Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1963 fan's diamond ring

Fan Yongzhi would never admit to being mean.

He enlightens himself: it's nothing more than looking at her and dragging her into the mire. What's the crime?

These words cannot stand scrutiny.

More than guilt?

He had no face to see Yan Qi again. His family could not live any longer. He spent most of the night in the cold street.

Later, he stayed in Yan Qi's Hotel, but didn't disturb her.

He didn't knock until the next day.

Yan Qi is not up yet. His sleepy eyes open the door for him. Seeing him, she yawned: "Mr. Fan, are you so early?"

I fell asleep again.

It's not good for fan Yongzhi to go or stay.

Yan Qi slept for two more hours and got up in a good mood. Seeing fan Yongzhi sitting alone, she was slightly surprised: "when did you come?"

She had forgotten the morning when she was confused about opening the door.

"Have you slept well?" Fan Yongzhi asked.

Yan Qi nods.

She slept soundly.

"Pack up and I'll take you back to Singapore this afternoon." Fan Yongzhi road.

Yan Qi says well.

She has been here for seven or eight days. She has seen what she should see and what she should play. She is satisfied.

She wants to change her clothes. Fan Yongzhi goes out temporarily.

After cleaning up, they both went to eat good French food, and then rushed to the airport.

On the plane, fan Yongzhi took out the ring.

"What my father gave you should be yours. It's just an ordinary ring, but it's expensive. " Fan Yongzhi road.

Yan Qi smiles and wraps the ring in his palm.

She didn't accept: "Mr. Fan, what you don't want me to take, I will never want it!"

Fan Yongzhi's heart was severely hurt.

His father said that once he missed Yan Qi, he would never find such a good girl again; his father also said that Al was not necessarily a genetic disease.

He suddenly reached out another hand and held Yan Qi's hand tightly.

He was almost out of control.

Yan Qi said: "I have a lot of diamonds and rings. I got them from my mother and my sister. Every time I see someone's engagement ring, it's very beautiful. I have to wear my mommy to buy one for me. "

Fan Yongzhi: "...

the plane landed in Singapore at night.

Li Hui came to pick them up.

He asked Yan Qi with a smile, "did miss Yan have a good time in London this time?"

"Very happy." Yan Qi said, "we went to see Al and the snow."

Li Hui was surprised to see fan Yongzhi in the rearview mirror.

Fan Yongzhi's expression was hidden in the dark, and he could not see clearly.

"Have you met the young lady?" Li Hui said with a smile, "is she OK?"

"I don't know." Yan Qi seemed to think of it all of a sudden. "When I left, I didn't go to see her again. But my uncle said she was awake. "

Fan Yongzhi said at this time: "it's all right."

Li Hui dare not answer again.

Yan Qi took off his coat as soon as he got off the plane. At the moment, he was wearing a shirt and a long skirt. He still felt very hot.

Singapore and London are ice and fire.

She was sweating slightly and urged Li Hui, "have you arrived yet?"

Li Hui drives the car fast.

When the car arrived near Yan's house, it was more than one o'clock in the morning.

Fan Yongzhi said: "it's so late. Don't disturb my family. I'll take you to the hotel."

"Return to Singapore and stay in a hotel?" Yan Qi disagrees. "I'm going back to change my clothes and take a bath. I'm going crazy."

The car stopped and the servant on duty opened the door.

Yan Qi, carrying his luggage, said good night to fan Yongzhi and disappeared behind the door.

As soon as she got out of the car, fan Yongzhi changed to the front passenger seat.

Li Hui took the opportunity to ask him, "young master, has Miss Yan seen the little miss?"


"What are your plans?" Li Hui asked again.

Fan Yongzhi put his hand in his pants pocket and touched the diamond ring. The cold and hard touch touched his fingertips. He didn't rub it for a moment.

He knew that he was irresponsible.

If a kind and responsible person, he really shouldn't come to Singapore.

"Don't talk too much." He said to Li Hui lightly.

Li Hui said.

The car drove slowly.

In the silent carriage, fan Yongzhi suddenly said to himself, "it's just because she doesn't care about everything..."

he is the one who has been bullying Yan Qi.

He only dared to be so presumptuous when he saw that she was not as keen as other girls.

Li Hui dare not answer a word.

Yan Qi does not know fan Yongzhi's suffering.

Al's affair and diamond ring's affair didn't go up to miss Yan's heart, only that snow scene shocked her.

She didn't bring presents, but she kept on talking about the spectacle of her trip to Scotland.

"Mr. Fan also took many pictures of me." She said to her friend.

At the same time, Annie Chen and her husband returned to Singapore after their honeymoon.

"... tell you a secret." Chen Annie is a God.


"I may have a baby." Chen Annie said.

Yan Qi is very happy: "really?"

Last time they met, Yan Qi also said that she wanted twins, and later said that she wanted three children. In short, she hoped that she could get married and have children in the future.

"Seriously, Mr. Fan hasn't proposed yet?" When it comes to this, Chen Annie is very dissatisfied and resentful for her friends.

If there is no chance at ordinary times, Mr. Fan specially takes Yan Qi to England to see the snow. So romantic moment, why not propose?

If he doesn't want to get married, why is he so close to Yan Qi?

"Mr. Fan is the best man in the world." Yan Qi said positively, "he doesn't want to propose. Naturally, he is good to me."

Chen Annie: "...

later, Chen Annie was angry.

She knew that she should not be nosy, but she felt that fan Yongzhi delayed Yan Qi.

So, she specially asked fan Yongzhi.

Her husband didn't agree with her very much, but he couldn't help but go with her.

Fan Yongzhi arrived first.

As soon as Chen Annie and Mr Qin sat down, she said, "Mr. Fan, you know a lot of people chasing chess and chess. No one is qualified to entertain others, are you?"

One of fan Yong's iceberg faces also has a tendency of cloudy at the moment.

Chen Annie continued: "her family is hard to say. I am an outsider, not afraid to offend you. I want to say a few words for chess. She doesn't mind everything, but what about you, Mr. Fan? Are you the same as her? Do you have a good time? "

Fan Yongzhi held the cup tightly.

Mr. Qin saw his wife's speech getting worse and worse, and came to an end.

"Slow down, Mr. Fan is probably waiting for the right time, isn't he?" Mr Qin said.

Fan Yongzhi is silent.

What else can Chen Annie say? He stands up.

"I'm sorry, but the bank has something else to do. Goodbye." He went straight away.

Annie Chen is very angry.

"You see, you've stepped him down, and he still doesn't let go." Chen Annie said, "he is playing chess! It's hateful to be so respectable and disgraceful! "

Mr Qin comforted her.

At the moment, Mr Qin has to agree with his wife. Chen Annie doesn't mean to sow fire without any reason. Fan Yongzhi doesn't seem to have any intention of marrying Yan Qi.

Is he right to eat Yan Qifen?

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