Yan Qi was frightened by what he saw and heard. She has never seen a girl like this - her skin is pale, her pupils are black, her evil spirit is strong and she smiles, and she is ready to swallow the next piece of human flesh.

She took two steps back again.

Al doesn't chase her, but looks at fan Yongzhi and sneers: "here comes again! If you want to kill me, you'd better die first! "

The woman has gone far to call the doctor. Yong Zhi blocks the child in the bathroom and doesn't let her out. She sneered for a moment and rushed at him.

He hugged her hard: "Al, al..."

al took a Fierce bite and bit fan Yongzhi on the shoulder. He refused to let go of his mouth, and his eyes burst with hatred.

And just that timid little girl, completely two people.

No wonder the fan family wants to hide the child's tracks.

Seeing this, Yan Qi suddenly turned back to the lounge and took out her coat. She covered al's head with force. AI

er's eyes are blocked, and he struggles to scratch his face. Unfortunately, fan Yongzhi holds him tightly, but he can't see. She cried out in a shrill voice.

Ten minutes later, the doctor rushed over, hurriedly took out his composure and gave her an injection first. AI

it's just getting soft.

She passed out, fan Yongzhi carried her back to bed, and the doctor hung up some drops for her. OK, the doctor is talking to fan Yongzhi.

Yan Qi stands by and listens.

"Her condition is getting worse and worse as she grows older. She needs special drugs to control it." The doctor said. "

but the side effect of the medicine is very big." "

side effects are not easy to say, some people are very fat, some people are sluggish..."

"they may also die early." Fan Yongzhi then said, "no, I can't give her medicine. Wait for her to grow up." Medical

life is not forced. After a few words, the doctor left. After that, three or four more people came, all of them strong women with some medical knowledge.

At first the woman who received them said, "young master, it's time for you to go." Yan

Qi is surprised: "Al is not awake yet, how can we go?"

The woman did not know how to answer, but looked at fan Yongzhi. Fan

Yongzhi takes Yan Qi's hand. His palms are cold and his voice is also cold: "she can't wake up in a short time, it may take about half a month. Let's go. "

Yan Qi is shocked. Two

individuals walked out of the door, Yan Qi looked back and found that the guards still aimed their guns at the door. No one knows fan's secret.

"Mr. Fan, what is al's disease?" After Yan Qi got on the car, he was still asking, "how can't I use medicine?"

"Because it can't be cured." Fan Yongzhi said, "if you take medicine, you can't cure the symptoms, and she's still young. If you don't take the medicine properly, you may die young." "

When did she get sick?" This time, fan Yongzhi was silent for a long time.

He finally sighed: "genetic disease, since childhood, the family can not see it." The heart of a chess player is very hard. She took fan Yongzhi's hand lightly.

Fan Yongzhi's palm is still cold, like a layer of cold sweat. His body is stiff and his expression is indifferent.

The interval between Al's attacks is getting shorter and shorter. Maybe she'll soon be out of control like her mother. The statue fell into the ice cellar because of his inability to rely on his back.

Al used to be normal for a month or two after he was awake. Last time fan Yongzhi came back, it was because she had just recovered.

He thought it was safe for him to bring Yan Qi here. He should not see al's illness. Unexpectedly, Al's mood swings triggered the source of the disease.

"Mr. Fan, I won't ask." Yan Qi loves him very much. "Don't be sad."

Fan Yongzhi nodded. When the car returned to the hotel, fan Yongzhi put down Yan Qi, told her to take care of herself and turned to go home.

For the next two days, he went with al. AI

when the situation was stable, he came to Yanqi.

"... when she was ill, she was very excited at first, and then she would be sluggish. There is no fixed amount of time for her to be dazed. " Fan Yongzhi said, "when she's bored enough, she'll wake up. She won't hurt herself any more. It's OK. " Yan

nodded at chess. She asked several times what ailed Al, but fan Yongzhi didn't answer her.

"We'll go to Scotland tomorrow." Fan Yongzhi road. "

otherwise, shall I go back to Singapore?" Yan Qi is very considerate. "You take good care of Al, I'll play later. We are still young, and the days ahead will be long. "

Fan Yongzhi shook his head and said, "please look at the snow."

"Patients are more important."

"When she's in a daze, she can't see or hear people." Fan Yongzhi said, "we have been used to it for many years. It doesn't matter. You don't have to stay with her. " He said it a little coldly.

But years of repetition, already the worry of the heart of the grinding.

Yan Qi still feels strange in her heart.

Later, she thought, maybe Mr. Fan would like to have a rest and have a look at the snow.

She agreed.

They bought the train ticket and went to Scotland. The day they arrived, it was snowing heavily.

Yan Qi's mind can't hold too many things. She is so excited when she sees the snow, leaving everything in London behind. She stood in the snow, letting the snow fall all over her. "

this is snow!" She was very emotional. "Look, Mr. Fan!"

Everywhere white, the world wrapped in silver is very novel. Yan Qi refuses to go back to the hotel and has to stand in the snow. Yong Zhi never bothered her. He turned to the coffee shop next to her and asked for two cups of hot cocoa.

He gave it to Yan Qi. Two

individuals stand in the ice and snow of the street, let the snow wander around, fall all over their shoulders, and dye their hair white. He was in the purest snow, drinking hot cocoa and talking.

"This is one of the most important moments in my life," said Yan

Fan Yongzhi took a sip of hot cocoa, and all the restlessness in his heart was purified, as if the world were fresh and white. "It's also my most important moment," he thought He and I spent four days in Scotland. The first day is to see the snow, the second day is to make a snowman and drink coffee by the river to see the snow sculpture, and the third day is to ski. On the fourth day, they returned to London.

Just arrived at the hotel, two men came out in straight suits. He was respectful to fan Yongzhi: "young master."

Fan Yongzhi's eyebrows were frown inadvertently.

"Young master, the master invites you and miss Yan to go home for dinner." Man way. Yan

chess knows that these two people are around Mr. Fan.

She has been in England for so many days. Master fan must have known. Maybe he also knew that she went to see al.

"No time." Fan Yongzhi said.

However, Yan Qi was curious about the fan family and stopped in front of fan Yongzhi: "OK, I'll go right away when I change my clothes. Mr. Fan, if you don't go, I'll go myself. "

Fan Yongzhi: "..." Yan

went upstairs, cleaned up, drew a simple light make-up, dressed himself in a decent way, and went home with fan Yongzhi for dinner.

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