Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1974 the second sister has a boyfriend

Kang Shuhong went into the manor with a happy face and said that the second miss was back from a date with her boyfriend.

As a result, Kang Qinxin is interrogated on the sofa by Ye Wu as soon as she enters the house.

Ye Wu holds her daughter's hand and asks gently: "my heart, your brother said that your boyfriend just sent you back, but really?"

Kangqinxin resisted the impulse of turning white eyes and threw a look at the opposite sister for help.

Kang Huarou turns a blind eye and continues to eat an orange with a crystal fruit fork.

She had to face up to her mother's concerned eyes and shake her head and answer, "Mom, don't listen to big brother's nonsense about anything you don't have."

"Shuhong said that he saw you get off the man's car. How could it be nonsense?" Leaf charm is puzzled, looking for the eldest son at the stairs.

Kang Shuhong just changed his clothes and went downstairs. He tied his cufflinks and said, "Mom, the second sister is shy. If she refuses to admit it, don't ask. You can rest assured that you are familiar with each other! "

He came over knowingly, glanced at Kangqin's heart, and said: "two younger sisters always have ideas. When the time comes, they will tell us. You and dad are always worried about her future, but I don't know that the second sister has an idea for a long time. "

"How can I not worry? When mom was her age, ah Rou was born. Alas, if it were not for the early years when there was no peace, the marriage of my son would not be delayed. " Ye Wu looks at her two daughters anxiously.

Kang Hua looks a little unnatural and puts down the fruit fork.

"Mom, the times are different now. Are you still in the old days? There are a lot of women in Britain who have married in their twenties and thirties. " Kangqin doesn't care.

Ye Wu understood her idea, but the fixed rules of etiquette were not always negative. She was always worried. So she looked at her son again and asked him, "Shuhong, how can mother listen to your voice? Who do you know?"

"I didn't see anyone, but I knew the car that sent my second sister back."

Kang Shuhong said, looking at Kang Qinxin, a good elder brother who deliberately concealed the situation for her, and turned to the door: "Mom, I have a dinner, go out first."

"Shuhong!" Leaf Charm calls.

Kang Shuhong has already left the door.

Ye Wu looks at Kang Qin's heart again. Kang Qinxin regretted that he had robbed the car in a gamble. With Kang Shuhong's words just now, if he didn't tell the truth, he would appear to be overpowering, so he said in a light way: "nothing, I met the Second Secretary of the family on the road, he sent a car

to send me back. Elder brother saw that it was Si's car. Maybe he had a fancy. "

"That's it?" Ye Wu's face was full of disbelief.

Kangqinxin walked upstairs, and he said "um" in a light voice.

When her figure disappeared, ye Wu looked at Kang Huarou and frowned, "ah Rou, do you know about your sister?"

Kang Huarou smiled and said, "Mom, I'm afraid you think more about it. According to the second sister's temperament, he never made a boyfriend and hid what he didn't tell his family. Most of it was Shuhong's misunderstanding. " I went upstairs to see her The Filipino maid has sent all the things she bought from the department store, and Kang Qinxin has no intention of picking them up. When she was in the beauty salon, she called Guo Nan. The injury was not serious but the loss in the gambling house was not small. The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable she was. Sparrow boat was a bully.

Remembering his arrogant virtue, she was going to the study to read a Singapore decree book. When she saw elder sister leaning by the door, she folded her face and shouted.

"I've lost money outside today?" Kang Huarou came in with a cheongsam on her face.

Kang Qin is stubborn: "who can make me suffer? Didn't elder sister see me come back with a full load, and have a new hairstyle! "

Kang Hua smiled softly and clearly, "you, everything is so strong. There is a saying in Shuhong that it's not unreasonable. You can make a decision on your life as soon as possible, and your parents can feel at ease. "

"Sister, why do you say that?" Kangqin's heart was angry.

Kang Huarou patted her, "sister is joking with you. Tell me, what's the matter? "

Sister love, Kang Qin heart also do not hide, concise will Yonghua Lane what happened to inform each other. Kang Huarou seldom goes out, but she has a good idea of people '. Since they all rushed in and searched in defiance of Ye's face, how could they sell you? You can't take advantage of your confrontation with him. "

"I didn't bring anyone today!" Kangqin's heart murmured.

Kang Huarou looked at her stubborn expression and said with a grin, "even if you take people with you, do you want to fight with the Secretary's family?"

"I've never met such a unreasonable person since they were unreasonable first!" "You, it used to be unknown in England. The power of the Secretary's family to act on behalf of the government is not in vain. In previous years, Singapore was in a bad situation. There were anti political parties seizing power inside and Japanese invasion outside. It is really a domestic and foreign trouble. If the Secretary's family helped the governor's government to deal with it, it would not be as peaceful as it is now. "

Kangqin thought with his chin on his chin, "that's all uncle Si's ability. I don't want to see him because of my father and brother's achievements."

Kang Hua, with a soft and warm smile, pulled her up and said, "well, don't always read about things outside. My uncle asked you to take care of the farm, but he said it casually. Who really let you get involved? "

"I just asked, is it possible for my brother to cover the sky with only his hand? Elder sister, don't look at what my uncle never said, but what my brother did in Ye's yard is clear to my elder sister. I just watch my parents' affection and don't mention it. "

Kang Hua's soft complexion is difficult. "Shuhong really loves you, but he is afraid of you..."

"I'm afraid that I will be the second hostess of the Kang family like my aunt?" Kangqinxin is a straight minded, shameless airway: "I wish I had married earlier every day, not my old brother."

Kang Hua said quietly, "don't say that. If you are free, please accompany me to my aunt's to help tomorrow. "

Kangqin nodded, "there are more and more children in aunt's orphanage. I see it's time to expand."

Kanghuarou sighed, "yes, I came here with my parents' escape. When something happened on the way, I had to wander in a foreign country. My aunt called at noon to discuss this with me."

Kangqin thought he would go to the orphanage to help. He was going to have a rest earlier. Unexpectedly, at about nine o'clock, ye guy planned to call. He claimed that the head of the family would go back in the daytime, took Guo's supervisor away and sealed Ye's gambling house. Kang Qinxin was so angry that she hung up the phone and went downstairs to drive to Yonghua lane. As a result, as soon as she left the iron gate of the manor, she ran into the soldier at the door of the Marquis, claiming to have come to invite her eldest brother Kang Shuhong.

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