Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1957 stealing a watermelon for you

Fan Yongzhi always hides the hard words. If

is someone else, most people will be curious. However, Yan Qi's agility was only for a moment, and it was all used by fan Yongzhi. As for other matters of the fan family, she didn't care much. After Yongzhi finished talking about his niece Al, fan was very worried. He was worried about Yan Qi's disbelief. If she doesn't believe it, she has to see al. What should she do?

Al's appearance was invisible, and his father would never allow him to publish al's affairs to the public.

But Yan never mentioned it. The next day, she forgot about it, went to work happily and dated fan Yongzhi.

No matter what setbacks, Yan Qi can forget all about sleeping. Others think she's stupid. Fan Yongzhi thinks she's healthy and happy, very pleasant.

It's a great blessing to be forgetful. It's like a bowl of water. Pour it clean at night. Pour it fresh the next day. It's never dirty. It's clean and refreshing.

Maybe that's why Yan Qi is so beautiful. Seven emotions are not on the mind, anything can be forgotten, the body and mind are brand-new, the face is never vulgar, do not touch sorrow. Yong Zhi never had faith. When he passed the church that day, he went in and prayed in silence, "may she always be the same as before." After chatting with

Yan Qi, fan Yongzhi never saw Wang Yuxin again.

Before her sister died, she often talked about fish soup noodles. She wanted to see the man again, but she didn't remember who he was at that time.

Fan Yongzhi always felt that if he had a chance, he would find the man and let him see al.

Now he was relieved. Yan said that she had no interest in her biological mother, and fan Yongzhi thought that Al should have no interest. What do you want to do when you feel bored? He did not look for Wang Yuxin. Wang Yuxin was arrogant and never looked for him. When Yan went to work, she refused Wang Zhiming's appointment at the weekend because Li Mei said she didn't want to go. Li

Mei is very clever. She knows Wang Zhiming's intention very well. She didn't want to be so clear with Wang Zhiming, so she hid from him.

And Annie Chen finally made up her mind to go to the United States for her honeymoon alone with her new husband. Yan and fan recovered their relationship.

After nothing, Yan Qi doesn't put fan Yongzhi on her heart every day. For example, when she has the final exam, she will forget fan Yongzhi completely.

Fan Yongzhi went back to London. This

time, he told Yan Qi frankly: "Al is ill again, I will go back to see her."

"She's not well?"

"Very bad." Fan Yongzhi said.

"Can I see her?" Fan

is in a dilemma. "Is she afraid of meeting strangers?" said Yan? I was scared when I was a kid, but I was scared later. It doesn't matter. I'll go when she grows up. "

Fan Yongzhi nodded, grateful for her consideration.

He went back this time and came back soon after three days.

There was a warmth in his always cold face. He whispered to Yan Qi, "I told Al about you. She would like to see you." Yan is very happy: "really?" "

well." "

we'll have spring break in another week. I'll see her then." Yan Qi said, "tell her in advance, don't scare her."

Fan Yongzhi nodded, and then said, "but don't worry. My father can't know about it." "


"He didn't want al to see outsiders." Fan Yongzhi road.

Yan Qi nodded.

Fan Yongzhi added: "you... Do you have confidentiality?" "

about Al?" "

Yes." "

I haven't mentioned it to anyone. Why, can't you mention it? " "

it is better not to mention it." Fan Yongzhi road. He is still thinking of excuses.

Yan Qi nodded happily: "I know, I don't mention it. Mr. Fan, your business is my business. I will never reveal my cleverness. " She made a face at him. She is very cute in this way. Fan Yongzhi is eager to touch her hair. He tried to resist the impulse, but he was always at a loss.

He told Yan Qi the secret, as if he were closer to her. When he came back home late, Yan Qi found that his two sisters were helping to paste Fu characters and spring couplets and put on new lanterns. Lanterns are specially made. There are skilled teachers in Singapore. Every year, the lanterns of the Secretary's family and Yan's family are made by him.

Yan Qi said with a smile, "what are you doing? Why don't you let the servants do it? " Yan

Tong said, "if you want to paste it, I will take her with me." "

sister, would you like to paste it?" Yan Yan asked her.

Among their sisters, Yan is the youngest, who likes to be busy and fresh.

"I'm so tired. I'm sweating. I'll take a bath first." Said Yan chess. Yan

Tong reminded her: "elder sister, there are fresh watermelons at home. My aunt asked someone to deliver them. Go and eat them."

Yan Qi is very happy. She took a quick bath and went to the main hospital.

The servant said that Mrs. Si had sent three big watermelons.

Watermelon is not in this season, nor is Singapore. "

give me one." Yan Qi Dao. The servant said, "if you have a cut, would you like to taste it?"

"No, I want the whole thing." Yan Qi Dao.

The servant had to carry one out. The melon is very big and has ten jin. Yan Qi went out with him in his arms, put him in his car and drove to fan Yongzhi's home.

She presented it to fan Yongzhi like a treasure: "Mr. Fan, come and eat watermelon!" "

where did you buy it?"

"From my aunt." Yan Qi said, "there is still one at home."

"I can't eat so much."

"Cut it in half and give it to my brother and sister-in-law." Yan Qi is very generous. Fan

Yongzhi found a fruit knife. Cut

after that, Yan Qi asked the maid to send it to Yan Kai. Female

the servant came back and said to Yan Qi: "little grandma said, thank you for thinking about them, but Mrs. Si also sent them two."

"That's it. The rest is ours." Yan Qi said with a smile.

She and fan Yongzhi cut off the rest of the food. Yan

chessboard is sincere, bite piece by piece, eat very attentively. Accidentally, a watermelon seed stuck to her lips. Fan can't see it anymore. He reaches out to wipe it off for her. When his fingers touched her skin, his fingertips seemed to be electrocuted and his whole hand was numb. He seemed to be bewitched and brushed her fallen hair behind his ears. Yan smiles at him. Her eyes are very big, her pupils are very bright, her eyes are as bright as stars, which can shine into people's hearts. Fan stayed for a moment. He looked away.

"Mr. Fan, you can eat it too. It's not cold for a while." Yan Qi said, "I'm going to eat today."

Fan Yongzhi picked up a piece. He felt that today's watermelon is particularly sweet and cool. For the first time in his life, he seems to have had such delicious food.

All the annoyances in his heart were cleared away and he was very comfortable.

"We have spring break the day after tomorrow." Yan Qi finally had enough to eat before he was free to talk, "when will you go to see al?" "

you're ready and ready to go." Fan Yongzhi said, "do you want to see the snow in Scotland?"

Snow is impossible in Singapore. When I was in London, I was looking forward to snowing every day, but I didn't play chess that year. She wanted to go out to play, but she got sick in winter. She had a cold and a fever for ten days, which delayed her. Yong Zhi always remembered that she said she wanted to go to Scotland to see the snow.

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