Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1945 can'st eat hot tofu in a hurry

Feng Qingqing, a female student, went to the police station and surrendered, saying that she poisoned Yan Qi.

She almost collapsed: "I'm wrong, I shouldn't have made such a big mistake! Please help me and lock me up! " Police officers were stunned.

At the same time, they informed Yan's family and school and began to investigate the truth of Feng Qingqing's words. Feng

Qingqing confessed that her chemical reagent was bought from the black market by someone. It took three people to turn it around before it came to her. "

.... Miss Yan is very beautiful. The boys in the class only look at her. Every time they talk, they should put her in front of me. I am so jealous. I like Professor Ruan. He never gets close to teachers and students, but only to miss Yan. I am more jealous of her." Feng Qingqing cried. She explained her motive and the way and time of committing the crime. According to her confession, the police found the black market traffickers and led the line. After three days of combing, the case is clear, and Feng Qingqing will face prosecution. Although the young lady had a mental breakdown and seemed to be forced, what she said was true.

She's the real killer.

The school released a notice at the first time, which expelled Feng Qingqing from school and never continued recording, to calm the restless hearts of students.

Yan Qi can return to work. To

this, Yan Qi is very happy. But

others, more or less, have doubts in their hearts, especially the Yan family. "

... How did the girl student suddenly turn herself in? The school didn't find it, the police didn't find it, she was clean and smart. " Xu Qizhen asked Yan Ziqing, "do you know this?"

"I don't know. Those black market traffickers are new recently. Behind them are Malays. I haven't contacted them. " Yan Ziqing said. Xu

Qi Zhen asked again, "is that Kai or Kai Kai?" Yan

Ziqing calls Yan Kai.

Yan Kai also had such doubts, so he first called his cousin Si Kaikai.

Kai Kai Kai: "brother Kai, I didn't find someone to do it. I've been busy recently. I often hold meetings in the governor's office."

Yan Kai knew it. So when his father called, he said, "didn't you think about fan Yongzhi? In the past, Zhou Jin bullied chess, which he did. At the last chess banquet, fan Yongzhi told Kaikai that he should pay attention to Feng Qingqing. He knows best. " Yan

Zi Qingleng: "is it him?"

"He has money, brains and skills. In Singapore, apart from our own people, who is thinking about chess like this? " Yan Kai Dao.

Yan Ziqing nodded.

He thought for a moment and said to Yan Kai, "you have an appointment with him some other day to let him go home for dinner. Chess is not small, what love? Just get married. I'll tell him. " Yan

Kai: "... His father is too anxious. Later on, Kay thought, Yan Qi is really not young. Although she is very beautiful and has many pursuers, her marriage has become a problem with such a character. Can you have a good fit with outstanding conditions in all aspects? What's the affectation?

Early marriage, early worry!

"Dad, calm down!" Yan Kai said with a smile, "don't scare people! Fan Yongzhi's character is so boring that you should let it go! "

Yan Ziqing thought about it, but also thought that fan Yongzhi's character was twisted.

At the beginning, when he liked Xu Qizhen very much, he tried to sleep with her.

However, if fan Yongzhi dare to do this to his daughter, he must chop up the goods and throw them into the sea to feed the fish. Yan

Kai hung up and said to Chen Su, "the last photo fan Yongzhi took for Tiancheng has not been developed for us. Why don't you go to his place and urge him? It's probably that he's been too busy recently. He forgot about it. "

Chen sushang did not understand: "what are you anxious to do with the photos?" "

just make an excuse. I'd like to ask him if he has helped in chess. " Yan Kai Dao. Chen

Su Shangxiao: "do you want to ask? There must be no doubt about him. "

"Since it's him, let's talk about it! This is what year, hiding the secret, their own loss of boredom! Dad urged him to marry chess. " Yan Kai said.

Chen sushang: "....

the two of them really made an appointment with fan Yongzhi.

Fan Yongzhi said he would come here. "

No, we'll go to your side." Yan Kai Dao. As soon as they arrived, fan Yongzhi asked his maid to serve tea, prepare snacks and prepare sweets for Yan Tiancheng.

It's a pity that Yan Tiancheng doesn't like candy. He just likes to circle around fan Yongzhi's house. He is curious about everything and wants to see what it is. Fan Yongzhi doesn't mind the children running around.

"... I'm sorry, I really forgot." Fan Yongzhi is a little embarrassed about this. "I'll wash it tonight and give it to you tomorrow morning." Yan

Kay said with a smile. He said again, "the chess school has been solved. Have you heard?"

"I heard. She called and told me, and it was in the newspaper. The trial of the case started, making headlines every day. " Fan Yongzhi road.

Yan Kai saw that the topic was so smooth, and simply went straight into it: "that young lady suddenly turned herself in. Did you do it?" Without any preparation, Yong Zhi was questioned like this, and his face flashed a little panic. His panic soon subsided.

He settled his mind and said, "yes, I guess it's her, so I used some means. It's a kind of psychedelic drug, making people have the most terrible Association. I don't have any other brilliant means to bring new things from Britain. " Chen

Su Shang: "what if it wasn't her?"

Fan Yongzhi: "... No, what's the matter? He coughed under the cover of a light cough: "I'm sure it's her. Chess and chess said she always looks for trouble. I guessed it right."

Chen Su Shang smiled, and the smile was meaningful. Yan

Kay asked again, "did you beat Zhou Jin when he was thrown at our door?" "

Yes." Fan Yongzhi said, "I... I don't violate the law and discipline. I didn't hurt him, just a small punishment and a big admonition."

"No, no, I didn't blame you." Yan Kai chuckled, "after all you've done for chess, I'll just say when are you going to propose to my family?"

Fan Yongzhi looks up at Yan Kai.

At this moment, his expression is not surprise, nor shyness, but a very desperate desolation.

This look of him puzzled both Yan Kai and Chen su. The house was silent for a moment. Good

for a long time, fan Yongzhi said: "did I disturb you? If it causes trouble for chess, I and I can go back to London... "His voice was mute when he said the last words. Both Yan and Chen Su were puzzled. "

you don't want to marry chess?" Yan Kai was shocked. "Why?"

Fan Yongzhi is restless.

His lips were a little white: "I have no personal interest in chess."

At this time, Yan Tiancheng came out of fan Yongzhi's bedroom and threw a lot of photos on the ground. He was surprised and shouted to his parents, "Auntie, Auntie..."

one frame of photos covered the floor, all of them were Yan Qi.

All kinds of looks and scenes, only the characters remain unchanged. With fan Yongzhi's words, the room was quieter.

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