Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1975 tough women

I knew it was Kang Shuhong who was out there!

Kang Qin's heart murmured, and said "wait" to turn around and try to grab Kang Shuhong. When he went back to the house, he found that his dinner had not come back, but he shocked Kang Yingmao in the small building next to him.

Kang Yingmao is the son of the housekeeper, uncle Kang. He has been serving in the Kang family for generations, which is very trusted by the old Master Kang. Even when he first took refuge in Britain, he took his family with him.

He was supported and taught by Mr. Kang. He helped to manage the affairs in the bank these years, which is very important.

Kang Qinxin admired the capable and respected him very much. He shouted "brother Yingmao".

"What's the matter, miss two, so late?"

Kang Yingmao looked at the figure outside the iron gate and said in a low voice, "you are in trouble?" When he could not answer, he added, "I'll go with you."

Kang Qinxin usually goes out with Ye Xiu, or Guo Nan accompanies her. Now her uncle is not in the city, and Guo Nan is the one who was caught, so she did not refuse. She tossed the car key in her hand at him, "she said as she walked."

The person in charge of sparrow boat did not see Kang Shuhong. Instead, he went to other places to find people.

Kang Qinxin knew it was useless to go to the gambling house, but asked where Guo Nan had been taken. The two men didn't talk, so they had to let Kang Yingmao drive with them.

Kang Qin said angrily: "he is not convinced that he is not stable enough, and he does not know what he has done outside. He offended the court where the Secretary's family doesn't say that he has also affected his uncle. I think those people went to the gambling house to make trouble in the afternoon. That's what he caused! "

Kang Yingmao looked at her eyes and said, "it seems that the second young lady is not good with the young master, but she is still worried."

"Who worries about him? I'm afraid of my family and uncle. Previously, I knew that he always went to Yonghua lane and felt bored. Now something happened. He always said that uncle was eccentric and trusted me more than him.

If he is more down-to-earth, he will not be today. The head of the household is not soft at work. If it falls into their hands, it will not have good fruit. "

Kangqin's heart and mouth said this, but he was still shocked to think of the scarlet color in the crack of the slate and the slow and orderly action of the man when he wiped the pistol.

She turned and asked, "brother Ying Mao, do you know where to find the sparrow boat?" Kang Yingmao thought and shook his head. "The business of the Secretary's family is handled by the Secretary's family. If it's easier to find him, there will always be a schedule to check. As for the two young students, they have been in the army for many years, and only in these two years have they helped them walk in the city. Their whereabouts are hard to find, and it's not easy to explore. "

Such a person is closely related to military affairs, and his whereabouts are confidential, which is not easy to find.

Kangqin's heart waved: "go around."

As if she understood what she was going to do, Kang Yingmao frowned, "second miss?"

Kang Qin looked forward and said seriously, "since it happened in Ye's gambling house, I think I have the right to ask."

"Miss often talks business with her uncle, but you never really get in touch with the business in the casino. Why do you have to wade in this muddy water?

Even if the Secretary's family sent someone to invite the young master, they didn't go in after wandering outside the manor for a long time. I think they came to take care of the relationship between the two families. Even if there is a real situation, they should not be too hard for the young master. " Kang Yingmao's speed does not increase, so he advises softly.

This tone "You know what it is?" Kang chin said

Kang Yingmao hesitated for a moment and said with embarrassment, "in the gambling house, the things on the gambling table are just small things."

Kang Qin's heart and eyes turned slightly: "that's something in the dark? You tell me, what is he doing? "

Kang Yingmao knew that she was really worried about Kang Shuhong, and said frankly with a sad face, "it may be related to morphine."

