Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1977 the black sheep

Kang Shuhong takes the initiative to drive. Kang Qinxin sits beside him and rolls down the window. He stares at the empty street outside and squints: "don't go back to the manor. Go to Yonghua lane."

Kang Shuhong's heart is empty: "what are you doing there?

Didn't you say something happened to my uncle's gambling house? "

"Can you escape if something happens?

If you don't go, people won't be able to find out about you buying and selling morphine in the gambling house? "

Kang Shuhong quickly denies, "don't hurt me, second sister. I don't buy and sell morphine! How can you doubt me as much as my father? I'm not going to do such a crime in a ridiculous way. "

Kangqin's heart is relaxed, and his mouth is unforgiving: "you know your absurdity, thanks."

Kang Shuhong was in trouble, and he was afraid of sophistry. He asked again, "Si quefang really sent people to guard our house?"

"Well, not only that, but there are people squatting near your Xianghai Pavilion.

If you don't say that, there are people in the city looking for you.

So, instead of being caught, you should take the initiative to tell him what you know. "

Kang Shuhong suddenly soft voice: "second sister?"


Kangqin looks up at him.

"The car that will take you home this evening, is it from the Department?

I know the license plate! "

Kang Shuhong said with a fluke: "why don't you speak good words for brother?"

Kangqin's heart gave him a look. "Why did I come back in that car? You don't know what happened?

I went to my brother-in-law's gambling house to check the accounts. I met the Secretary's house. Why did he let the car take me away? Don't you understand? "

"Sparrow boat warned you?

How dare he press you? "

Kang Shuhong doesn't believe it.

Kang Qinxin reminded him: "what do you want me to do?

At best, I wonder why I went there. It's you that sparrow boat is looking for.

Let's talk about it. What's going on?

Don't be there later. I can't help you. "

Then he glanced at the rearview mirror.

Kang Shuhong was embarrassed.

Kang Qin urged, "Guo Nan is still being held by their people. You are all involved."

"I'm your brother. You don't care about me. Why do you always talk about a servant?

Guo Nan is a man of my little uncle, who will naturally find a way to get it out. "

Kang Shuhong was dissatisfied.

"If you were not my eldest brother, I would have been sleeping at home for a long time. Don't be cheap and be good.

Do you and Jiang Yongwang resell morphine and then launder money from the bank account? "

Kangqin's heart is sharp.

"How can I?

I don't know if I can touch the morphine. Boss Jiang and I just play in the tavern and Casino. They never want to touch it. In fact, they are all cheated by Yan soming! "

"Yan Suoming?"

Kang Shuhong nodded, "we met in Jiangtai restaurant. He said he was a trader. At that time, he often invited me to drink with Jiang Yongwang and said to take us to play.

He's very loyal to the people. We'll get to know each other as soon as we go back and forth.

Yan soming has a warehouse over there in Yonghua lane. I wonder how he set the company's warehouse over there.

He said that the warehouse in Yonghua lane is cheap, and there are many people working for a living. Businessmen naturally pay attention to low cost. "

Kang Qinxin: "say the point."

"Yan soming said that he has many Nanyang customers, and they often use gold bars when they go to the bank. These gold bars have not been exchanged in the bank. Yan soming thinks that the value-added of gold bars is irrelevant, but he needs to go through the formalities to change into coins, which is troublesome.

At that time, I always had bad luck at the gambling table, so he told me that it was better to give the money to the bank than to me and play more...... " He said it implicitly, but Kang Qin couldn't help but expose: "just want to evade taxes?

How much money are you short of him? "

Kang Shuhong knew that she looked down on herself, sighed and said: "second sister, you usually follow my uncle, of course, you don't know how important it is to go out with social money.

I'm a man who can't always transfer some money and report it to my family, right

"Will you be short of money if you raise less Miss Lily and gamble less?"

Kang Qinxin basically understood: "so you can help him deposit the gold bars in the bank and wait for the price to be paid out?

That's what you're keeping from young brother, isn't it? "

Kang Shuhong nodded, "Yingmao has told his father, and I have admitted my mistake with him.

I think this one has passed. Who knows that Jiang Yongwang found out later and said that Yan soming was not a trade boss at all. His goods were morphine.

By the time we react, Yan soming has already run.

I think it's also a fear. I'm talking with Jiang Yongwang about what to do these days. "

"So you have no idea?"

"I don't know! If I know it's related to morphine, I dare not touch those gold bars with ten courage. "

Kang Qin felt relieved and suddenly asked, "by the way, do you trust Jiang Yongwang so much that you don't know about him?"

"You doubt him?"

Kang Qin said, "is Miss Lily the one Jiang Yongwang sent you?"

Kang Shuhong doesn't speak, which is the default.

"I always think it's not easy.

You are just deceived. Can Jiang Yongwang get along in the Chinese street like that and wait for others to deceive him?

And when I asked you where you are today, he gave me the address. "

Kang Shuhong is very dissatisfied with her tone, but still seriously replied: "he is also very afraid these days, it should be the same as me."

"Do you know what you did in the gambling house?"

"I don't know, do I?

Guo Nan knows my identity. We all play in the private room. Normal people dare not come in to disturb us, so we are still hidden.

I really haven't touched morphine in the gambling house, but I don't know if Yan soming has brought it in. "

"It must have been brought in, otherwise the Department will not search the museum."

Kangqin's heart was calm and his eyes were cold. "Your good friend is afraid to do business in the gambling house in your name.

My little uncle is very strict at ordinary times. I didn't expect you to be implicated in Qingming. "

Kang Shuhong smacked his tongue. "Don't open your mouth, uncle. I'm not your brother?

I was just fooled for a while. I didn't mean to be fooled! "

Seeing that Yonghua lane is ahead, Kang Qinxin asked him to stop. "You can answer truthfully then. I hope he can believe you don't know."

Kang Shuhong stopped the car and found that there was a car following him. He was uneasy and said, "second sister, is that it?"


The sparrow boat's men followed her and came out of the tavern to know.

"What now?"

Kangqin said calmly: "what's the panic?

I don't need to wait for them, otherwise I don't know where to find the sparrow boat. "

Kang Shuhong was afraid, and said to Kang Qinxin, "otherwise, would you like to call Mrs. Si?

You've met her. She likes you very much. "

"What are you afraid of? Now you want to find Mrs. Si. Doesn't she know the relationship between the two families?"

Kang Qinxin turns to the car behind him, knocks on the window and says, "take us to see Er Shao."

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