Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1959 how much debt does not weigh

On Yan Qi's first day in London, ling'er went to pick her up. Ling was very happy: "sister Qi, it's a good thing that you are here today. I'm going back to Hong Kong tomorrow. This spring vacation, Ning'an and I have been back. "

Yan Qi is also very happy to embrace her.

They went to see the old apartment building.

Yan Qi is curious: "how about Ning'an?"

"He went to play and came back tonight. He heard that you are here today, so he bought a ticket immediately, or he will play till the end of the year. " Ling'er smiled and whispered to Yan Qi, "and his new girlfriend."

"The Japanese girl?"

"Which?" Ling'er was stupefied, then he said with a smile, "it's already changed. If you don't say I almost forgot her."

Yan Qi: "..." fan

Yongzhi has been following behind them, listening to Yan Qi and Ling er's chatter. He is very happy, and his heart is full of warmth.

Although it is extremely cold in London today. "

he is now in contact with his elder martial sister." Ling'er said to Yan Qi, "it's Cantonese. It's interesting for Ning An to learn Cantonese from her. Elder martial sister can make a lot of delicious food, and I often eat. "

"So good? They're going to get married? " "

get married?" Ling'er shook his head. "I can't decide Ning'an's character. He has too many girlfriends." Yan

chess: "...

she remembers that when Ning An was in Singapore, she was not like this. Although there were many young girls pursuing him at that time, he just ignored them.

"He went completely mad when he left his aunt and uncle." Yan Qi said with a smile. Ling looked at Yanqi and said, "I think he was hit."

"What blow?" Yan Qi is very curious. Ling

Er: "...

fan Yongzhi can't listen anymore. He can't help thinking that Yan Qi is very good for him. Si Ning'an treated her like that, she felt nothing, so far confused, but she was only very clear about his affairs.

He was moved and sad.

I'm afraid that I will fail Yan Qi. After Yongzhi sent Yan Qi and ling'er to ling'er's apartment, he said to Yan Qi, "I'll book the hotel first and check you in. You can go at any time. "

Yan Qi said yes.

Shortly after fan Yongzhi left, Si Ning'an came back. He was dusty, his face hurt by the wind in London, and his hair was messed up.

As soon as he saw Yan Qi, he immediately hugged her: "chess elder sister."

Yan Qi thinks he's taller. Now he's similar to his uncle, Kaikai and Qifang. He's also strong. He holds Yan Qi with his arms. Yan Qi is almost strangled by him.

"Why are you so fast? Don't you say you are here at night?" Yan Qi patted him on the shoulder to show him to release himself.

Si Ning'an did not. He closed his eyes a little, felt the warmth of her body, and his heart quivered. For a long time, he said, "I drove back and heard that you were here." Yan

chuckled: "let go, how can your arm be so heavy?"

"Sister Qi, I miss you."

Ling'er looked at Si Ning'an and saw that he was a bit out of shape. He pulled him back and said with a smile, "you are really about to strangle your chess sister. Where to eat? Have you booked the restaurant yet? " "

or steak." "Sister Qi likes that one," said Si Ning'an 3. Personal departure.

When Si Ning'an drives, Yan Qi sits in the copilot's seat and asks him, "do you want to call your girlfriend?"

In front of Yan Qi, Si Ning'an is always gentle: "ling'er talks nonsense again. Without a girlfriend, she is a good elder martial sister." Ling:

er tut: "don't be shameful, elder martial sister wears pajamas at home in the morning, makes breakfast for you, dare not say she's not a girlfriend?"

Ning'an threw a loaf into the back seat: "here you are. Don't interrupt! What do children know? " Ling is only one year younger than Si Ning'an, because his life experience is not as rich as his, and he gradually becomes a little sister, and it is difficult to be a "peer" with him any more. Si

Ning An learned to smoke, but he avoided ling'er and never smoked in front of her to maintain his good brother's dignity.

"Who wants your bread the next night?" Ling'er is on the seat and wants to gossip.

Ning'an didn't listen to her.

"... is the job adaptable?" Si Ning'an asked Yan Qi again. Yan

said: "it's quite adaptive. By the way, are you going back to Singapore for the new year? "

"Back." Sningan said, "Dad gave me permission, and mum missed me very much."

He asked about Singapore.

The car soon arrived at the restaurant.

Three people sat down and ordered their favorite food, talking and laughing.

Si Ning'an is a real person. He is no longer a child. He knows exactly how Yan Qi treats him. In this world, there are too many things that he can't do, and he doesn't ask for them.

In his opinion, Yan Qi is more important than anything. He had been dead to her for a long time and did not expect any result. To be

is not the difference between Yan Qi and fan Yong, Si Ning'an may never see that he has no hope. After he understood it, he soon figured it out. He did not disturb Yan Qi. Many people around him are protecting Yan Qi's innocence. Only

Yes, when he saw her, he was always in a different mood, happier than anyone else. "

... I'm here to see the snow in Scotland with Mr. Fan." Yan Qi said, "are you two going?"

The color of snin is dim.

Ling'er said, "I'm not going. I'm going back to Hong Kong for the new year. My family is waiting." Si

Ning'an takes a sip of the glass and immediately feels that one sip is not enough and drinks all the glasses. Ling is a little worried about his crazy drinking.

Krishnan is rational.

"I'm not going either." He said with a smile, "it's so cold. What's the beauty of snow? Tomorrow I will go to Hong Kong with ling'er and take her back. Uncle Huo asked me to take care of ling'er. "

"Thank you so much!" Ling'er gently shook his hand and exerted a little force. It is not only praising his rationality, but also appreciating his care. Si

Ning An smiles at her.

Yan Qi couldn't fully understand these subtle expressions and even relieved. Because she wanted to play alone with fan Yongzhi, and she didn't want to bring two kids.

The mood of three people eating is still very good. Department

Ning An is very generous and happy. After dinner

Yan Qi went directly to the hotel and ling'er and Si Ning'an returned to the apartment. They bought a house with three floors. Ling'er lives on the third floor and Si Ning'an lives on the second floor.

Just came back, downstairs the phone rang.

The maid, who is Chinese, is in charge of cleaning the house for both of them. She tells Ning'an, "young master, a young lady has called you. She has called several times." Department

Ning An will pick it up. Ling

son sits in the sofa and hears the high and sharp female voice over there: "you leave me here alone, how can I go back?" "

come back by train." Si Ning'an's tone is flat. "

you..." the girl got angry and yelled, turning from English to Cantonese. Ning An listened to two sentences and hung up. "Another ex girlfriend," laughed Ling The company would rather have a smile. It doesn't matter how much debt there is

"Be careful of getting sick." Ling Er Road.

Ning'an laughed, reached out and flicked on her head: "where do you hear that?" "

said the younger martial sister of medical school." Ling'er said, "it's the one you left last time. She wishes you a lot of diseases." Si

Ning An is unable to support his forehead.

Ling'er is a little tired. Go upstairs to have a rest and pack up. Si

Ning An goes to the sofa to lie down, pulls the thin blanket at will to put on the body, and sleeps. The fireplace was very warm, his sleeping face was very peaceful, as if he had a boundless dream.

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