Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1943 is always ready

"Poisoning" incident, the impact is very bad.

The whole school clamoured for a thorough investigation. The school even asked the police to intervene, blocked the classroom of Yan Qi, and suspended the teaching task of Yan Qi.

Si yuzao is afraid when he thinks of it.

Yan Qi's character is so dangerous that he doesn't know how to avoid it. Yan

family members, relatives and friends soon learned about it, and all came to comfort Yan Qi.

Yan Qi is confused by them. "

it wasn't me who was injured, it was my students." She was a little embarrassed about the concerns of the people in front of her. Many people: "... Gu didn't go to see her. The Secretary asked his mother, "sister Qi, would you like to see her?" "

don't scare her." Gu Qingzhou said, "chess is carefree, asking too much, but adding to her burden." The company's strategy is to make the decision.

Yan Ziqing and Xu Qizhen later felt that Yan Qi's character was naturally optimistic, and there was no need to erase her ignorance and fearlessness. What does it feel like to live in a state of alert and fear all day long?

However, after a long time of investigation, neither the school nor the police department can provide specific evidence. Things are well covered.

The chemical reagent was not from the school, and the source could not be found. At that time, all the students who went in and out of the classroom had witnesses. To

who poured water for Yan Qi, we can't find it. Everyone said they didn't notice the glass of water. Case

is in deadlock.

However, students also have their own "gossip". His

goals point to two people: one is a male student who openly secretly loves Yanqi, saying that he failed to pursue Yanqi, so he retaliated; the other is a female student with a lonely personality, many people say that she is jealous of Yanqi. Yan didn't pay attention to these at all.

She was taken two weeks off from school. Her heart was in full bloom, pulling fan Yongzhi around to eat, drink and play.

Fan Yongzhi is also a hands off shopkeeper, extremely unreliable. He said that he would go out to play. He didn't care about the big things. He directly left it to Li Hui and accompanied Yan Qi wholeheartedly.

Yan Qi's own apartment has also been decorated. "

taking advantage of my free time, I'm going to build a warm house, which will be my home in the future." Yan Qi Dao.

"Well, do it." Yan Zi is clear.

He tried to please his daughter.

Xu Qizhen disagrees a little. After all, unmarried girls run "warm house". Outsiders only think that she has moved out, and her reputation is not good. In

this aspect, Xu Qizhen is particularly conservative.

"It's OK to have a warm house. Only close relatives and three friends can be invited. It's a friend's party outside. Don't mention the warm house. " Xu Qizhen said.

Yan Qi asked why. When she was very young, Xu Qizhen liked to make things clear to her brothers and sisters. She didn't play riddles, and she didn't feel that there was anything between her mother and her children that could not be mentioned. Xu

Qi Zhen and Yan Qi analyze the advantages and disadvantages. In a word, they are not suitable for publicity.

"Good Mommy, I see. I'm not going to give people excuses." Yan Qi said, "let's not talk about warm house. I just say please go to the house and have a party."

"Darling." Xu Qizhen is pleased.

She asked her servant to help Yan Qi prepare the drinks and snacks for the party. Yan Qi was only responsible for inviting friends.

She invited brother Sikai and sparrow boat, as well as siyuzao and Zhang Xinmei, her brother and sister-in-law, and cousin Li Mei.

In addition, she also invited fan Yongzhi and Chen Annie. At last, she thought of Wang Zhiming.

Thinking of Wang Zhiming, I can't help thinking of his Aunt Wang Yuxin. Yan

Qi still remembers Fan Yongzhi 's spying on Wang Yuxin, and his heart is somewhat bumpy. Miss Yan doesn't understand hypocrisy. If she's uncomfortable, she doesn't invite her. So she intentionally misses Wang Yuxin. Big

families are all on time.

Yan Qi's house is very close to Si yuzao's, Yan Kai's and fan Yongzhi's, and they are the first ones to arrive. Si Kaikai came early to give gifts to his cousin. When his guests did not arrive, Yan Qi went to the door to wait for Chen Annie, afraid that she did not know the way. "

are there still no eyebrows in the poisoning of chess school?" Si yuzao let the child out to play with Yan Kai's son. She poured a glass of water and chatted with her brother while drinking. "

No." "

is there any rumor about the school? Sometimes, rumors are not groundless. We should check them. " Asked Si yuzao.

Si Kaikai: "I checked it, but there was no result." When his brothers and sisters were talking, fan Yongzhi came.

He happened to hear it, and asked the Secretary: "Secretary Shao, who is the rumor?" The Secretary said two names.

Fan Yongzhi said to himself, "is there no female student named Feng Qingqing?"

Si Kaikai: "No."

Si yuzao was slightly surprised: "Mr. Fan, do you know anything? Who is Feng Qingqing? " "

is also her student. She specially said that the student often asks for her troubles, which makes her very embarrassed." Fan Yongzhi said, "since there are rumors, why not talk about her?"

Siyuzao's eyebrows are slightly frowned. "Maybe she has great prestige in school. Students are also sophisticated, bullying the soft and afraid of the hard, pick the soft persimmon to pinch. This girl student, I want the police department to pay more attention. " Fan

Yong nodded. Yan quickly led Chen Annie in. Her little sister, Si yuzao, is also familiar with her. It's said that Chen Annie is about to get married, and Si yuzao is playing Yanqi: "look, the little sisters who study together are going to get married. How about you?"

Yan Qi smiled: "me? I'm not in a hurry. In another year, whoever pursues me, I will follow him. " Fan

Yongzhi: "...

Si yuzao glanced at fan Yongzhi, whose face was obviously heavy beside his eyes, and he couldn't laugh in his heart. Chen

Annie is a little shy by Si yuzao. As soon as she was shy, she hurried to cover up and said incoherently: "are you so casual now? You said before that you would marry my big brother! " Secretary

yuzao almost spewed out: "when did it happen?"

Yan Qi wants to cover Chen Annie's mouth.

Annie Chen doesn't follow: "it's a long time ago. At that time, she told my elder brother specially." Yan

chess: "...

the past can't be recalled. Chen Annie is such a fool that he mentions everything.

Fan Yongzhi poured a glass of wine in silence.

He turned away. Yan

at chess, he entertained Si yuzao and said that he had a good wine collection, so he took it out to him. Yuzao shook his head: "I don't drink." "

you used to be able to drink a little. This wine belongs to my grandfather. I asked for it specially. Have a taste." Yan Qi said with a smile.

Si yuzao still drank her boiled water: "my hands are for scalpels. In case of shaking, there will be no life. If you don't drink, you won't die. If you drink too much, you will die. " "

no surgery today!" Yan Qi is dissatisfied.

"Who knows? Sometimes it's a phone call in the middle of the night. Can't I go? Be on call. " Siyuzao said. Yan

chess: "...

Zhang Xinmei stretched out his cup:" give it to me, I will drink it for her. "

Yan Qi coaxes: "then drink three more cups!"

The crowd got busy. Yan

the chess player played dance music on a record player and can dance.

Fan Yongzhi felt bored and went out in silence. He stood on the balcony, bathed in the moonlight, the cool light covered his whole body, so that his original lonely back, but also added to the bleak.

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