Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1962 the most shameless

Yan Qi is in a good mood.

She was heartless. After playing in Scotland for a few days, she had forgotten about Al's illness. If al were her important person, she would be very cold.

She doesn't care about all this. She goes to fan's house to eat happily.

Mr. Fan is different from Mr. Fan Yongzhi. He was a medium-sized man with a square face and dark skin. Dressed in ordinary clothes at home, I don't see a banker at all.

If you walk outside, it is believed that he is a street sweeper.

He had no authority, and he was kind.

"How do you do, uncle?" Yan Qi said hello first, "I should have called on you earlier."

"As you may wish, you young people are busy." Mr. Fan said, then ask Yan Qi to sit down.

He chatted with Yan Qi.

Gossiping, his questions are modest and polite, no sense of inquiry, people feel relaxed and happy.

At the beginning, Yan Qi was not very nervous. Now she is more relaxed.

She even volunteered about al.

"... I'm sorry to have caused miss to get sick." Yan Qi is full of apologies. "Is she better?"

"I knew someone yesterday." Mr. Fan's face was dim and a little uneasy.

However, his discomfort was only a moment, and soon covered up: "it's not your fault, she has this problem since she was a child."

Fan Yongzhi is silent.

Yan Qi asked again, "haven't you changed the hospital?"

"Miss Yan, I really shouldn't bother you with housework." Mr. Fan changed the subject and then asked the housekeeper, "is the dinner ready?"

"Already, master." The housekeeper replied.

Mr. Fan invited Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi to dinner.

He asked about Singapore and never mentioned al again.

Yan Qi told him what he knew and the answer was very smooth. Fan Yong did not say a word, and there was no coldness at the dinner table.

"Is Miss Yan used to Ningbo food?" Mr. Fan asked again.

Yan Qi said he was used to eating.

She also said that her mother can make Jinling dishes.

Mr. Fan has a lot of research on eating. Compared with the similarities and differences between Jinling cuisine and Ningbo cuisine, all the people in the world are very congenial.

Fan Yongzhi is still silent.

Yan Qi asked him by chance, and he replied.

At the end of the evening meal, Mr. Fan seemed to sigh casually: "Miss Yan is the first girl Yongzhi brought home for dinner, which is really an honor."

Yan Qi looks at fan Yongzhi and can't help smiling. His eyes are crooked.

Mr. Fan is not satisfied.

It's said that Yan Qi is a bit silly, but looking at her carefully, Mr. Fan thinks that she is naive and unprepared. She can't understand the implication, but there is no problem in normal communication.

In short, she is a simple little girl.

He was very satisfied.

When Mr. Fan looked at women, he was still old-fashioned. He thought that women were pure and good. Smart people have the hard work of smart people, stupid is a blessing.

After dinner, Yan Qi sat down a little and planned to leave.

Mr. Fan asked her to wait.

He got up and went to the study. He quickly took out a small black flannelette box.

He handed it to Yan Qi: "Miss Yan, when you first came to the door, you got a little gift."

Yan Qi took over with both hands and asked with a smile, "what is this?"

It's like a ring box.

She opened it in a hurry and did not refuse. After opening it, she found that it was really a diamond ring.

The diamond ring is quite big. It's a square diamond.

Fan Yongzhi also extended his head and looked at his eyes, then his face suddenly changed and he grabbed it from Yan Qi.

"Mr. Fan?" Yan Qi looks at him in a daze. "What are you doing?"

"No, nothing." Fan Yongzhi casually put the ring in his pocket. "It's late. I'll take you back."

Mr. Fan frowned: "that's for Miss Yan. Are you polite?"

"You don't have to worry."

"What are you talking about!" Mr. Fan is not happy.

Throughout the evening, Yan Qi saw him for the first time with the dignity of the superior, "I gave it to miss Yan, naturally there is my reason."

"Please don't worry!" Fan Yongzhi raised his voice and looked very cool.

Yan Qi saw that their father and son were almost about to quarrel, and hurried to finish the match: "it's OK. Uncle, my things are those of master fan. It's OK to give them to him. Thank you, uncle. It's so late. I won't bother you. I'll leave first. "

After she said that, she was dragged out of the fan family by fan Yongzhi.

Fan Yongzhi picked up two coats at the porch and put them on Yan Qi when he went out.

Yan Qi saw that his face was livid, so he didn't know why.

She wanted to ask.

But she could see that fan Yongzhi was not so angry as sad.

She didn't know why he was sad, but she loved him.

"Don't be angry, Mr. Fan." Yan Qi comforts him, "I don't want anything, you don't have to tell me why."

Fan Yongzhi nodded.

He has a bad feeling in his heart.

After sending Yan Qi, he drove the car very fast and returned home.

Mr. Fan is still in the living room.

He knew his son was coming back.

Fan Yongzhi took out the diamond ring and forced his father: "what are you going to do? This is my mother's ring. "

"Before your mother died, she specially asked me to take down the ring and give it to her daughter-in-law in the future." Mr. Fan said coldly, "don't I have the right to send it?"

"I said, I'm not in this relationship with her." Fan Yongzhi almost gnashed his teeth. "You are so selfish, dare to send a ring, dare to tell her about Al's illness?"

Mr. Fan's face is also livid.

"Go and tell her that our Fan family has genetic disease; tell her that her children will all be like Al in the future, unable to live a normal life, go and tell her!" Fan Yongzhi almost roared.

Mr. Fan suddenly stood up and said, "what do you want to provoke her to do?"

Fan Yongzhi choked and could not speak for a long time.

"Miss Yan left London at that time, and she walked very dry and crisp." Mr. Fan looked at his son coldly. "If you don't go, she may be married now, and have forgotten you all. Say I'm selfish, you're not selfish? "

Fan Yongzhi clenched his fist.

"You pretend to be tall!" Mr. Fan said coldly, "I am the most shameless person? It's you who delay others in your time. "

Fan Yongzhi's eyes almost shed blood and tears in this moment.

He tried not to lose his temper.

"Besides, your sister, Al and even your mother all have environmental reasons. The doctor also said that only 50% of them may be genetic diseases." Mr. Fan's attitude slowly softened, and his voice was soft. "Maybe it's only passed on to your sister, and your sister passed it on to al. Aren't you all right? "

Fan Yongzhi's anger gradually turned into frustration.

He stood upright, without moving his feet or opening his mouth.

Mr. Fan quarreled with his son for a few words. Seeing that he didn't move, he patted him on the shoulder: "measure yourself. If you think it through, give the ring to miss Yan. If you miss her, can you find such a good girl in the future? "

Fan Yongzhi is still silent.

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