Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1954 I'sm a rag?

At Chen Annie's wedding, Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi are sitting at the same table of Chen's children. Full

young people at the table know all about Yan Qi. As she joked with them, she took care of fan Yongzhi's mood, and from time to time brought him food or made him talk.

Everyone admired Mr. Fan's good fortune. "

Miss Yan is so attentive, I'm afraid she's going to get married, isn't she?" There is a young man joking.

Yan Qi smiled: "you think about getting married all day long. How can you worry about not getting married?" People laugh. Those men don't mind. They still talk and laugh with you and me, which makes them laugh. It's very lively.

Fan Yongzhi is sitting in such a lively environment, relaxed in body and mood.

He used to hate noise, but now he feels happy. Maybe it's with Yan Qi. It's a joy everywhere.

At the banquet, there was a piece of braised pork. Yan Qi immediately clipped a chopstick to fan Yongzhi.

There is a little sister beside: "I want braised pork, too."

Yan Qi knew that they made fun of her and amused everyone. As expected, he had a chopstick between them. "

chess, why are you so good to Mr. Fan?" There are also women protesting, "girls should be reserved and expensive. Let Mr. Fan serve you. Don't set a bad example to others. We will all suffer in the future." People laughed again.

Yan Qi also smiles.

Fan Yongzhi was afraid of her displeasure. He secretly looked at her and found that her eyes and eyebrows were all stretched out.

They all have more excessive jokes. Yan Qi never pays attention to them. "

who do you compare with Mr. Fan?" Yan Qi asked with a smile, "can you have Mr. Fan's talent, appearance, family and education background? Without these, how can we enjoy our service? " The crowd were shouting and laughing.

Fan Yongzhi sat quietly and gently pulled the sleeve of Yan Qi: "enough."

There was no displeasure in his voice when he said that.

His heart is happy, his face is calm. "

you are possessed." Someone laughed.

"Mr. Fan is a God. I worship God. Do you mind me?" Yan Qi said. All the people laughed in the presence of fan Yongzhi and asked him to drink a glass of wine.

They made such a scene that other guests came to see them.

Xu Qizhen sits on the table next to him, hears Yan Qi's words and brings his glass. "

chess, a little more convergence." Xu Qizhen pressed her daughter's shoulder in a low voice and said in her ear, "how many people are looking at you? You have no cover!" Yan

giggles at chess. After the ceremony, Annie Chen changed her cheongsam and came with the bridegroom to toast the guests with a happy attitude. The fear before it disappeared.

The wedding lasted until more than 10 p.m. and didn't mean to end. Yan is a little tired. "

do you want to go home?" Fan Yongzhi asked her. Yan yawned at chess.

"OK, let's go first." Said Yan chess. She took fan Yongzhi with her to make a speech to the host's house, then went to see Chen Annie, said a few words casually, and left with fan Yongzhi. Xu

at nine o'clock, Qi Zhen left with the children. After all, Yan Tong and Yan Xun have to study and get up early tomorrow. Yan took fan Yongzhi's car to Yan's house. "

come in and have a snack before you go." Yan Qi pulls fan Yongzhi's arm. "You didn't eat much at the table today." She notices everything. Fan

Yongzhi said well.

As Yan Qi said, he is open to all kinds of delicious food. Two

people entered Yan's kitchen, and the cooks were really preparing for the night. Sometimes Ziqing comes back very late. The kitchen of Yan's family is always on fire at night.

There are Yan Qi's brothers and sisters. When they grow up, they also like to sneak into the kitchen in the middle of the night to eat and drink.

"We want steamed buns and rice porridge." Yan Qi Dao. If the chef goes to work, he doesn't look at fan Yongzhi.

Fan Yongzhi is also very calm, sitting at the table in the small hall next to him. Yan

suddenly thought of something, turned around and went to the kitchen. She came out to smile to fan Yongzhi and said, "you have a good taste. My mother stewed the blood bird's nest. We will eat it as dessert." No, it's Mrs. Xu's "

let the cook do it again. Anyway, my mommy doesn't eat it now. She will wait for my father to come back." Yan Qi said, "it's time."

Fan Yongzhi thought of her care today and all the things before, and suddenly asked her, "your family don't like me very much. Why do you treat me so well?"

After he said that he would not marry, the Yan family must have an opinion on him, he knows. No, he pretended not to understand.

Yan Qi smiled: "who doesn't like you? You're bullshit. "

Fan Yongzhi: "...

the cooks came up with a midnight snack. Fan

Yongzhi ate two mouthfuls of rice porridge: "you don't need to..." "

look at what you said, do I treat you well and force you to marry me?" Yan Qi doesn't care. "My grandfather has a lot of broken antiques. What does his treasure have to look like? He spends money and effort. What does he want? It's not because he likes it. " Yong Zhi: "am I a rag?" Yan

chess: "...

this night is doomed to be bad. Fan

after Yongzhi finished rice porridge, he got up and left. Yan Qi left him to eat bird's nest, but he refused.

Yan Qi had to send him to the gate. "

see you later, Mr. Fan. Good night." Yan Qi is smiling and her eyes are bent into a crescent shape. Fan

Yongzhi returned home and sat alone for a long time.

He felt that he was despicable and should not appear in front of Yanqi. He should go back to London as soon as possible. In the future, he should bear it alone. He went to all kinds of places with Yan Qi. How can others say about Yan Qi? In his selfish heart, does he still want to occupy her? When a man is intelligent, he is very sober, but he seldom is.

After a while, he will let himself stay in Singapore and let himself be willful. After Ann's wedding, she is going to the UK for her honeymoon and wants to be accompanied by Yan Qi. Yan

the chess school is about to take the final exam. After the exam, it's spring break. It's forty days. "

... If you want to wait for me to go, you have to wait another month." Yan Qi said, "besides, I don't really want to accompany you on your honeymoon. Qin Sheng wants to hate me." Ann is still a child. She likes to hold her best friend wherever she goes.

"But he and I are bored." Anne complained.

Yan Qi feels incredible.

How can it be boring? Every second she spent with Mr. Fan was very happy and interesting. Both of them were happy to be dazed together.

"Then why do you want to get married?" Yan Qi asked, "you will live with him forever." Ann can't wait to get married. She just wanted to change her environment. At this stage, she felt that she was not good at business, so she might as well stay at her mother's house. Always

this is a girl with no idea, even more chaotic than Yan Qi. Yan

although chess has no ambition, it is more realistic. After work, she went to find fan Yongzhi and wanted to tell him all her feelings. No, fan Yongzhi is not at home.

Yan Qi went to the bank again and found that Wang Zhiming and Wang Yuxin were both there. Fan Yongzhi received them both.

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