This spring vacation, Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi are very busy.

They got engaged two years ago, and after their incessant engagement, they rushed to London to get married.

During this period, fan Yongzhi returned to England twice without Yan Qi. He was tired every time.

Yan Qi is not a multi-minded girl. In her mind, her master fan is a perfect man, and she never doubted him.

To Yan Qi's surprise, Si Ning'an has been hiding from her.

She was betrothed. Mingming was in Hong Kong. She refused to return to Singapore for the new year.

After arriving in Hong Kong, he quickly found a girlfriend to accompany her to play in America.

For Yan Qi's wedding, Si Ning'an should have a class in London, but he asked for two weeks off.

"... rather than come?" On the wedding day, Si yuzao, with her daughter, was shivering in the streets of London, asking about her eldest brother, Si Kaikai.

Over the years, the Secretary has been trained. He can deal with all kinds of affairs at home.

He has taken over his father's class and is now in power.

He was only in his early twenties, a little taller than his father, and he didn't laugh. He had the courage and wisdom of his father, and the wisdom and prudence of his mother.

Every time Si yuzao meets the twin brothers, he feels confused.

Si quefang and Si Kaichang have similar looks. But Si quefang is always like a little child. When you see Si Yuzao, you will see no skin and no face. Si Kaichang is more like Si Yuzao's elder brother, and usually you don't even have a smile.

"He won't come." Sikai replied to her sister, as soft as possible, still cold.

He didn't love words when he was young and didn't change much when he grew up.

Si yuzao still remembers that he never cried when he was a child. Every time when the boat broke into trouble and howled, he stood silently beside him, with a cold face of a thousand years, like a little ghost.

"What's the matter with him?" Si yuzao frowned. "When he was a child, he didn't understand anything. Now he is also a 20-year-old. How can he be as lovelorn as a child? "

Si Kaikai: "he's really busy."

Si yuzao doesn't believe it.

Si Kaikai: "if he is not rational, Mr. Fan has no chance to pursue his chess sister."

Si yuzao: "...

this is the truth.

In other words, sningan has seen through and accepted the reality.

"It's a matter of fact that he is absent this time." He had a girlfriend, a Japanese, who was an international spy. He was blacklisted because of this. There were always people watching him when he went in and out. At present, he is trying to find a way to prove his innocence. I told him not to go home, not to contact with his family, so as not to bring trouble back to Singapore. "

Si yuzao: "...

she was shocked for a long time.

One is to lament that my brother is very promising and can cause such a disaster; the other is to be angry. It is obvious that Sinian is too romantic.

She thought that she was hurt by love.

I really overestimated him, her brother. I'm afraid he didn't have such infatuation.

"Sister, don't tell mom. Don't worry about her." Added by SECCO.

Si yuzao waved: "I know, your sister is not stupid!"

Sikai looks at her.

From her brother's eyes, Si yuzao clearly read out the word "very stupid". Her sister's dignity was violated and she wanted to kill for a moment.

For Yan Qi's wedding, Gu Qingzhou and Si Xingfu went to London as usual.

Si Xingfu exclaimed: "it was so cold in early spring! Having lived in Singapore for a long time, I'm afraid of the cold now. "

"Me too."

"You've been afraid of the cold, and when it comes to winter, you'll wish you couldn't hibernate." Si Xingfu road.

The cold winter is more than 20 years away from them. Such a long time ago, only Si Xingfu remembered it.

Gu Qingzhou smiles.

The wedding was very lively, and Yan Qi was also very beautiful.

Seeing Yan Qi, Si yuzao specially asked her husband, "brother Jiu, is chess beautiful, or am I beautiful?"

"Of course you are beautiful."

The sparrow boat next to him came back after a round of playing. Hearing this, he couldn't help teasing his brother-in-law: "brother-in-law, are you so afraid of death?"

Si yuzao's face is black.

Zhang Xinmei glanced at his brother-in-law lightly: "you are not afraid of death."

Sparrow boat: "...

this younger brother was beaten to his head by his elder sister.

After the wedding, Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi returned to the old house of fan's family.

Al, fan Yongzhi's niece, has been behind the screen on the third floor. She peeked several times, saw her uncle and aunt, and saw all the people.

She was very scared and her mood fluctuated a lot, but when she got back behind the screen, she calmed down again.

Late in the evening, fan Yongzhi had no time to change clothes. Go to see al first.

Al had nothing to do. He was very sober and told him: "uncle, aunt is really beautiful today."

Fan Yongzhi gently touched her hair.

Yan Qi is really beautiful. She is more beautiful in her new wedding dress. She surprises the whole audience.

Back in the wedding room, Yan Qi has been groomed.

Fan Yongzhi comes forward and gently kisses her.

On the second day of the wedding, Yan Qi should send her family's guests away, but she drove to the railway station with fan Yongzhi early in the morning.

They took a half day train to the outskirts of a small town in Scotland.

There are many ancient buildings in the town, and each villa is very luxurious.

Fan Yongzhi leads Yan Qi to the biggest villa.

A large castle, the outer wall painted golden yellow, like the mirage at dusk that day; the courtyard is huge, the castle is lofty.

Yan Qi was stunned.

"... I didn't build it because it was too late. I chose one and made a transformation. " Fan Yongzhi said, "it's been urgent processing for half a month, and it's very suitable for living. In the future, we can come here every year for holidays and see the snow. "

Yan Qi's heart is full of sweetness.

Happiness is indescribable, but now she has a specific concept.

Fan Yongzhi remembers her ideal and turns it into reality, which is the happiness he gives her.

"It's really beautiful. I want to show off!" Yan Qi visited a circle and said to fan Yongzhi, "my father, they haven't left yet. Let them all come to have a look and go back."

The whole castle style is bright and warm, with white walls and various luxurious furniture.

Yan Qi immediately called to let relatives and friends come to see the gift fan Yongzhi gave her.

Yan Ziqing and others were very embarrassed. They asked other relatives to go back. Only their family and all the members of the Department went here.

At the sight of the outer courtyard, Si Xingfu first said, "it's really nice. It's like a palace. It's just that the color is too tacky. "

Si yuzao nodded: "it's just so."

I was very jealous.

Zhang Xinmei said softly, "let's go back and build a set."

"No way. When you build a castle like this in Singapore, outsiders think it's a temple." Siyuzao said.

Zhang Xinmei: "...

Si Xingfu:"...

when Ms. Si yuzao said something, she stopped two men's thoughts.

The castle is well decorated and everything is modern. They stayed here for three days before returning to Singapore.

Yan Qi wants to go back to teach and fan Yongzhi wants to go back to work. They go back together with everyone.

As soon as they got back, they heard that Wang Zhiming and Li Mei often dated recently.

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