Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1964 master fan confesses

Fan Yongzhi is sitting alone, his heart is boiling.

Everyone knows that he is greedy and despicable, and she treats him as before.

One day, she will wake up.

He's always going. His father said that if he didn't catch up with Singapore, Yan Qi would forget him and get married and have children. He believed this.

He is going now. Yan Qi may not be as calm as before. He may be sad for a few days, but he will forget.

Why don't you go?

Fan Yongzhi suddenly stood up and drove out.

He didn't know where he was going or what he was going to do.

People are always lucky. At the last moment, they refuse to admit that they have nothing. They are always looking forward to the future.

Fan Yongzhi drove his car to the wharf.

All of a sudden, he wanted to get on a small boat and go to a boundless place.

There's a guy nearby: "Sir, are you going to sea? There are ships. They are all old sailors. It's very safe. You can explore anywhere. "

There are many islands in the open sea.

The islands are barren, nothing but trees and birds. In recent years, some people are willing to take risks. The wharf here is just one of the departure places.

So, guys are very skilled.

Fan Yongzhi said, "how much is it?"

"Three hundred a day, by the day." Said the man.

It's a very expensive price.

The waiter knows that all the guests will bargain, or go back for a day and a half. The price he quoted should have room to be reversed.

Do not think, fan Yongzhi does not care: "where is the ship."

He followed the man.

Behind him came the voice of Yan Qi: "Mr. Fan?"

One of fan Yong is stunned.

Yan Qi stops the car in a hurry and runs towards him. She walked very fast, her face was red, her eyes were brighter.

Ordinary people rarely see such peerless, so the little guy beside looked at it for a moment, embarrassed to avoid it.

Fan Yong's heart also flashed amazing.

When he saw Yan Qi for the first time, she was so radiant.

"Mr. Fan, what are you going to do? I saw your car on the road and honked for you. Other cars stopped for a long time, but I didn't see your car stop. They got in my way. I thought I lost them. " Yan Qi is out of breath.

All the precautions of fan Yongzhi suddenly collapsed.

He suddenly embraced Yan Qi.

Yan Qi was stunned. He was surprised at this, but also a little pleased.

Fan Yongzhi held her for a moment, slowly released her, just held her hand: "I want to go out to sea to explore, do you go?"

Yan Qi nodded busily: "OK, OK! I always wanted to go, they didn't take me! "

Fan Yongzhi rented the boat.

The ship is not big. It has a wide deck and a place to sleep under it. It can hold more than ten people.

There are three crew members, the captain and the vice captain.

Fan Yongzhi paid for four days and wrote a check. At the same time, he said to the crew and the captain, "if I'm satisfied, I'll tip when I come back."

When they saw him so magnificent and his wife so beautiful, they knew that he would be extremely rich.

They sailed out to sea.

The captain is an old hand. He knows where there are islands. He drives in one direction.

Two hours later, they arrived at an island.

Far away, there are seagulls hovering overhead, birds singing sweet.

Yan Qi is very excited: "there is an island in front. Is there anyone on that island? "

The crew told her, "no one, we passed twice. Further ahead, there are more islands. "

Yan Qi: "but I want to visit this island."

The captain docked the boat.

The ship took aim, and there was water deep in her thighs. The crew will play first, and then they will play face chess.

Fan Yongzhi said, "no, I'll do it myself."

He went down into the water and opened his arms.

Yan Qi jumped into his arms and was firmly caught by him.

He practiced boxing and feet all the year round, with a strong body and strong arms. He carried Yan Qi to the shore all the way.

Yan Qi falls to the ground without touching any water.

"Mr. Fan, your trouser legs are wet." Yan Qi is a little distressed.

"In a moment." Fan Yongzhi doesn't care.

Two crew members took gauze caps and crutches and handed them: "Beware of mosquitoes. There is no way on the island. Take a crutch and walk."

They are experienced.

Fan Yongzhi took over and put it on himself.

He took Yan Qi in one hand and walked behind the crew with a stick in the other.

There are many trees and vines here. There is almost no way. You have to step on them all the way.

Yan Qi felt tired as he walked. It's fun to explore, but it's a bit boring to walk down.

They also met a big snake.

Yan Qi is not afraid of snakes, but the snake slips too fast. She doesn't see it carefully.

All birds but snakes.

An hour later, they went out of the woods to a small slope on the island.

The crew handed over two bottles of water. The service was very considerate.

Yan Qi picks it up and sits in the shade with fan Yongzhi.

"... after that, we explore an island every month." Yan Qi said with a smile, "let's buy a boat ourselves."

Fan Yongzhi is silent.

Yan Qi thought for a moment.

She not only wanted to buy a boat, but also came up with a book about the records of the islands.

Fan Yongzhi said: "maybe I won't come next year and go back to the head office. Although it is said that I have been working in Singapore for five years, I am a young owner of the fan family. It is also a matter of saying to go back. "

Yan Qi said, "do you want to go back to accompany al?"

"Not either." "Oh, well." Yan Qi thought for a moment, "the weather in London is not very good, but nothing else. Better than Singapore, it has four distinct seasons. If you really want to go back, I'll tell my father to ask his uncle for help and transfer me to London School. "

Fan Yongzhi looked at her in amazement.

"You..." his heart suddenly shook, "you want to go with me?"

"Of course." Yan Qi said with a smile.

"They all told you!" Fan Yongzhi's eyes are a little red. "They all said that I was playing a trick on you and didn't want to marry you. Why are you so nice to me? " Yan Qi said: "you didn't tease me, you are good to me! If you don't want to get married, then don't get married. What's the matter? My uncle said that except for death, there is no necessary process in life. What matters if we stay together all our lives but don't get married? I don't care! "

Fan Yongzhi suddenly turned away.

His tears were caught off guard, he wiped them hard, and his heart warmed to the extreme, just like the sun in Nanyang.

"... I dream of marrying you." He began, his voice choking. "But our family has a genetic disease. My mother has, my sister has, and so does al. If I get married, I will have children in the future. "

Yan Qi.

"I can't hurt you. You like children very much." Fan Yongzhi added, "no mother can bear her children's life like al, and you will have endless pain in the future."

"I can have no children." Said Yan chess.

Fan Yongzhi smiled bitterly.

"I'm serious." Yan Qi said seriously, "I like children very much and want to be a mother. But without you, I don't need anything. "

Fan Yongzhi turns around and holds her face. His lips fell and his tears rolled down.

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