Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1953 like children?

Fan Yongzhi's brain is filled too much. When he arrived at the wedding site, he knew that Yan Qi didn't cheat him. Today's male guests are wearing this kind of dress, all of them are like peacocks with flowers.

Fan Yongzhi is not comfortable.

Then came Yan Qi.

She was accompanied by her mother and two younger sisters. Fan

Yong came forward to say hello: "Mrs. Yan..."

Xu Qizhen was slightly surprised: "Mr. Fan? I almost didn't recognize you. This dress is very nice on you. It's very handsome. " Yan made faces at him secretly.

Fan Yongzhi's embarrassment was there, and he didn't know how to answer for a while.

The wives of the host's family met, interrupted the conversation and welcomed Xu Qizhen in. Fan Yongzhi was relieved. Yan didn't follow his mother in chess, so he purposely stayed: "why don't you sit down? Stand here and be the door god? "

Fan Yongzhi: "..." Yan

was very generous. He took him to his seat and brought him a glass of ice water.

While drinking water, they chatted with each other. By chance, someone came to say hello and Yan Qi answered. No

few people saw her and fan Yongzhi's behavior close. There are

Mrs. song, who is familiar with Xu Qizhen, and would like to introduce her nephew to Yan Qi. But her mother's home is far away in San Francisco, USA. Xu Qizhen is not willing to marry Yan Qi so far away, so she doesn't agree. "

is that the girl's boyfriend?" Mrs. song asked Xu Qizhen in a low voice.

Xu Qizhen had no idea what to do about it, and was very skillful in dealing with the curiosity of others: "just a good friend. Chess in London, the concept of fashion. It's a new era. It's normal for men and women to be friends. " Ask again, as if it were very old-fashioned. Mrs. song shut up.

Chen sushang and Yan Kai also came with their children.

Yan Tong and Yan Xiao immediately surrounded their little nephew. The two aunts were too enthusiastic to hold their children. Chen

Su Shang vacates the space and comes to talk to Xu Qizhen. "

... Mom, you don't seem very happy. What's the matter?" Chen Su Shang looks at the words.

Xu Qizhen sighed, "when others asked about chess and Mr. Fan, I listened to him Chen:

Su Shang: "it's nothing. People are not allowed to make friends?" "

people always talk. I wouldn't care if I had. Now I know that Mr. Fan has no intention of getting married. Chess and chess are still so close to him. In the future, it will be a story. " Xu Qizhen said.

Chen sushang laughs. "

What are you laughing at?" Xu Qizhen did not understand. "

mom, you worry too much." Chen Su business road.

Xu Qizhen sighed and clapped her daughter-in-law's hand: "I am old, my sight is narrower and narrower, my mind is getting older and older." Chen smiled.

Xu Qizhen complains. Mrs. Chen comes over there. They have a charity. Xu Qizhen is the honorary chairman. Mrs. Chen and two other wives have something to ask her. "

A Li, you come too." Xu Qizhen said.

Chen sushang hurriedly waved: "Mom, I'll see Tiancheng."

She knew that her mother-in-law wanted her to join the charity so that she could better integrate into the upper class society in Singapore.

But Chen sushang doesn't want to get involved. She will go to Manila with her husband to develop their business in the next year. She may not stay in Singapore to be her rich wife in the future. She is restless.

She hurried away, just to Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi's position, heard Yan Qi ask fan Yongzhi: "do you want to go dancing?"

"Good." Chen looked at them and smiled.

As for the future of Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi, Chen sushang can see one or two things from their faces. But there are always regrets in life. Chen Su Shang doesn't worry about Yan Qi at all.

Is there any perfection in this world? When Yan

danced with fan Yongzhi, there were three five or six-year-old children nearby. They were running and fighting for some sweets, regardless of people. They rushed directly to the middle of the dance floor.

Among them that little girl, still hit Yan Qi, fortunately fan Yongzhi caught her. Yan

the chess is firmly established. The little girl apologizes to Yan Qi in fluent English. "

it doesn't matter. Go play." Yan Qi touched her head with a gentle face. She turned to fan Yongzhi and said, "children are lovely. I can't love xuanjiao and Tiancheng every time I see them. " Fan was silent for a moment.

Yan Qi asked him, "don't you like children?"

Fan Yongzhi did not know how to answer. He was silent for a long time. He asked Yan Qi, "how about you?" "

me? I like children very much. " Yan Qi said with a smile.

Fan Yongzhi's lip line is slightly pursed. "

the children of others are lovely." Fan Yongzhi's voice is a little low. "Maybe, what he born is not necessarily cute. Children are troublesome. Women are tired of having children. Will you want your own children when you get married? " Yan

Qi thinks that his words have something to say.

I don't want children very much. It's very rare that men don't love children? They don't have to live on their own. Yu

Zao told Yan Qi that people have a very selfish nature and hope that their blood can continue. For men, it doesn't take time and energy to have children. They are often more eager to let their blood pass on than women.

"You don't like children, Mr. Fan?" Yan Qi looks at him curiously.

"What about you?" fan Yongzhi asked

"Me?" Yan chess smile, "you can not make fun of me, I will tell you."


"I want three little children, one eldest son and two little daughters. The two sisters can go shopping together, buy clothes and food, just like me and Tongtong, Zhuer, or like me and my sister. Son, just like my brother. From small to large, my brother will bring us delicious and fun wherever he goes. " Yan Qi is looking forward to it. After hearing this, fan was devastated.

"And you?" Yan Qi asked, "how many children do you want?"

Fan Yongzhi didn't answer.

He doesn't have to answer this question, because it's not Yan Qi who faces his lonely life together. "

or do you want three, one son and two daughters?" Yan Qi came closer and asked him quietly.

Fan Yong felt so warm in his heart that he almost forgot the reality. He held Yan Qi's hand tightly, the music on the dance floor was not stopped, and his steps were not stopped. He pulled her a little tighter, knowing that the good times were just such a moment. He and she have different expectations for the future. He will not let Yan Qi make greater sacrifices. To

less, fan Yongzhi never thought of having children. He will never let his wife have children, nor let her repeat the curse of Fan family and fall into hell.

Fan Yongzhi indulges Yan Qi and himself very much at the moment, just like a man is going to die, trying all the good things once, and leaving no regrets in the future. Two

people danced for a moment. A friend came to find Yan Qi and said Annie was looking for her.

Yan Qi went immediately. Good

it was a long time before she came back. She whispered to fan Yongzhi, "Annie is having a bad temper and doesn't want to get married very much."

"What?" "

not much, she's not ready yet." Yan Qi said with a smile, "she is really stupid. She was so happy when she was engaged before, and now she regrets again."

She and fan Yongzhi are muttering. When Yan Qi is about to marry soon, he asks fan Yongzhi about his identity.

Only Yan Qi does not know.

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