Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1942 you'sre so careless

Yan Qi got the key and was full of joy.

She looked back and forth, forgetting what she wanted. She was clearly worried about fan Yongzhi and came to remind him to be careful of the Zhou family's revenge. "

you give me the key, not afraid of me stealing?" Yan chess laughs. Fan

Yong's way: "what you want, take it directly, don't steal it."

He turned around and saw Yan Qi with a smile and a slight look. "What's your pleasure? Haven't you been given a key before? "

"Before?" Fan

Yong's face was restrained, he turned to the bathroom and stopped talking.

Yan Qi grabs the tail of memory and remembers the past. In April and may last year, she was preparing for graduation, and often needed to look through the materials. There are some books in Mr. Fan's apartment. He gave her the key so that she could go to his house at any time. She didn't come because her classmates asked her to live in their apartment. The student has borrowed all the books. Two people can do similar subjects and read them together. Yan likes to be lazy in chess. She is too lazy to look it up by herself and use it by her classmates. She was a lesbian every day near graduation.

Her whole mind is on graduation. She is in a mess.

With her diploma, she went back to Singapore happily. She has too many things in mind: graduation, home, work, forget Fan Yongzhi, did not say goodbye with him.

After coming back, I was busier and forgot to send a telegram to fan Yongzhi. It's strange that Mr. Fan, who has always been very kind to her, was so unhappy when he first met her in Singapore, as if he didn't want to know her at all.

After fan Yongzhi washed his face, Yan Qi explained to him, "I seem to have lost the key before."

"Nothing." Fan Yongzhi road.

Yan Qi collected the key and decided to visit Mr. Fan from time to time to stop him getting angry.

"Mr. Fan, in the future, the Zhou family will dare to ask you for trouble. My brother will pick up those bastards. Don't be afraid." Yan Qi thought of the intention and comforted fan Yongzhi. "

I'm not afraid." "

Yes, you are so fierce that they dare to come to you again and beat them to find teeth all over the place!" Yan Qi Dao.

Fan Yongzhi: "..." he was silent for a long time, and then said: "I'm not strong, but I'm a coward..." Yan

only listened to the first half of chess.

"Not serious" fan adult, for Yan Qi, is the most perfect man in the world. "

aren't you good? Who else is more powerful? You're the best I've ever seen! " Yan Qi is flattering.

Fan yongzhilue smiles. There was not only a little joy in his face, but also a faint gloom that could not be concealed.

There is a drum in his heart, beating and making a loud sound. He wants to remind him not to let him indulge.

Fan Yongzhi is very tired today, but his heart is very peaceful.

Yan Qi is worried about his stomach. He gets food for him. He goes to the kitchen and is busy. He sat in the sofa, looking at her busy figure, the greed in his heart began to worry. "

... You don't have to worry about me." He opened his mouth.

"Still have to worry," said Yan This is a very conscientious sentence. After a moment's silence, Yong Zhi continued: "if the Zhou family is really difficult, I will go back to London. They dare not come to London to see me. "

Yan Qi nodded: "not bad. They think you are alone in Singapore. When you return to London, they will not dare to come to your door. This can be assured. " Fan

Yongzhi: "since..." he has been scolding himself. Why should he be so cheap? Why should he try? He deserves such an answer.

Yan Qi then kept on talking.

She went back to her father and said, "Daddy, don't let the Zhou family harass Mr. Fan. If he is afraid, he will go back to London. I don't want him to go back to London. Then you won't see me. I still like Singapore. "

Yan Zi cleaned up for a long time before he made clear the logic in it. He was speechless looking at his daughter. He also wanted to teach his daughter a few words, but after thinking about it, he said it in vain. Yan Qi's brain can't hear it, and he wasted his saliva. "

OK, I'll have someone knock Zhou's house." "You go back, don't shake in front of my eyes, I see you have a headache." Yan

chess: "..." Yan

the eldest lady reflected on herself. Why didn't she attract her father's attention? However, after a long time of introspection, she didn't come up with a reason, so she let it go.

Later, Yan Ziqing did say something.

The whole Malay Peninsular Gang knows that fan Yongzhi is the man covered by Yan's family and cannot be moved. Yan

Ziqing also heard that Zhou Jin wanted to bribe the killer to take fan Yongzhi's life, but no matter how high his price, no one dared to take it.

In the end, Mrs. Zhou pressed her mother-in-law and her husband to send Zhou Jin to Canada to study and forbid him to return to Singapore. At the end of November, Zhou left.

During this period, Yan Qi was very busy with her lessons and even had a little accident.

Beside her piano, she put a glass of water.

Most of her students treat her very well. Sometimes they invite her to eat biscuits, sometimes they invite her to drink soda, sometimes they pour a cup of boiled water for her. She had no scruples and was ready to drink. When a student asked her questions, she put them down. When the student got up and left, he accidentally hit the water cup, and the water spilled on his instep.

Male students didn't feel much at that time. After that, he came back to his seat. After half a minute, he felt something was wrong. He took off his shoes and socks and found that the skin on the instep was red and slightly burning. "

What's going on?" The student said loudly. He was very surprised.

This is the water the teacher wants to drink. If he is splashed, it will be like this. How will the teacher drink it? All the students in the class gathered around. Yan

chess is also a close look.

The floor tiles on the ground also gave off a little white smoke.

"Very independent monitor, Lima way:" quickly, send to the hospital, find the Teaching Secretary! " He didn't know that the teacher's water cup was filled with corrosive chemicals.

For a time, everyone was in danger.

Someone can harm a teacher, or they can. The students were sent to the hospital, accompanied by Yan Qi. That

students also joked: "teacher, I'm trying to help you out. I'm going to give me high marks at the end of the term!"

Yan Qi also smiled: "sure, sure!"

Si yuzao heard about it. She came to Yanqi, looked at her up and down, and then hugged her.

Hearing the news, Si yuzao was going crazy. She didn't expect that Yan Qi could only teach. She could walk through life and death.

"Sister, I'm fine. I didn't drink that glass of water. You're holding me to death. " Yan Qi is not at all a part of the show, just watching Mrs. Zhang perform alone. Si

yuzao let go of her and hit her on the head: "you are so careless, people dare to calculate you recklessly. Be careful later. Do you hear me! "

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