Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1955 lunch for four

Wang Yuxin received a remittance from her mother. She got the money, went to Wang Zhiming to discuss, and wanted to buy a house. Wang Zhiming told her that the economy is not booming now. Just after the war, everything in Singapore is uncertain. It's really unwise to buy an industry. It's better to deposit it in the bank.

Wang Yuxin listened to his nephew.

Wang Zhiming didn't know anyone else but fan Yongzhi, who brought Wang Yuxin here. "

... Are you busy?" When Yan Qi came, he saw this scene. Fan nodded and said to her, "just a moment, we'll do it right away." Yan

chess turns around: "I'll go down and ask Li Hui for soda. It's hot." Wang also said to Mingyi, "do the rest of the formalities yourself, aunt, and I will go down first." Fan

Yongzhi looks up at him.

He didn't say anything, and continued to bury his head in the documents.

Wang Zhiming saw Yan Qi in the lobby downstairs. She was blowing in the electric fan of the lobby. "Mr. Yan, are you busy this weekend?" Wang Zhiming asked her. Yan smiled and said, "you are not right. I can tell you if I'm busy if you have to say something first. "

Wang Zhiming: "...

he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. Li Hui brought orange water and gave Wang a drink. Wang

Zhiming takes over and drinks two mouthfuls of ice water. He held the cup in his hand and hesitated for a long time: "well, last time your cousin gave me a music score, I am very grateful to her and would like to invite you to dinner." Yan

chess: "if you want to invite your cousin to dinner, please invite her directly. She should be free." "

I don't mean that." Wang Zhiming said. He didn't know how to explain it for a while. He is really grateful to Li Mei. He knows that the book is valuable. Li Mei and I don't know each other very well. I'm sorry to receive such a valuable gift from her. Wang

Zhiming wants to buy a diamond bracelet, which is also Li Mei's affection.

A gentleman's friendship is as light as water. It's better to have a clear account of human relationship. But

Yes, if he asked Li Mei alone, it seemed like a date. If he is misunderstood, he will be embarrassed. Wang

thought for a long time, thought that let Yan Qi be a middleman, everyone have a meal, he returned the gift of the same value, Li Mei should know his meaning. Each other

does not owe each other and is at peace with each other. However,

Yan Qi seems not to understand his pains, and he can't directly say, "I'm not interested in your cousin, I'm not easy to receive her heavy gift, let alone meet her.".

In this way, it would hurt people's self-esteem if it was passed on. "

if you are free, let's have dinner together." Wang Zhiming said, "you can let Mr. Fan come."

Yan Qi laughs.

"I'll ask my cousin first." Yan Qi said, "if she is free, we will have dinner together at the weekend. Take your friends with you, don't you? " "

Yes." Wang Zhiming said. Yan

said well.

Soon, fan Yongzhi went through the formalities for Wang Yuxin and they came downstairs.

Seeing Wang Zhiming and Yan Qi in the lobby chatting happily, fan Yongzhi's face was still. Yu Xin looked at him and didn't find anything different. "

... Are you done?" Wang Zhiming saw them first and stood up to ask.

Wang Yuxin is a proud man, who is usually reluctant to speak; fan Yongzhi is indifferent and seldom takes the initiative to deal with others.

They are like two icebergs. "

done." Wang Yuxin said, then looked at his watch, "it's time for dinner." Wang said with a smile, "let's go, have dinner together?"

He said it looking at Yan Qi.

Of course, Yan Qi said, "OK, Mr. Wang's treat today?" "

my treat."

Yan Qi went to play fan Yongzhi again: "Mr. Fan, do you want to join us? If you have a meal, you have to rub it

"Well." Fan Yongzhi never refuses any delicious food.

Four people found a restaurant and sat down.

This is a restaurant of Ningbo cuisine. They haven't eaten many dishes. They ordered a lot of dishes.

At last, I forgot some main food.

Wang Yuxin was not very happy. He said to the waiter, "add a bowl of noodles in clear soup." Wang

was a little embarrassed and asked Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi, "what do you eat?" "

we don't want to eat noodles for the moment. We'll add them later, isn't it Mr. Fan?" Yan Qi Dao.

Fan Yongzhi nodded.

After a while, the dishes were served one by one, and the tables were full indeed.

Yan Qi clinks a glass with them: "thank you very much, Miss Wang."

"What do you want to talk about Wang Zhiming also smiles. He chatted with Yan Qi about school affairs, and fan Yongzhi occasionally interjected. Only Wang Yuxin was not very good at talking. Even if Wang Zhiming teased her to say one or two words, she didn't pay much attention and pretended not to hear. Yan used to think that she was like Mr. Fan, but now she is not. It is rare for adults to be so disrespectful.

As long as Yan Qi teases him, master fan will be very face saving and responsive.

Later, noodles in clear soup came up.

Wang Yuxin took two bites and put down his chopsticks.

Wang Zhiming and Yan Qi are talking about the school spring break. They are both very excited. They don't notice it. Only fan Yongzhi can see it. He asked Wang Yuxin, "isn't it delicious?"

Wang Yuxin looked up at him. She knew that he would not take the initiative to ask questions, which was an exception. She was a little surprised: "yes, it's a little sweet."

"Do you like fish noodle soup?" Fan Yongzhi asked her suddenly. Yan

at once, Qi looks at fan Yongzhi, his eyes are like electricity. The atmosphere immediately changed. Wang was at a loss to see this and that.

Wang Yuxin does not pay attention to Yan Qi's eyes, and lightly says, "I haven't eaten it."

Fan Yongzhi looked at Yan Qi, paused, or followed up his words: "chess recommended one, fish noodle soup is delicious, isn't it?" Yan

said: "yes, it's delicious. We'll eat it together next time." "Let's talk about it," Yu Xin said Fan

Yongzhi said nothing more. Wang Zhiming was a little puzzled about this change, and his heart began to speculate: "what's the matter? Did fan Yongzhi take a fancy to my little aunt?" He felt that the guess was not reliable.

Compared with Yan Qi, Wang Yuxin is not very pretty. What's more, how does Yan Qi do to fan Yong? It's obvious to all that it's impossible to give up Yan Qi and choose Wang Yuxin?

At the same time, he secretly hoped that fan Yongzhi could really see Wang Yuxin. "

I haven't eaten them either. Would you like to eat them together?" Wang Zhiming was very positive. "How about tomorrow night? There's a very good movie tomorrow night, it's a new one. It's said in the newspaper several times Yan

looked at fan Yong in chess.

Fan Yongzhi's enthusiasm almost faded, and the whole person seemed lazy and unwilling to answer.

Yan Qi said, "yes, I want to see it." "You go, I don't want to go very much. I don't love movies very much," said Yu Xin

Wang Zhiming was deeply disappointed.

Yan Qi no longer said anything. Fan

Yongzhi looks at Wang Yuxin again, and he is very confused. But he tries to find out that Wang Yuxin's answer doesn't meet his expectation. He is very disappointed.

Unexpectedly, after supper, everyone was ready to leave. Wang Yuxin came over and asked fan Yongzhi, "where is the fish soup noodle shop you said?"

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