Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1956 the hegemony of Yan Qi

Fan Yongzhi told Wang Yuxin the address.

Yan Qi didn't say anything at that time. After a day, she suddenly seemed to have inspiration and wanted to go to that restaurant for porridge. Maybe she will meet fan Yongzhi and Wang Yuxin? She thought so. After work, she went to see Annie and Mr. Qin for a movie.

The two of them haven't gone on their honeymoon yet, because Anne hasn't chosen a place to spend her honeymoon, which is really too late. Mr. Qin has a good temper. He doesn't care about her. "

... How did you suddenly ask us, Mr. Fan?" Anne is joking. "He may be with other girls. We'll find him later," said Yan

Annie: "..." Mr. Qin bought soda and gave it to the two of them. He pinched Annie's hand secretly. She was not allowed to ask more. Three people entered the cinema.

The film is very sad, Annie has been in tears, Mr. Qin kept passing her the paper. Yan

is indifferent to chess. Electricity can condense sadness, concentrate the pain in a short time and make people cry. In life, such love is too common. When she was young, she didn't know the pain and sensational things in the world, and didn't touch her very much. After watching the movie, Anne's eyes are still red. She stretched out her head and asked Yan Qi, "are your eyes swollen?"

Yan Qi nodded: "swollen." "

then I can't see anyone." Annie screamed.

Mr. Qin cried and laughed: "I can't see people, others only think I bullied you."

Annie was amused by him again. Feeling

the more you get along with each other, the more harmonious you are. Yan Qi feels that your friend's marriage will be very happy, at least temporarily.

Who can predict the future? The three of them came out of the cinema and went directly to the small restaurant.

Yan Qi had an inexplicable premonition in her heart. As soon as she entered the small restaurant, she looked around and saw fan Yongzhi. He sat in silence, his face as cold as ever, unable to see his joy or anger. Sitting opposite him was a thin figure, exactly Wang Yuxin. Ann and Mr Qin were both surprised.

They feel embarrassed, afraid that Yan Qi will not play. So Mr. Qin said, "Annie, are you tired? Let's go back first? " "

let's go first. I'll call for Mr. Fan." Yan Qi Dao.

Annie wants to hold her. She's gone.

"It's over." Annie cried in a low voice. She was afraid of Yan Qi's brawl.

Yan Qi is famous. If she dares to make trouble, tomorrow's newspaper will definitely talk about her. Her parents saw her hurling on the outside, and she seldom had to be scolded.

Annie wants to hold on to Yanqi very much. Yanqi has come to fan Yongzhi. No

as Annie expected, Yan Qi had a kind attitude: "Mr. Fan?"

Fan Yongzhi raised his eyes: "you are here..." it's no surprise that he is waiting for her.

Annie's heart is not good. This man has superb means. Yan Qi will be eaten to death by him.

"And Miss Wang?" Yan Qi smiled, "Mr. Fan, are you going home?"

"Well, I've finished, too." Fan Yongzhi stands up. Yu Xin's expression was a little heavy, because she talked with fan Yongzhi, and the topic was half said.

It was fan Yongzhi who asked her. He asked her if there was a brother at home and what he did. It's very common family talk. Because fan Yongzhi is not very like a person who can pull the family rules, Wang Yuxin thinks he is interested in his own affairs. In addition, he recommended her to come here to eat fish soup noodles. She came here by herself and had a hunch that he might come.

Then, he really came.

Girls are sensitive. Although fan Yongzhi is indifferent, his attitude shows that he may want to pursue her very much.

Not to think, he asked to say half, Yan Qi came, he immediately stood up to go, not interested in Wang Yuxin's answer. Wang immediately thought, "this man may want to enjoy the happiness of the same people." She was ashamed and angry.

It's not her collusion with fan Yongzhi. He misunderstood her many times.

He specially paid more attention to her, she knew; he recommended fish soup noodles to her, and ran to meet her again, which was also his initiative. Now

put her in an awkward position. Wang

Yu Xin stood up and said, "are you sick?" Yan

chess and fan Yongzhi stop. Wang

Yu Xin came to fan Yongzhi and said, "do you think it's a sense of achievement to walk between two women?"

Fan Yongzhi looks at her indifferently. Yan

Qi immediately protected him behind him: "Miss Wang, please speak politely." "

am I polite?"

"Did you ask the address of fish noodle, or did you come by yourself?" Yan Qi asked her back.

Wang Yuxin: "...

" what do you guess? " Yan Qizheng said, "Mr. Fan is just looking at you. He has no friends. He often comes to this house by himself, and happens to meet him. What's so strange? You should come for you? "

Fan Yongzhi looks at Yan Qi and has some pain in his eyes.

He thought, he let Yan Qi be wronged, this is a crime to die.

Annie and Mr. Qin, who were standing at the door, heard it and thought it over. Yan Qi was really trapped in mud.

The guests were also watching and whispering. Wang

Yu Xin couldn't hang up first and turned away.

Yan Qi also called out to help her settle the account, and then went with fan Yongzhi. She drives herself.

She didn't drive fast enough to send fan Yongzhi home. She was silent all the way. Almost half opened, Yan Qi suddenly said, "Mr. Fan, if you peek at Wang Yuxin again, I will not treat you well again."

Fan Yongzhi's heart was half cold. He has a lot of secrets that can't be publicized in his mouth. He dare not say it and can't disclose it to anyone.

Not because of him, but because of his bank. Once his family's scandal is revealed, the bank will lose confidence in his family's inheritance.

But in reality, he has to explain.

"I peeped at her because she looked a little like my niece." Fan Yongzhi said suddenly. "You have a niece? What niece? "

She remembered that Mr. Fan was the only child.

"In fact, I have a sister, but the outside world does not know that she grew up... Not around us. During the London bombing, she... Her place was bombed, her father moved her out, and when she came back, she was pregnant. " Fan Yongzhi's voice is astringent. He said every word like a knife in his heart.

Yan Qi can't understand other people's words. She is always slow to laugh at others, but she suddenly understands fan Yongzhi's dilemma.

She understood that he did not want to say these words, which made him very painful.

"I see." Yan Qi interrupts him, "you're just curious. It's not miss Wang. I see Mr. Fan. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have doubted you. "

The girl with such a slow response is so sensitive to his affairs. Fan Yongzhi's heart is warm and painful. He can't give his life to her, but he can give her too little.

He doesn't meet her requirements and can't give her the future. With blood dripping from his heart, he felt a strange warmth accompanied by pain, so he continued: "my sister gave birth to Al and died. My father checked for a long time and didn't know who al's father was. When my sister was alive, she used to say that she would make fish soup noodles and wait for him to come back to eat them. " Yan

chess understood: "you suspect that it is Wang Yuxin's brother?" "

I don't know." Fan Yongzhi hesitated, "I shouldn't have inquired, but... Everyone should know their birth." Yan

was a little surprised: "is that right? I don't know who my mother and father are, but I'm not curious at all. Are you sure that Al really wants to know? " Yong Zhi: "..."

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