Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1978 sister's support

The most important military order is for those who have been in the army. Even if they have reported the news to the sparrow boat, they dare not take them directly without an order.

He listened to Kang Qinxin's words, and only said to go into the alley.

The moon is dim, the stars are sparse, and the lights in the old lane are in disrepair for a long time.

Kang Shuhong looked at his elongated figure, and the more he waited, the more he felt afraid.

He looked at Kang Qinxin, who was still in the phone booth, and at Si Jiabing, who was guarding the alley, and sat back in the car.

God knows he doesn't want to see sparrow boat at all! When his sister came back to open the car door, he didn't want to get out of the car. He said in a soft voice: "second sister, why don't we go home?"

Kang Qin looks at him lightly. "Do you think you don't have to face it when you go home?"

Kang Shuhong's voice trembled slightly: "the sparrow boat can't bring people into the manor to catch me, can it?"

"And then you will not go out for life?"

Kang Shuhong is a little impatient. "Dad knows I haven't done it. He can handle it!"

Mentioning his father, he suddenly had the confidence, as if he had found the backbone: "this matter, I had explained with my father at the beginning, I really didn't do it, it was completely covered in the drum by the strict rope Ming!"

Kang Qinxin really can't see that he's such an unpromising figure, and he's just like a man who has to be brave in everything in the past.

If she didn't understand, she held her arms and stood there and looked at him: "I don't understand. What are you afraid of?

The sparrow boat said, "I'm a little younger than you. What are you afraid of him?"

"I've heard that he trained with his brother-in-law who was very good at martial arts since he was a child. He joined the army early. He killed people without blinking an eye. How many people died with the gun.

Second sister, what can he do if he doesn't speak sense and explanation?

Or, what if he doesn't believe me? "

Kang Shuhong is really guilty of counseling, even the earliest efforts to maintain the demeanor are lost.

He glanced at the phone booth and asked with hope, "were you just calling dad?"

"Who said I called Dad?

What do you mean to disturb the old man's rest so late? "

Kang Shuhong claps the steering wheel, and the shrill whistle rings in the silent lane.

But for being in the car, he would jump, "if you don't call for help, who do you call?"

"I'm looking for uncle Kang to ask if brother Yingmao has returned to the manor."

Kangqin said.

After that, seeing the soldiers coming back, she gave Kang Shuhong a look and said, "let's go."

Kang Shuhong got out of the car and Tucao at the same time: "at this time, I was concerned if Kang Yingmao didn't go back. Was I still your brother?"

Kangqinxin stops, looks at him sideways and warns, "I don't care if you ask me that again. Let yourself pass."

Kang Shuhong hurriedly seized her and said, "OK, OK, I won't tell you. Don't go back."

In the office of Ye's gambling house, sparrow boat is different from the coldness in military uniform.

At the moment, he was wearing a white shirt, sitting on the sofa in front of his desk casually. He was looking at the gold watch on his wrist with the light, which made the whole hand glow.

Hearing the news, he didn't look up, but said softly, "Miss Kang, I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Seeing that he was not in a hurry, Kangqin followed his kindness and said, "yes.

I think the coffee in that coffee shop in Xiangkou is very good. I wanted to have another drink, but I didn't expect that the shop here was closed at night. "

"The coffee that can make miss Kang go back and forth must be delicious."

The sparrow boat raised her eyes with a smile, and her eyes were full of banter.

They looked at each other for a moment, and then he looked at his confidant. "He Zhen, go and have a coffee with Miss Kang."

"Two little ones?"

Song Hezhen looks confused.

Next to Kang Shuhong is also full of doubts, staring at Kang Qin's heart, and then looking at the sparrow boat.

Kang Qin said, "no more trouble. Let's talk about the business first."


Why don't I remember having business with Miss Kang? "

Kang Qin said to Kang Shuhong, "my little uncle is not in the city. I don't need to disturb my grandfather about that in Ye's gambling house.

Two little, if you have any doubts, please ask me.

It's no use grabbing Guo Nan. He's just a man who listens to people's work and watches the arena. "

"Is that right? Who does Guo Nan listen to?

Are you miss Kang? "

Sparrow boat looked at her.

Kangqin's heart bent his lips and smiled: "you don't need to test me. If I have something to do with your investigation, will I come from the net?"

"It seems to make sense."

In response, the sparrow boat turned to Kang Shuhong and said, "Master Kang, the son of the first bank in this city, has been absent for a long time."

Kang Shuhong's face was tense, and he pretended to be calm. "I've heard a lot about the reputation of the two young people. I'm honored to meet you today. I'm honored to be here. I'm honored to be here."

Every time he visited Si's home, his mother only took his sister and sister, seldom took him.

He didn't see much of the Secretary's children.

Kangqin opens her eyes.

I think her brother has been taking over the family business for a long time, and he is usually an independent person in the financial circle. Now I see that sparrow boat is so humble.

"Mr. Kang is here. Is it coffee with Miss Kang?"

The sparrow boat raised eyebrows and asked.

Kang Qinxin really dislikes this kind of gentle way of communication, and says: "you don't have to go around in circles. You send someone to guard the Kang family's manor and Xianghai Pavilion, don't you just look for him?

Now that people are here, what do you want to ask, just ask.

I know that ye's gambling house involves some unclean things. Since the Si's family has acted on behalf of the government, it's reasonable for you to investigate and arrest people and seal the house.

But this matter has nothing to do with our Kang family and ye family. It's just used by interested people and made a trading place. If you don't believe it, you can question everyone in the gambling house. "

Sparrow boat quietly asked: "since Miss Kang has a clear conscience, why is it urgent to explain?"

I don't want to delay your precious time

"Well, it turns out Miss Kang is thinking about me, but I'm worried."

Sparrow boat is no longer stubborn drink coffee thing, make a look at the people around, and change to look at Kang Shuhong, thinking with his eyes.

His men came over with a box, went to Kang Shuhong and opened it three or two steps away, with an angle for them to see.

The whole box of gold bars arranged in order, with thick fingers and clear gold, is engraved with the mark of Guangyuan bank.

Guangyuan bank evolved from Guangyuan bank, which used to be all over the country. It is the basic industry of Kangjia. Kangyu is not the main business now, and some affiliated small banks are basically managed by kangshuhong.

At first sight of these gold bars, Kang Shuhong's face was flustered.

Kang Qinxin knows that these are the gold bars that Kang Shuhong laundered in the bank for Yan Suoming.

Since it fell into the hands of sparrow Fang, she no longer covered it up and said frankly: "the gold bars were indeed issued by our Kangshi bank by mistake. I also knew that the gold bars were unknown and were ready to receive heavy money back."

Sparrow Fang sneers: "you know I'm not asking about money."

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