Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1950 sleep in your bed

As Yan Ziqing said, Yan Qi, the eldest miss of the Yan family, has always been lucky.

Maybe God is fair, not intelligent enough, lucky enough. When they arrived over Manila, they did not encounter any enemy attack. They landed at Manila military airport smoothly.

The candidates sent assistants and troops to meet them and escorted them to the best hotel in Manila. His room is on the fifth floor. It's the best suite in the hotel, one for one. Yan

put down his luggage and go to fan Yongzhi's room. He looks left and right. He is very curious. "

look, Mr. Fan, apart from being a little shabby, the streets are also full of normal traffic. It's no different from Singapore. Isn't there unrest? " Yan Qi is curious.

Fan Yongzhi comes to have a look. The streets are indeed clean and tidy, and the shops are open for business. Men and women walk among them, looking as usual, without the depression in wartime. "

this is the heart of Manila. It should be protected by the military. It's also a politician or a rich man." Fan Yongzhi estimates.

While they were talking, someone knocked at the door. It's the team member of the rubber king.

In total, they sent 12 people for their support this time. Two representatives came to fan Yongzhi to say hello.

One of them is Chinese, the other is British in Singapore. "

... Street? There have been only two cases of internal unrest in Manila, both of which happened last year and have been put to rest this year. Compared with the Philippines as a whole, Manila is safe at present. " The Chinese told fan Yongzhi and Yan Qi.

Yan Qi is very happy: "Mr. Fan, let's go out and see if there is anything delicious."

"If you can, don't walk around," the Englishman said. The candidate will send someone over later as a guide. The situation in Manila is much more complicated than that in Singapore. You should be careful. " Yan

chess doesn't care: "I call my friends." She did call Josie.

Joe four heard that the eldest lady was coming, and he was very happy: "young master didn't come?" "

don't ask me if I'm ok, what to do, when to go back, and ask your young master when you open your mouth?" Yan Qi pretends to be angry.

Joe made a quick apology. She told Qiao si the address and he promised to come and pick her up in an hour.

Fan Yongzhi and the delegation of rubber king company also have a simple meeting. They came here specially to inform him.

"You play in the room first. When I'm busy, we'll go out." Fan Yongzhi's advice. "

No, I'm going out with brother Qiao." Yan Qi said, "I'll explore the way for you to see where it's delicious and fun. I'll take you back later."

Fan Yongzhi's face was a little heavy. He wanted Yan Qi to wait for her, but at last he thought about it and didn't say anything. The delegation was waiting for the meeting. He only told Yan Qi to be careful and turned away.

Joe four arrived at the hotel soon.

Seeing Yan Qi, Qiao four praised her: "the eldest lady is beautiful, as if she is taller."

Yan Qi tut said: "look at your old and vigorous voice, like my elder generation, how can I get a wife in the future?" Joe has a good temper.

"Let's go, fourth brother Joe, and show me some delicious food." Yan Qi Dao.

When they went out of the restaurant, Qiao Si asked Yan Qi, "is little young master lovely? Last time I went back to see him, he was only six months old, and then he didn't go back. "

Yan Qi happens to have a picture of his little nephew. Show it to Qiao Si. Yan

Tian Cheng was like a mother and a father when he was a child. Later, when he grew up, he became more and more like his father. His eyebrows and eyes were almost carved in the same mold. "

what a master!" Josie sighed.

Yan Qi smiled: "brother Qiao, they will all come to Manila next year. Then you can see them every day."

This matter, Joe four already knew, Yan Kai said several times. He found a restaurant on the street. This restaurant looks splendid. Yan Qi is in love with each other at a glance. He has to go in. Qiao Silan doesn't stop him. It's a western restaurant. "

... Is there no Manila specialty?" Yan Qi asked Qiao Si. Joe thought about it: "we went to eat one. It's not very delicious. It's sweet and salty. If you want to eat sweet and salty taste, it's better to eat Shanghai food. Shanghai food is better than Philippine food. "

"That's boring." Yan Qi Dao.

Qiao Sixiao: "the eldest lady came to Manila, just want to eat well?"

"Yes, what's the point without food?" Yan Qi Dao. Joe

Four: "... He accompanied Yan Qi to a western meal. The western food in this restaurant is not as bland as that in any other street. Yan

chess is dull and insipid. "

brother Qiao, is there anything else interesting? In addition to eating. " Yan Qi asked pathetically. "

there is a tavern on the Bank of Bashi river. It's a mess left by Americans before. Do you want to play?" "Now it's a gang operation. We can't understand what they say," said Joe

"No." Yan Qi Dao. The horse is not as playful as she expected.

She turned around, a little frustrated.

The fourth Joe is very loyal. He wants to serve the young lady happily, so he racked his brains: "young lady, go to the young master's candy factory to have a look? She used to make her own candy. "

Yan Qi is also bored.

She sighed: "no, I'll go back to the hotel and wait for Mr. Fan. Fourth brother Qiao, if you are busy, go ahead and do it. Don't worry about me. " Joe has something to do recently.

Seeing miss is like burning incense and worshiping Buddha. When you feel like it, you can do it. "The young lady had a good time," said Jo. Manila is very safe. Miss can play safely, but don't go out at night. "

Yan Qi said yes. Fan

Yongzhi didn't finish the meeting until more than 9 p.m. He went back to his room to change his clothes for dinner. He thought Yan Qi had finished eating and had gone to sleep, and he planned to look for her again in the morning.

Unexpectedly, he opened the door and saw her sleeping in his bed. She sleeps very sweet, her black hair is scattered among the white pillows, showing a delicate face, just like a baby.

Fan Yongzhi's heart is soft.

He turned off the headlight and left only a small desk lamp. He sat on the small sofa beside him and looked at her quietly. It's like one night after another, he looks at her photos alone, and he looks at them wrongly. He didn't wash or eat, and he was stuck in the sofa. Later,

come, it's 12 o'clock, fan Yongzhi turns off the small lamp on the table, and the whole person falls asleep against the sofa. The next day, Yan Qi got up early and saw fan Yongzhi first.

She sat up abruptly: "master fan!" Fan

Yongzhi wakes up.

"What time is it?" She quickly rolled up her sleeve to look at her watch.

At a glance, he found that it was more than five, and Yan Qi was shocked: "how can it be five? I seem to have slept for a long time and I'm hungry. Is it already dark? " Fan

Yongzhi: "...

" when did you come back, didn't you say that the meeting would be late? Let's go to dinner. " Yan Qi said as he got up from fan Yongzhi's bed. "It's five o'clock in the morning," he said Yan

chess: "....

feelings she occupied fan's bed and let him sleep in the sofa? Yan

I'm very sorry for chess: "I invite you to eat well and compensate you!"

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