Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1941 maintaining Yan Qi

Zhou Jin is half drunk now. There are three other people at the same table, one male and two female. When Eryuan went to the bathroom and another man accompanied her to leave, Zhou Jin came to Yanqi's side. Since he returned to Singapore from Yan Qi, his life has been difficult. Obviously, there is always some gossip in the dark. Of course, it may also be his pride that misunderstands other people's ordinary words.

The rumor didn't matter until he was beaten and thrown at the door of Yan's house, which once again put him in an awkward position.

Last night, Yan Qi held a banquet and invited many people.

Zhou Jin heard that.

Zhou Jin doesn't know why she treats us. Some say it's Yan Qi's friend's birthday, others say it's Yan Qi who was praised in school, and others say that Yan Qi has a new boyfriend.

Zhou Jinming knows that Yan Qi will not invite him, but he is still uncomfortable. Today, I met Yan Qi again in the restaurant. Besides her brother and sister-in-law, Yan Qi has two men. It is estimated that one of them is her new love. Week

in the spirit of "I'm not comfortable, no one can think better", came forward. "

chess, long time no see!" As soon as he opened his mouth, he was full of wine, which made people smoke, "I heard that you invited me last night, why not? Are you afraid that I will lose my red bag? "

Yan Qi blinked: "why should I invite you?"

"Because we are friends. You kissed me. Do you remember?" Zhou Jin is a bit unsteady. He helps the chair next to him and laughs badly. "It's not appropriate to turn around and not recognize people?" Yan

chess: "...

Yan Kai sinks immediately.

Zhou Jin continued: "I stabbed myself for you the year before last. Do you want to see the scar? Or, in the evening, I'll show it to you alone? "

Yan Kai stands up and plans to give Zhou Jin some color.

Unexpectedly, fan Yongzhi, who was sitting opposite the table, rose abruptly.

He grabbed Zhou Jin's collar.

Before anyone else could see how he did it, he had thrown Zhou Jinchao out. Zhou banged two tables. The dining hall is in a mess.

The other guests did not know what to do and were frightened to avoid.

Fan Yongzhi doesn't wait for Zhou Jin to get up. He goes forward and lifts Zhou Jin, who has fallen to seven meat and eight vegetables, and hits him in the face with a heavy circle, which makes Zhou Jin's nose bleed.

Yan Kai didn't expect fan Yongzhi to have such a big temper. Suddenly, he thought that Zhou Jin had been hit by someone not long ago, and what he had thrown at his door was clear to him.

Although fan Yongzhi was ruthless, he didn't hurt Zhou Jin's viscera, only hit him in the face. It can be seen from

that he didn't mean to harm others, just wanted to teach Zhou Jin a lesson, so Yan Kai didn't come forward.

Yan Qi was worried. He wanted to persuade fan Yongzhi, but his brother stopped her.

"Don't go there, be careful of hurting you by mistake." Yan Kai Dao. Yan

the chess was in a hurry: "don't fight. The Zhou family will call the police in a moment. It's too much trouble!" Wang was stunned. He also thought of the things not long ago. Yan Qi asked him if he played Zhou Jin. It is self-evident who is the person who plays.

Think of here, Wang Zhiming heart slightly bitter. At that time, Zhou Jin's friend came out of the restroom. The man saw Zhou Jin was beaten by someone and asked for help. Finally, the restaurant invited the manager and shouted for help. Yan

Kay just stepped forward and grabbed fan Yongzhi. The field

was controlled for a while.

Zhou Jin was beaten to death. When

one night, the Zhou family called the police all night and asked the police to arrest fan Yongzhi.

"... he was the same last time, beating my brother for no reason." Zhou Jin's brother simply pushed everything to fan Yongzhi. Yong Zhi was invited to the police station. He may face prosecution.

Yan Qi was very worried. She didn't dare to tell her father, so she had to ask her brother for help.

Yan Kai is also working on it. "

last time Zhou Jin was beaten, no one can prove that fan Yongzhi did it; this time, he first molested my sister, and fan Yongzhi did it. Mr. Wang and I can testify." Yan Kai Dao.

He also brought in Wang Zhiming.

The next day, it was reported, and the adults knew it. Zhou tried to lose money again and again. The adults of the Zhou family wanted to seize the opportunity to get rid of these things. Then they sent their son to study in Canada, where there were distant relatives. Yan

Ziqing also saw it.

He was very angry: "why is the Zhou family endless? To say that chess is wrong once, Zhou Jin is wrong at least seven or eight times. Always let their family, and they still put their noses on their faces? "

According to Yan Ziqing's temper, there is nothing wrong with her daughter. The little girl kisses Zhou Jin for a while when she plays. Does Zhou Jin want to be innocent?

However, he called people to fight Zhou Jin once without permission, and was scolded by Xu Qizhen, which made him not dare to be strong, for fear that his wife would think that their Yan family was a bully and unreasonable.

The reasonable result is to increase the intensity in exchange. Yan

Ziqing is going to die of anger. "

... Didn't Mr. Fan play Zhou Jin? The Zhou family still suffered losses. What are you angry about? " Xu Qizhen asked him. Yan

Ziqing: "...

" let the police department review the first instance and judge the result. " Xu Qizhen said, "otherwise, others say our family is too bullying. People's indignation can't be aroused easily, otherwise the future is not far off. "

Yan Kai has been at the police station. He is a witness and refuses to leave. Week

at home.

Gu Qingzhou also saw the newspaper. At the same time, a Li took her child home to see Kang Han and had breakfast at the Si's house. She

asked a Li, "what's the trouble?" Su Shang told her aunt what happened last night and said with a smile, "I'm envious of their love affairs." Gu


"Auntie, when my uncle pursued you, did he beat other pursuers?" Asked Chen sushang.

Gu Qingzhou: "... Secretary

walked beside him and said:" why didn't you fight? However, your aunt has to deal with it by herself. Whoever flirts with her doesn't end well. "

Gu Qingzhou gave him a light white look: "nonsense, nothing!"

Everyone laughed. Gu

the canoe said to his son Si Kai: "go to the police station and urge them to finish the case quickly. Your brother Kai is still at the police station. Get him back. " The company's strategy is to make the decision.

After breakfast, Chen sushang played at the company's home. In the afternoon, Kay came to pick up his wife and children.

Gu Qingzhou asked him, "what do you say over there?" "

after Kaichang went, the Zhou family came and said that they would like to be private, let fan Yongzhi accompany the medical expenses, and don't accuse him of beating people. Fan Yongzhi agreed to accompany a sum of money, so the case was closed. " Yan Kai Dao. "

beware of Zhou family's revenge." Gu said. There are many new gangs in Gabor. The Malays are very hostile to the Chinese these years. If the Zhou family uses the Malays' assassins to secretly make obstacles, it may be harmful to fan Yong. What's more, it doesn't cost much to buy a killer from a Malay gang. "

I know. I also told fan Yongzhi. However, it's said that he can fight underground and almost killed the champion of others. He shouldn't suffer losses. " Yan Kai said. Gu

nodded at the boat. Fan

Yongzhi goes home, Yan Qi is waiting at his door, sitting on the ground alone.

She was greatly relieved to see him back. "

why not go in?" Fan Yongzhi asked.

Yan Qi said, "it seems that your servant is not at home."

Fan Yongzhi also remembered that the maid had a rest today.

He asked Yan Qi to come in, and then took out a key from the drawer: "here you are, you will come later. Don't lose it. "

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