is caramel pudding, which Yan Qi loves very much. When she was eating happily, Li Mei took out a wrapped gift and handed it to her: "do me a favor, OK? Tomorrow is teacher Wang Zhiming's birthday. You give this gift to him in your name. " The face is slightly surprised. She took over and asked, "what is it?" "

it's an ancient music score. He's been looking for it. I happened to find it." Li Meidao.

"Why don't you give it to him yourself?" Yan Qi asked, "aren't you friends? I've heard from Mr. Wang that you've been to his class before, and you're his student. " Li

Mei hesitated and said: "there was a bit of gossip before, and Miss Wang could not avoid it. He will feel sorry when I give someone something valuable. "

"What gossip?"

Li Mei laughs: "how do you have a childish temper? Are you curious about everything?" It is true that chess is not a long character.

Li Mei asked again, "can you give it to me?"

Even if Yan Qi is dull, he can see: "sister, do you like Miss Wang?"

"No." Li Meidao. Yan

chess will not refuse her cousin, nor understand other people's business, so she has to answer and promise to bring the gift to Wang Zhiming. The next day, Yan Qi bought a can of biscuits and the packed book and went to Wang Zhiming's office. She

thought that she could not give two gifts, or her cousin's hard work would be in vain, and Miss Wang could see at a glance that she was helping others to send them; she was not good enough not to give anything, or in the future, Miss Wang thought she was stingy. She chose a compromise and gave a can of biscuits.

If Wang Zhiming didn't know it, he would take biscuits as a bonus. If he saw through it in the future, he would say biscuits are gifts. There is a way to advance and retreat anyway.

Wang Zhiming received the gift, very surprised.

He laughed, and his whole face was like a layer of light, from the inside out.

Yan Qi thought to himself, "he is so happy that he didn't open it. It seems that he really likes receiving gifts." Wang received the gift from Zhiming. After Yan left, he opened it up and saw that the surprise was the one he had been looking for.

However, when he was happy, he was a little confused: "how does she know that I am looking for this?"

He seems to have talked about it several times in class. It is his student who does not know. Can be

if you want to inquire, you can also hear. Just how? It's not just about spending money. Wang

at noon, he asked Yan Qi, "would you like to have dinner together in the evening?"

"You don't celebrate your birthday with your friends?" Yan chess asks.

Wang Zhiming's friends are all in the United States. He has few close friends in Singapore, except for his colleagues who are relatives.

"No, only you remember my birthday." Wang Zhiming said, "eat together in the evening." Yan is a little tired of eating out these days. The food in the outside world is far less delicious and exquisite than that in her home.

The present was given by Li Mei. Yan Qi didn't like the meal. She thought for a moment, "maybe I'll arrange the restaurant. It's not easy for you to worry about your birthday." Wang mingtui pushed his glasses: "OK, thank you very much." Yan

Qi immediately found a public phone booth.

She took out her phone book and asked her entourage to help her arrange an elegant room with a large location. Then, she called her friends to let them all come out tonight. She asked six friends at a time and told each of them to carry at least one friend. At the end of the day, she called Li Mei and said her plan.

"I think there can be more than ten people. Come, elder sister. He can't see that the gift is from you." Yan Qi Dao.

Li Mei always thinks Yan Qi is like a child, but she is quite quick witted in this respect: "OK, thank you very much!" In addition to

his friends, Yan Qi also called fan Yongzhi. Fan

Yongzhi heard that it was Wang Zhiming's birthday party, and he thought that he and Yan Qi had a talk and a laugh that day, and his heart stopped. Yan said: "when you sit next to dinner, I won't let others disturb you too much. I know you don't like to be too busy." "

you know that I don't like to be busy, but let me go?"

"Just a few." Yan Qi said, "besides, maybe we can meet one or two people who can talk about it?" If you can't, you have to deal with it. Yan called her brother and sister-in-law again.

Today, Yan Tiancheng was picked up by Yan Ziqing and went home. Yan Kai and Chen sushang are considering dating alone. They don't want to receive such a call. "

do you want to go?" Yan Kai asked Chen sushang. Chen

Su Shang loves to be lively recently. It seems that he wants to experience all the prosperity that he has never experienced before: "go, just to see the chess friends."

Yan Kai agreed. Yan invited Si yuzao at last, but miss Si was not free and refused her. When

the elegant room in the evening is large enough to accommodate thirty or forty people, there are three tables in total.

Wang Zhiming was full of expectation when he was surprised by the room full of people. He went back to the door and looked at it several times. He still felt that he had gone to the wrong place.

Until Yan Qi and Li Mei come together.

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