Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1952 wedding celebration

Yan Qi took a bath and was ready to go to bed. Xu

Qi Zhen knocks on the door.

"... so late, Mommy, you don't sleep?" Yan Qi opened the door and welcomed his mother in.

Xu Qizhen sat down on her bed at will and took a picture beside her.

Yan Qi leaned over. "

chess, this time you go out to play with others without the consent of your parents. Your father and I are not happy." Xu Qizhen looks serious.

Xu Qizhen has always been an emotional self-control mother in front of the children. Laugh when you should laugh, and be angry when you should be angry. Once she starts to talk, the children of Yan's family will know that they have done something wrong. "

Mommy is sorry." "Yan Qiduan is sitting," I really want to play, brother always does not take me "

that's not the reason!" "

so... What does Mommy say?" Yan Qi knows mistakes and can change them.

Xu Qizhen said: "you are so big. It's not appropriate to punish you. You have to discipline yourself in the future. This time, we can't have another time. " Yan

the joy of chess is immediately on his face, smiling.

Seeing that she was so happy, Xu Qizhen's face relaxed and asked her, "have a good time these days?"

"Very happy." Yan Qi Dao. She repeated her experience in Manila with Xu Qizhen.

"... I went out to play with brother Qiao. I thought everything was bad and tasteless. But when I went out with Mr. Fan, the church was interesting and the steak was fresh and juicy." Yan Qi exclaimed, "I like to play with Mr. Fan. I'm good with him

Between Xu Qizhen's eyebrows, there was some worry.

Yan Qi has a happy look of falling in love, and I don't know how many setbacks she will suffer in the future.

Even Yan Ziqing and Xu Qizhen don't understand that Mr. Fan's attitude. Yan

Ziqing even wanted Si Xingfu to check fan Yongzhi's past, which was blocked by Xu Qizhen. Xu

Qi Zhen feels that her daughter has not made a private decision with fan Yongzhi for life. Now she rashly checks the details of others, which is really disrespectful, as if she is peeping. "

in chess and chess, Mr. Fan is indeed a talent with good character and family background. Did your brother tell you? " Xu Qizhen doesn't know how to speak. Even though Yan Qi is slow in response, Xu Qizhen still gives his children due respect. For her children, she speaks carefully and takes care of their feelings as much as possible. Whether it's Yan Qi, Yan Kai, or her own Yan Tong and Yan Bi, Xu Qizhen can't do it.

"Say what?"

"About Mr. Fan." Xu Qizhen said, "say he... He may..."

"I know that he doesn't want to marry me for the moment." Yan Qi Dao.

Xu Qizhen looks at her.

Yan Qi's face, no disappointment or dispirited look, she everything as usual.

"Isn't it unfair to you that you know and intend to marry him?" Asked Xu Qizhen. Yan thought about it: "for the time being. I remember when you married my father, Mommy, you were not very happy. My brother and sister-in-law got married and soon divorced. At that time, my brother didn't like my sister-in-law either. "

Xu Qizhen: "...

" in a few days, if he wants to get married, he will ask me to marry him. " Yan Qi Dao. Xu

Qi Zhen couldn't help laughing. She suddenly thought of Gu Qingzhou's saying that chess is pure in nature, and everything is not on her mind. It's a rare happiness, and there's no need to let trifles hang on her.

As mothers, especially those of Yan family, the expectation of their children is not their success, but their health, optimism and progress.

Yan Qi has all three points. His is all trifles. Xu

Qi Zhen took heart and touched her daughter's head: "you are right. If he wants to get married, you must be the first choice. At that time, he will propose. " Yan smiled.

This evening, Yan Qi slept soundly.

She went to Manila to fulfill her long cherished wish, and then worked hard.

In a flash, it was Annie's wedding day. Last time, the chaebol group had to send people to Hong Kong to deal with a business transaction. It also needed people from the bank. "

go ahead." Fan Yongzhi said to Li Hui. "

young master, you still have to go. I don't have enough to go." Li Hui is very embarrassed, "the master said, this kind of big customer can't offend, otherwise he will come and teach you in person."

Fan Yongzhi doesn't care.

As he packed up, he was going out.

Li Hui catches up: "do you need me to prepare the materials for you?" "

you go." Fan Yongzhi road. "

young master..."

"Li Hui, I don't like to say it three times." Fan Yongzhi looks back with light eyes. Li

Hui was sweating: "I can't do it. I want to offend people! Young master, why don't you want to go? What's the matter? "

"No, I'm going to the wedding." Fan Yongzhi said.

Li Hui: "what wedding?" "

don't know."

"Whose?" "

not clear." Fan Yongzhi said truthfully, "Miss Yan's friend, she asked me to accompany her."

Li Hui: "...

he was too weak to hold fan Yongzhi. After all, Miss Yan's business is bigger than heaven! Li

Hui sends fan Yongzhi out of the door. When he wants to close the door, he stops talking.

Fan Yongzhi looks at him.

Li Hui hesitated and said, "young master, you are so kind to miss Yan."

Fan Yongzhi looks at him in silence. "

if you don't plan to have any future with her, it's rude to treat her too well." Li Huidao. "I know," said fan

"I wish you understood." Li Hui closed the door and told the driver to slow down. By the time Yong Zhi returned to his apartment, Yan Qi had arrived. She opened the door herself and the maid was at home. After she came in, she was playing with a suit of dress, which she specially made for fan Yongzhi. "

... Come on, try it." Yan Qi Dao.

The dress is very simple. It's pants and long sleeved thin jacket. There's no coat. "

what is this?" Fan Yongzhi picked up his coat and was surprised to see the strange style and bright color.

"It was specially designated by the Chen family. My mother asked the tailor to make it. This is a modified version of Chinese dress." Said Yan chess. Fan

Yongzhi: "... He has never been dressed in such a fancy way in his life.

Singaporeans, whether they are building or wearing, are mainly bright and bright in color. Compared with the father of Yan Qi, he especially likes to wear flower shirts. Fan often saw other people dressed in colorful clothes. He knew it was a Singapore custom and didn't take it seriously, but he was a bit embarrassed when he wanted to wear it himself.

"Try it!" Yan Qi urged him, "don't be small, it's too late to change." Fan had a try.

The clothes are just right. Half a day later, Yan Qi came out and his eyes brightened: "Mr. Fan, you are beautiful!" Fan

slightly plucked the corner of Yong's eye. A beautiful man is not a good word. He was a bit at a loss: "otherwise, I'd better wear a white shirt."

"No, just wear this." Yan Qi insisted, "I will wear a pink skirt to match you then."

Fan Yongzhi: "...

he seems uneasy. He asks Yan Qi again and again:" do other male guests wear this? "

"Of course."

"Don't tease me."

"Why should I play a trick on you?" Yan Qi promised, "I'm very reliable." No, she is not reliable.

Fan Yong then took a firm bite of his teeth, thinking that even if he was treated as a monkey, it would be only for a moment.

He didn't have the chance to stay with Yan Qi for a lifetime. He will be separated in the future. It's hard to do anything for her. It's better to do more now, even as a clown.

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