Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1960 meet Al for the first time

On his third day in London, Yan Qi met fan Yongzhi's niece, al.

On that day, it was still raining and it was very cold in London. Yan Qi bought a fur coat, but still felt cold.

Al doesn't live in fan's house, but in a building on the outskirts.

Around the building, there is an endless field. At this moment, the grass is withered and connected with the cloudy sky in the distance. The dust is pressing.

The courtyard wall is very high, the big iron door is locked, and there are two strong Chinese guards at the door. The sound of the car was heard far away, and the guard loaded his long gun.

It was not until fan Yong got out of the car that the muzzle of the gun was withdrawn.

Seeing this scene, Yan Qi was surprised: "how can I still have a gun?"

Fan Yongzhi didn't answer and took her hand.

Yan Qi's hand is cold, but fan Yongzhi's palm is hot. Without saying a word, he walked in with Yan Qi.

The guard opened the door and called "master" in Ningbo.

Fan Yongzhi nodded.

There was no tree in the yard. The three story building is very big. At a glance, it seems there are hundreds of rooms.

As time goes by, the walls are covered with creepers. In this cold winter, those vines are still green as new, and they have approved a green coat for the whole wall.

When I came to the building, the cold wind was blowing on my face, and the dark room smelled of mildew, which made me feel ghostly.

Yan took a step back subconsciously.

Fan Yongzhi's voice is gentle: "it's OK, you come with me."

They both went up to the second floor.

Buildings are not one, but several connected. Yan Qi turns left and right with fan Yongzhi, until she suspects that fan Yongzhi will murder her here, and finally sees someone.

The woman was about forty years old. She didn't laugh. When she saw fan Yongzhi and Yan Qi, she was shocked.

"Young master..."

"this is my friend. She came to see al." Fan Yongzhi told her.

Women are also Chinese and speak Ningbo Dialect. When fan Yongzhi talked with her, Yan Qi couldn't understand.

"How is al today?" Fan Yongzhi asked.

Woman: "it's very good. I'm drawing after breakfast. I'm very obedient."

Fan Yongzhi said well.

The door opened.

The warmth in the room came to my face and swept away the cold and wet. In addition to warmth, there is a light fragrance of flowers.

Yan Qi thinks that this room is different from the whole building, and there is a big difference.

The little girl is sitting at her desk, drawing.

She was about eleven or twelve years old. She was wearing a white skirt in the room. Under it were white socks and red leather boots. Her hair was neatly combed.

She and fan Yongzhi are a bit like each other. They are all beautiful features. They are only caused by pale face and no sunshine all year round.

When she saw the visitor, she didn't stand up to greet her with joy, but she got up shy and stood beside her with her eyebrows down.

"Al?" Fan Yongzhi called her.

He led Yan Qi to al.

He squatted down and hugged her for a moment. The girl began to talk for the first time. Her voice was as thin as a gnat: "Uncle..."

fan Yongzhi released her and asked her softly, "do you remember that I said I would bring Miss Yan to see you later?"

Al nodded, very shy, afraid to watch Yan Qi.

Yan Qi also learns fan Yongzhi's appearance and squats down: "Hello, Al, I'm Yan Qi."

Al looked at her face, and then quickly looked away.

She is usually in the room, not accustomed to eye contact.

"Your uncle said," do you really want to see me? " Yan Qi asked again.

Her voice is very gentle and very beautiful, which is easy to arouse the affection of children.

Al bit his lower lip and nodded for a while.

Still don't watch Yan Qi.

Fan Yongzhi took al's hand and asked her to sit down.

Al picked up the brush and went on with the painting. In this way, her eyes fell on the paper, and finally she felt a little safe.

"What do you draw today?" Fan Yongzhi asked.

"Twilight," replied al

On her drawing paper, there are already large areas of golden color. Although she is silent, the painting style is warm and bright.

Yan Qi asked with a smile, "can I have it painted?"

"Well." "I've been looking up all the time," he said.

"What do you usually do in the morning?" Yan Qi asked her again.

Al spoke more fluently: "draw, play the piano."

"And that afternoon?"


"I can play the piano, too. Can you play it for me later?" Yan Qi asked again.

Al said yes.

After a few questions, Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi talked to each other, and Al sat by and drew without saying a word.

After a moment, she finished painting.

The clouds at dusk are golden, and the fields are golden. Even the cattle at the end of the fields are dyed golden.

"Very beautiful!" Yan Qi said, "I like it very much. I want to take it back and mount it."

Al hung his head in silence.

Later, instead of playing the piano, she pulled another piece of paper. She is very kowtow to ask Yan Qi: "return... Still like what?"

This is to ask what kind of painting she likes.

"I like moonlit night," Yan Qi said with a smile

Al took out his brush and began to paint again.

Until lunchtime, her second masterpiece was not finished.

The woman came to invite them.

Fan Yongzhi led her and Yan Qi to the nearby restaurant.

The restaurant is also very warm, with bright furniture and delicious food.

There are many paintings on the wall, including landscape paintings with delicate lines and full colors. If there are people, the strokes are messy and the pictures are gloomy.

Yan Qi thought, "Ai'er must hate people. Why does she want to live here alone?"

Fan Yongzhi asked her not to inquire. She didn't ask, which made her full of curiosity.

Three people had lunch.

During lunch, Al raised his eyes and looked at Yan Qi twice. The first time, Yan Qi asked al if fan Yongzhi taught his painting. She raised her eyes and said yes. The second time, Yan Qi said he would go to Scotland to see the snow.

Al seemed to want to go, but when Yan Qi asked her, she shook her head and refused.

After dinner, fan Yongzhi and Yan Qi are having tea and chatting in the lounge. Al is going to take a nap.

"... she's afraid of strangers." Yan Qi said that fan Yongzhi nodded.

"What's wrong with her? She's going to stay here?" Yan Qi asked again.

Fan Yongzhi is in a dilemma. He doesn't know how to answer.

"In the future, will she be here forever?" Yan Qi couldn't help asking again.

She was also aware of her abruptness.

This time, fan Yongzhi answers her. "I don't know," he said with great difficulty

The room was warm, Yan Qi was full again, and after a while, he fell asleep.

She took a nap, heard footsteps and woke up immediately.

Someone rushed in.

"Young master, Miss Al is not well." The woman anxiously said to fan Yongzhi, "call the doctor, do you want to inform the master?"

Fan Yongzhi immediately got up.

Yan Qi followed up: "what's the matter?"

Fan Yongzhi wanted to let her stay, but he struggled for a moment. He thought, it's better to let Yan Qi have a look, and then he didn't stop her and let her follow him.

They ran to Al's bedroom next door.

Al is not in the room, but in the bathroom.

She stared at the mirror, saw someone come in, she showed a ferocious and evil smile.

"You are all going to die here. No one can leave." Her voice is sharp, like fingernails scratched on the glass. It's very sour and scary.

Yan Qi took a step back and was really scared.

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