Kangqin's heart was full of wonder: "he's crazy, doing this kind of business? Still in uncle's yard? "

Thinking of the fact that many compatriots had been harmed by opium in China before, Kang Qinxin wanted to catch Kang Shuhong and beat him up: "a good bank president doesn't sit down. He goes to get this kind of money?" "Don't be angry, young master, I don't think he is so confused. It's just a guess. The shady business in Yonghua lane is nothing more than guns and morphine. Recently, there have been several accounts transferred in and out of the business, which is very strange. But the young master won't let me look into it

Involved in the contraband, Kangqin was anxious to find out the situation, changed his words: "you send two people to follow them to see if you can find the whereabouts of the sparrow boat. Let's go to Xianghai hall."

Xianghai Pavilion is Kang Shuhong's private apartment. Kang Qinxin is not used to brother style at ordinary times, but he does not believe that he has such a bold son to sell opium. He also turns black money in his own bank.

"There should be some family members in Xianghai hall." Kang smiled bitterly, pulled over and made a phone call in the phone booth next to him.

When he turned around and headed for Xianghai Pavilion, kangqinxin asked again, "have you mentioned the bank accounts to my father?"

Kang Yingmao nodded. "I mentioned that the master talked to the young master."

Look at the attitude of the family soldiers just now, it should be the same. Kang Qin's heart was fixed: "he didn't dare to get involved in guns. Most of them were cheated to help launder money. Now that dad knows it, it won't be too bad, but if they do this kind of handover in the Ye family's yard, Guo Nan is afraid to suffer the crime of

"She frowned and scolded:" the ability is not very big, but also to show off, like others do not know that he is a little boss of the Kang family

"Young master's mind is not bad, that is to say, sometimes he works recklessly and is not necessarily used by the intentional people." Kang Yingmao is not convenient to talk about the master of the Kang family.

When I arrived at Xianghai Museum, I couldn't see Kang Shuhong. After waiting for a while, Kangqin thought of what he had said in the evening, and asked kangyingmao if he knew.

"Although there are many parties in the bank at ordinary times, the young master doesn't like that these can be pushed off recently. I didn't hear that he had dinner with any boss tonight." Kang Yingmao said "right" again.

"How?" Kang asked

"Young master has a close relationship with boss Jiang of Jiangtai restaurant these days. Boss Jiang often comes to the bank to find him. I heard that he has been to the gambling house together. Maybe he went to dinner with him."

"The fat man with small eyes?"

This description, Kang Yingmao face slightly embarrassed: "Miss has seen boss Jiang?"

Kang Qinxin got on the car again and said: "I met you once in front of the bank. You are a thief. Let's go to Jiangtai restaurant. "

Jiangtai restaurant is a famous entertainment place in Chinese street. It extends the old style ballroom pattern and integrates the new trend of foreigners. Because of the unique characters of the young ladies in it, business is booming.

Kang Qinxin looks at the neon lights around the door plaque of the restaurant. He can't help humming and laughing. He sounds like a serious restaurant. What's the result?

With all due respect, she has never been here.

Kang Yingmao gave the car key to the parking attendant and said unnaturally, "Miss, why don't we go back? Or you can wait outside. I'll go in and find the young master. "

It happened that a man came out of the revolving door with a woman in his arms, full of wine, and the two were chuckling and intimate.

Kangqin heart dislikes to bypass them, cold voice way: "do not need."

In the tavern, singing and dancing are interlaced, laughter is heard everywhere, the light is dim and bright, and people who don't have long eyes are offensive. It's really inconvenient to find people.

After half a circle, kangqinxin went to the bar and said, "find your boss Jiang and let him out." The waiter in front of the bar is just taking the wine for the guests, glancing at her casually. She thinks it's just like a woman who pesters the boss by going back and forth. She replies as usual: "the boss's rules and regulations should be known by the young lady. It's useless to pester. If you want to mix in this circle in the future, I

advise you to hurry..."

Before he finished speaking, his arm waved away was directly controlled by Kangqin's heart. He shook people's wine bottles out of the back of the bar. He only heard his "ouch" and fell to the ground, still shouting "someone smashed the field". Regardless of the frightened people around him, Kang Qinxin moved his wrists and scolded, "what's wrong with your mouth? My aunt is coming to smash the field today!"

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