Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1969 what Mr. Fan said and done

Yan Qi has been living in Singapore since her marriage.

She and fan Yongzhi moved to the house that her parents had prepared for her, because it was much bigger than fan Yongzhi's apartment.

After the new year, her brother and sister-in-law took their nephew to the Philippines.

For this reason, Yan Ziqing was very unhappy.

Yan Qi also wants six people to play together. If you don't want to go, go.

People who often go to the house of siyuzao to rub rice have changed from Yan Kai to Yan Qi.

The days are still busy.

Two months after her marriage, sningan finally returned to Singapore to make up her birthday present.

In April, fan wanted to have an operation - sterilization.

The hospital doesn't have this project yet, but he knows that cats and dogs and other livestock can do it, so can that person.

He found Si yuzao.

Si yuzao was stunned, and finally admitted that fan Yongzhi was a cruel man who could do what he said.

"I dare not say that you can be responsible for other lives. You are a good man. It's her luck to marry you. " Said Si yuzao.

She went to the doctor of internal medicine for a discussion.

Pei's Hospital in Singapore is the best hospital in Nanyang. Doctors come from various famous schools and are all highly educated talents. They are very innovative and willing to make new attempts.

They discussed how to sterilize a man without affecting the couple's life.

In fact, this theory has been mentioned for a long time. Before, they had two surgeries because of their chance, both of which were successful.

"... I made an appointment for you on the 17th of this month. There are only two cases in clinical practice. The risk is very high. You need to sign a lot of documents and do a lot of tests. You need to go to the hospital a week in advance. " Said Si yuzao.

Fan Yongzhi nodded.

This matter, Si yuzao didn't say.

She didn't want to be told about her brother-in-law.

Don't think about it. Yan Qi, that fool, betrayed his secrets.

Xu Qizhen made her favorite biscuit, the recipe fan Yongzhi brought. When she went back for it, Xu Qizhen chatted with her and asked her and fan Yongzhi to go home for dinner.

"Next weekend, you come back for two days, and I'll make you delicious food." Xu Qizhen said.

Yan Qi said: "what's next weekend? Mr. Fan may not be available. He is going to the hospital for an operation. "

"What's wrong with him?" Xu Qizhen said

"No, he's going to be sterilized." Said Yan chess.

Xu Qizhen: "...

for this matter, Yan Ziqing and Xu Qizhen came together, hoping fan Yongzhi would consider it again.

At the time of marriage, Mr. Fan repeatedly said that the doctor was not sure that fan Yongzhi was ill and would not necessarily pass it on to the child.

Parents can't really watch their daughter go out of business.

Although there are a lot of worries, they are not very willing until the last moment.

"... mom and Dad, I've been thinking about it for a long time." Fan Yongzhi said, "I have also met several doctors who said that they would not affect my normal life, but just remove some things from my body."

"Think again, and you will get married!" Yan Zi is clear.

Fan Yongzhi is in a dilemma.

Yan Ziqing, unable to persuade him, told Mr. Fan about it.

Mr. Fan flew to Singapore specially and was furious with his son, which made fan Yongzhi physically and mentally haggard.

Fan Yongzhi is iron heart.

Mr. Fan was forced by death.

According to siyuzao, it's the parents' fault that things have come to this point. Because fan Yongzhi said everything before he got married.

He didn't bully parents who wanted to have grandchildren.

Instead, parents, who said they didn't mind before marriage, are now bothering again.

"Mummy, go and talk to my uncle and aunt." When Si yuzao went back to his mother's home for dinner, he talked about Yan Qi and fan Yongzhi's chicken, dog and jump, and expressed her views by the way.

She knew that her uncle and aunt listened to her parents very much.

"It's a big deal." Gu Qingzhou said, "no one is suitable to interfere, and I can't speak."

"But, uncle, they agreed before." Si yuzao said, "no credit!"

Gu Qingzhou is a little silent.

After dinner, she took a walk with Si xingxu.

Seeing that she was in a low mood today, Si Xingfu asked her, "what did yuzao say to make you unhappy?"

"Not really." Gu Qingzhou road. She pondered for a long time and then said, "because of fan Yongzhi, I think of Cheng Yu. Do you remember that Zhuo Xiaoyun was mentally ill at the beginning, and I don't know if he would pass it on to his children. Cheng Yu's children don't know how to do it now

In 1950, Cheng Yu and Zhuo Xiaoyun emigrated to the United States.

Gu Qingzhou is busy at home and has less contact with her.

"It's different." "Zhuo Xiaoyun was stimulated when he was a child, not born. Fan's genetic disease is congenital. "

"I don't know, just a little worried." Gu said.

They both went to see Yan Lao.

Gu Qingzhou tells Yan Lao that yuzao's child is upright.

She refused to say it directly. She used yuzao's words to remind them that when they first married, everyone agreed.

"I know," said Yan, "Ziqing has gone too far this time."

The old man appeared in person.

Mr. Fan did not dare not give the old man face, and because of fan Yong's resolute attitude, he was very discouraged to leave Singapore.

On the 17th, fan Yongzhi, who was ready, went to the hospital.

Yan Qi accompanied him.

"Don't be afraid." He said to Yan, "even if you really want children in the future, you can leave me. I will never stop you."

Yan Qi smiled: "I don't want children, I just want to be with you."

Fan Yongzhi kissed her.

Sterilization is easy, but it's over in half an hour.

The wound of the operation was not big, so he could go home on the same day, but the hospital suggested that fan Yongzhi stay in the hospital for observation for three days.

This matter, the process is confidential, after all, Yan family is not a small family, Fan family's reputation is also very important.

Externally, they only said that fan Yongzhi was hospitalized for appendicitis.

Yan Qi cooks Soup for her husband every day. She asks for leave to accompany him in the hospital. She is responsible for delivering three meals a day. She is very attentive.

"Does the wound hurt?" Yan chess asks.

"All right." Fan Yongzhi suffered.

On the first day, the wound hurt so much that he could not complain.

Si yuzao also comes to see him once a day.

Three days later, everything was stable, and fan Yongzhi was able to leave the hospital and go home.

The operation went well.

He will have a few days to train at home.

Yan Ziqing and Xu Qizhen still come to visit their son-in-law. They both return to their minds and think of fan Yongzhi doing these things. The real beneficiary is Yan Qi.

"What do you want to eat? Call me and I'll make the cook do it." Xu Qizhen said.

Fan Yongzhi thanks.

Half a month later, fan Yongzhi's wound was completely healed, and he put down a large piece of heart disease.

His marriage with Yan Qi is more harmonious. Two people are very happy, eating, drinking and playing all day long.

Go to work, watch movies, or dance.

Yan Qi thought that if he lived like this for a lifetime, it would be a fairy life.

"You two, do you want to adopt a child?" Gonggong asked Yan Qi this way.

Yan Qi immediately shook his head: "no, I have Mr. Fan. He said he will be my son!"

Mr. Fan: "since then, when Yan Qi saw other people's children, he didn't envy them at all. Probably knowing that she will never have, her mind has changed, and she has a smart and happy life.

In the first half of the year, she was still in the sweetness of her new marriage, and she lived very fast.

Unconsciously, it's summer vacation again.

Li Mei comes to find Yan Qi and sends her a wedding card.

"I'm getting married again." Li Mei tells Yan Qi.

Yan Qi suddenly caught a word. "Again?" She was shocked. "Sister, what is remarriage?"

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