Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1944 good things

Yan Qi's "warm house" is very busy. The friends she invited were all acquaintances, and there was always a topic to talk about when we got together.

Mr. Fan is not very happy. Yan saw him standing on the balcony and walking past.

"Mr. Fan?" She jabbed him in the arm.

Fan Yongzhi's hum.

"You don't go in for a drink? Do you want to eat? There's nothing delicious tonight. It's all snacks. Do you want cookies? " "


Yan Qi scratched his head. "

are you angry?" Yan Qi is not sure. "


Yan Qi thinks about it. Maybe he just wants to be clean. She turned to go back and took a glass of wine to fan Yongzhi. Unexpectedly, fan Yongzhi grabbed her hand as soon as she moved.

She was slightly shocked. Yong Zhi: "I'm not angry."

Yan Qi looks at his hand. His fingers are long and clean, with distinct bony joints, and he is exerting a little force at the moment. He seemed to have a lot to tell her, but he didn't know how to say it. "

I know. I want to get you a drink." Yan Qi said, "do you want to drink?" Fan

Yongzhi released his hand, and his voice was very discouraged: "No." Yan

chess is inexplicable.

Rao is so. She went in and brought a glass of red wine to fan Yongzhi.

Fan Yongzhi drinks all at once. He finished drinking and put down his glass: "I'm tired. Go back to sleep first." "

OK." Yan Qi politely sent him to the door. After fan

Yongzhi left, Yan Kai deliberately rubbed against her sister and asked her, "how is Mr. Fan going?" "He said he was tired."

Yan Kai thought of the conversation between Chen Annie and Yan Qi before, and knew why fan Yongzhi was suddenly depressed: "you didn't keep him?" "

alas? It's just a small party. Why is it embarrassing? " Yan Qi doesn't understand.

If she is tired, she would like to go home and lie down. The host's house will make her unhappy.

She thinks she is a wonderful host. Yan

Kai: "... He is very sympathetic to fan Yongzhi. This is a feast of days. They don't leave until more than ten o'clock in the evening. Yan Kai sent people to see Yan Qi off and let him live in their guest room. Yan

Tian Cheng will say a few words. He likes his aunt very much and wants to sleep with her in the evening. Children are the most direct, who is beautiful love to stick to who.

"I'll take him to sleep." Yan Qi said, "when I have children in the future, I will take care of them, so I should practice in advance."

Yan Kai thought she was shameless: "you don't even have a husband, where's the kid?" "

there will always be." Yan Qi said, "maybe I'll get married with Mr. Fan in a few days."

"You can do it? They are talented and decent. You are a second best. " Yan Kai said. Chen

Su Shang took his unlucky husband away and taught him: "how about fighting with your sister and making a profit?"

That night, Yan Qi slept with Yan Tiancheng. Little children are very good when they fall asleep. Yan Qi can't like it very much. I wish I could have one right away.

She really likes children. The next morning, she got up early and went to play with fan Yongzhi again.

Unexpectedly, fan Yongzhi was not at home. The servant said he had gone out early in the morning. "

out?" Yan Qi was disappointed. "Did he go to work?"

"I don't know." Servant road. Yan

he stayed at home during the chess holiday and did nothing, so he went to fan Yongzhi's Bank to find him.

Can't imagine, Li Hui said: "young master hasn't come today."

"And where is he?" Yan Qi is surprised. This

question turned Li Hui over.

Young master is not with Miss Yan, where else can he go? His life is horribly monotonous. Apart from Miss Yan, what else?

"Why don't you wait here?" Li Hui is very polite.

Yan Qi waited for half an hour. Fan

Yongzhi still hasn't come, and Yan Qi can't sit down, so he decides to go to Annie's house to play.

Chen Annie is angry with her sister at home.

Yan Qi comes, she takes Yan Qi to complain. After whispering for a while, they went out to eat, drink and have fun together. They also called Mr. Qin, Chen Annie's fiance. Mr. Qin is very considerate. He takes good care of Annie, and Yan Qi follows her.

When they had enough to eat and drink, the three men found a place to sit. There were two children with similar looks running by. "Twins!" said Ann Yan looked at the past and was envious: "it's lovely. How big is it? " "

looks like three or four years old." "

is still wide brother and strong brother is also twins. They say that when they were young, they were exactly the same, but they didn't grow up very much." Yan Qi said, "Kaikai and Qifang are twins. They are totally different!"

"It looks like that!" "

it's only when you don't speak or move. Once you talk, it doesn't look like it. " "I want twins in the future," said Yan

Annie Chen laughs.

Chen Annie's fiance said, "this is not easy." "

she's not married yet." Chen said, "do you want children?"

Her fiance took the opportunity to ask, "what about you?" Ann

Ni blushed: "of course, I hope it's a good thing, who doesn't want it?"

Yan Qi jokes at his friends: "don't be shy!" Ann gave her a kick.

Mr. Qin has a happy smirk on his face.

Three people talked about the children. Although Yan Qi is not married, she is full of fantasy about her future. She even thinks about the name of her child.

Annie was tickled to death by her.

"... or you can marry that Mr. Fan." Anne said, "did he propose to you?" "

not yet." Yan Qi is discouraged. "However, he will propose in the future." "

Yes." Mr. Qin said objectively, "that Mr. Fan must also want to marry you as soon as possible." Yan

Qi Daxi: "Qin Sheng, your mouth is so sweet, Annie can find you, it's her blessing!"

"Which side are you on?" Annie Chen pinches her face. A few people laugh. Yan likes to mix with Chen Annie and Qin because they are very sweet. The air around them is sweet. She spent the whole day with them. She was very tired, but she couldn't sleep at home.

Her mother couldn't sleep at the same time. She had a night snack in the kitchen herself.

Yan Qi approached her mother and said, "Mommy, I'm so bored!"

"Eh, didn't you go out all day?" Xu Qizhen lost her smile. "How can it be boring?"

"I used to play like this every day. It's fun. It's different now." Yan Qi said, "I haven't been to work for a long time, and my heart is empty." Xu

Qi Zhen smiled: "it's hard to be ambitious! I'll tell your father, he must be very happy. "

Yan Qi sighed. She was bored.

She took a long vacation. Every

week class, weekend rest, Yan Qi feel life is loose and tight, very comfortable.

All of a sudden, she didn't get used to it. No wonder sister yuzao is so willing to go to work!

"When can we solve the problem of school? I still have a week off. It's not fun. " Yan Qi laments.

Xu Qizhen smiles beside her, and she doesn't love her daughter at all.

I can't imagine that the next day, Yan Qi school's drug case, there are results.

Because the killer turned himself in at the police station.

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