Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1949. It's exciting to do something bad

There are planes, but it's not easy to go to the Philippines. Good

the Bank of Fanjia has a great relationship with the British government, and it is also the partner of the Bank of Fanjia. It is also very convenient to act in Singapore. When Yongzhi went to the governor's office to ask for a route, he was reminded: "the turmoil in Manila has not yet stopped. Even if there is a route, there may be the risk of being shot down. If you can't, you'd better not go. " Fan

Yongzhi's Bank, in cooperation with a rubber magnate in Singapore, funded a political party candidate in the Philippines. There are some details and capital problems. The bank needs to provide one person.

No matter who goes, it's dangerous. Fan Yongzhi decides to go and have a look. He came back and told Yan Qi, "it's not safe for you to go this time."

Yan Qi packed up his luggage with great interest. Hearing this, he felt like beating eggplant with frost: "that's not enough for you, Mr. Fan! How can you go back on what you promised? "

"There is still unrest in Manila."

"I'm not afraid! When Singapore is fighting, the plane flies overhead. I'm not afraid of it! " Yan Qi said, "if you don't take me, I will hate you!"

It's rare for her to be so angry. "Well, I'll take you there, but you have to listen to me," Yong said If he wants to hate me, he thinks there will be more days in the future, and he can't live the rest of his life with her hatred. "

OK!" Yan Qi immediately rejoiced. This time, she left an eye in her heart.

She secretly left her luggage in her car in the middle of the night and sent it to fan Yongzhi's apartment the next day. After work, she went home for dinner and mentioned it to her parents by the way. "

... My brother has a candy factory in Manila, and brother Qiao is still there. I also want to see it." Yan Qi said, "I'm with Mr. Fan this time. It's going to be OK."

Yan Ziqing sinks his face. Xu

Qi Zhen did not connive at her daughter and said seriously: "no way. No one can guarantee your absolute safety. Now your brother doesn't go much, we don't feel at ease. " "

Mr. Fan is going to get in touch with the candidates of the political party. There will be an army there to pick up and protect our security." Yan Qi said, "it's OK."

"Listen, or I'll lock you up." Xu Qizhen said, "Mr. Fan is irresponsible to promise you everything! Xu Qizhen felt more and more that fan Yongzhi was not reliable. In order to see Yan Qi, he had to step on the door at night and left in the middle of the night, which showed that his behavior was not rational; he forced Feng Qingqing to turn himself in to fight for Yan Qi and use medicine, which also showed that he did everything by any means.

I don't feel that he is straightforward and not stable at all.

Xu Qizhen's choice of son-in-law is not to be mature and prudent, but because of Yan Qi's childlike temperament, the couple always need to complement each other.

"Mommy, don't speak ill of Mr. Fan!" Yan Qi immediately interrupts his mother.

She is both respectful and loving to Xu Qizhen, not like her own life, which is the first time for her to contradict her mother.

Yan Ziqing is furious: "how do you talk to your mommy? Go back to your room to reflect, no eating, no going to Manila! "

Xu Qizhen, in turn, advised Yan Ziqing: "don't be angry. Anger can't solve the problem. When you have eaten, go back to your room. "

Yan Qi is a little ashamed of herself. She is angry at her mother.

Xu Qizhen is not angry, just worried. Bear the future of xinyanqi and that Mr. Fan. It's obvious that this is not an ordinary situation, and I don't know what his plan is. Isn't it a bit immoral to hang Yan Qi like this?

Yan Qi went back to his room after eating. He had already forgotten the dispute at the dinner table. He thought happily: "I really have the foresight. I sent the luggage away first, and I knew that daddy and Mommy didn't agree. Can you agree? I'm their baby daughter... "

she cheated for the first time, so successfully, she fell asleep with complacency. The next day, Xu Qizhen told her not to go to Manila and to have a good class. She agreed. At

school, she quickly asked for three days off, plus the weekend, she can go to Manila with Mr. Fan for a whole five days. Yan is very happy to think about chess.

She immediately ran to find fan Yongzhi. Fan

Yongzhi waited for her at home and told Yan Kai about it. "Manila is OK," said Kay. There are armed riots in the Philippines, but Manila is relatively peaceful. My parents didn't go very far. They were worried. It's nothing to play with. " Although he said that, he wanted to ask: since you are not going to marry my sister and take her out to play, what's the matter?

Since fan Yongzhi's last talk, he and Yan Kai haven't talked much. The character of Yan

Kai is similar to Yan Qi's free and easy, and his memory of revenge is limited. Besides, he will take Ali and his son to Manila in the new year, and he is worried that his parents will not agree. Let his sister go first, and then another person will help him talk. With such selfishness, he betrayed his sister.

"I will take care of chess." Fan Yongzhi assured him.

Yan Kai nods.

"Mr. Fan..." Yan

Kai could not help but call him back.

Fan Yongzhi stops. Yan

Kai: "my sister is different from other girls. She asks little because she has everything from small to big. If you have any secret that can't be told to others, and are afraid that she will mind, then you despise her. " The whole man was stunned.

"We can see what you do to her, and believe you know what she does to you." Yan Kai continued, "it's hard to be happy with each other in the world. No difficulty is enough to give up."


" well, I'll just say that. You're going to set out. Slow down. It's a smooth journey! " Yan Kai closes the door.

Fan Yongzhi stood in front of his house for a moment, his heart seemed to be filled with lead water.

He moved home step by step.

Yan Qi has come.

They were driven by Li Hui and sent to Si's airport.

Once on the plane, Yan Qi was excited.

"I'm going to Manila. My father and mother don't know yet." She was as excited as a good girl who had done something bad for the first time.

Fan Yongzhi looks at her side face and stays for a while.

At noon that day, Xu Qizhen was not very relieved, and called Yan Qi's school.

When I called the office, my colleague said that she was going to visit her family in Manila for three days off.

Xu Qizhen hung up the phone, and the whole person was a little shaken with anger: "hurry up, send someone to catch up with chess, this dead girl!"

She called Yan Ziqing again. Yan

Ziqing was also very angry. He comforted his wife and scolded her daughter. At the same time, he said: "let her go without suffering and without long memory! Dare to cheat us! "

At the same time, he said to Xu Qizhen, "ahui has a cooperative relationship with the Philippine government. Once something important happens, you can ask ahui to communicate with the other side and send troops to rescue chess. It's OK. Don't worry. Besides, isn't that fan Yongzhi good at Kung Fu? He may not be so unlucky! The greatest advantage of chess is good luck! "

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