Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1939 blame me

This birthday party is very lively.

In response, Yan Qi invited more than 40 guests for Wang Zhiming. In the end, he couldn't sit down in the elegant seat, but also included the next room. The second floor of the whole hotel is theirs.

In addition to their own guests, these guests also brought their male or female partners, two of whom were young pop stars, who kept singing and cheering.

However, Yan Qi himself did not pay much attention to Wang Zhiming, nor did he entertain his friends, but only devoted himself to taking care of fan Yongzhi.

She knew that fan Yongzhi could not drink because of his bad stomach, and also knew what Fan Yongzhi liked and didn't like.

She's like a patron saint.

At the end of the day, the guests had no idea who the party was for. They had a great time dancing or eating or drinking with each other.

The most sad thing is Wang Zhiming.

His lightness and good mood of the whole day had disappeared by now.

"Do you want to dance?" Li Mei comes over and asks Wang Zhiming.

Wang Zhiming is very impressed with Li Mei.

Although impressed, he had nothing to do with her. He is a man. He doesn't ask for an appointment. Li Mei is more unlikely to ask him. In the past year, two talents have met several times.

Every time I meet you, it's very polite.

"Good." Wang Zhiming said, and then plans to invite her. When addressing him, he said something wrong. He tied his tongue and said, "Miss Li, would you like to dance?"

Li Mei smiles and reaches out.

The two slid onto the dance floor.

Wang Zhiming's eyes passed through the crowd and fell on Yan Qi's face.

Yan Qi is teasing fan Yongzhi, saying something, which makes fan Yongzhi's cold face float a light smile. The smile flashed by, but it hurt Wang Zhiming's heart.

He took back his sight and made a trade-off in his mind.

At his age, he knows the most about love. If Yan Qi is happy with him, he will not make this scene today.

He couldn't find any fault with the scene. After all, it was luxurious and lively.

Just, she didn't want to, how could she find the music score that he couldn't find through all his hard work?

Wang Zhiming is a little confused again.

When he was in a daze, he stepped on Li Mei's foot.

Li Mei said in a low voice, "you have stepped on me. It hurts a little."

Wang Zhiming is rarely so rude in front of women. He apologizes immediately and dances with them seriously.

They talked and talked about music.

Li Mei studies business and music is her hobby, so she attended Wang Zhiming's class. At that time, Wang Zhiming was just an assistant teacher who had just graduated to teach.

"... I'm not to blame for you and miss sun?" Asked Li Mei suddenly.

Wang Zhiming was stunned.

It seems to be a long time ago.

"Where can I speak?" he said? It's her own paranoia. There was something wrong with our relationship, not for a moment. When you want to break up, you will naturally find excuses. I'm sorry to have dragged you into such gossip. "

It's a long story.

He broke up with his last girlfriend, who accused him of being infatuated with the girl student, which made him very upset.

The object of her complaint is Li Mei.

At that time, Wang Zhiming and Li Mei were not familiar, but they only met twice by chance, and she also asked him several questions.

Once, he met Li Mei in the restaurant. Li Mei was eating alone. He had a heart attack and invited her to make a table.

He and Li Mei, always like strangers, a little familiar but have no contact with strangers.

His girlfriend graduated at that time, but has not received his proposal ring, very upset.

Celebrities can't work. It's ideal to get married as soon as they graduate. Most of his girlfriend's girlfriends are married in July after graduation. Several of them want to do it together.

But at that time, Wang Zhiming's heart was drawn away from that feeling.

His girlfriend's character is tricky and never considerate, but she needs him to serve as a servant. He was born in a big family, and his grandfather's family was very prominent. Since he was a child, he was also raised by others. How could he endure such a long time?

When he was thinking about his future, his girlfriend was in a hurry, and he became more and more frustrated. He even framed him and his schoolgirl.

Perhaps in the students he took in that period, Li Mei alone had an outstanding appearance and pleasant personality.

His girlfriend hopes that he can submit, prove his innocence and propose to her. Can't think of it, but she broke the last point in his heart to adhere to the hope.

He offered to break up.

There is a rumor that he is because of Li Mei. Of course, the rumor is that his ex girlfriend let him out.

My ex girlfriend didn't expect to be self defeating. Suddenly, I wonder if I have guessed it right and exaggerate it.

At that time, Wang Zhiming did not know about Li Mei. Before long, he suddenly heard something that shocked him.

He went to apologize to Li Mei in person.

Although Li Mei has nothing to do with him, he is a little upset.

Do not think, Li Mei now said, but worried that she destroyed his love.

Wang Zhiming is a little embarrassed.

"... Miss Li, did I give you a lot of trouble at the beginning?" Asked Wang Zhiming.

Li Mei has explained it before. It has nothing to do with him.

Now, she said again, "you just said your own thing. If two people want to separate, they will find all kinds of excuses. Your business has nothing to do with me, and mine has nothing to do with you. "

Wang Zhiming was relieved to hear this.

He suddenly thought of something and asked Li Mei, "did you send that music manual?"

Li Mei said with a smile, "it's chess that brings up your birthday. I've given you some references. I have a friend. There are countless ancient books in my family. It's my good luck to sell this one. "

Wang Zhiming is suddenly aware of this.

He knew that Yan Qi would not be so thoughtful.

"Thank you very much." Wang Zhiming said.

Li Mei smiles.

The two of them talked a lot in the evening until the end.

Many people were drunk, but Yan Qi didn't deliver his guests. He and fan Yongzhi fled early.

The guests have no intention of leaving the venue. Yan Kai and Chen sushang can't stand it. They can't stay up all night.

"We look about their age." Yan Kai complained in a low voice, "how come they are still full of energy when they are here?"

Chen sushang smiled: "go back to sleep?"

"Go back!"

Yan Kai is a responsible elder brother. When he left, he went to ask the people in the hotel whether Yan Qi had paid the bill.

Knowing that Yan Qi has given up a lot of money and let her friends spend the whole night, Yan Kai is relieved.

"Well, she knows how to keep money." Yan Kai Dao.

When they went out, they saw that Li Mei and Wang Zhiming were also leaving.

The guests left and the longevity man left. The rest of the group had a good time and were very good.

"We'll have tea sometime." Li Mei got on the bus and said to Wang.

Wang Zhiming says yes.

He has a little respect for Li Mei, and always treats her as a very dignified stranger. It's hard to get close to her.

I don't think she is the same kind of person.

After sending Li Mei, he got in the car and drove away.

But Li Mei's car suddenly came back. It seems that he forgot to say something. However, Wang Zhiming's figure has long disappeared.

Yan Kai and Chen sushang saw this.

The next day, when they went to pick up the children, they told Xu Qizhen about it as gossip.

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