Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1982 scares me

Kang Qinxin wants to take a bath and go to bed when she comes home. Just about to go upstairs, Kang Shuhong, who is close behind, suddenly calls her, "second sister."

She turned to look at him.

"Sparrow boat won't come to me again?" The scene just now was too frightening for him.

"I'm not sure. He just asked you to leave kaiben recently. Maybe I'll ask you if I find any clues." Knowing his fear, Kangqin added, "after all, you are not the main culprit. At most, you are just a messenger. Don't be nervous."

Kang Shuhong had some difficulty in saying: "that, that..."

"What do you want to say?" Seeing his faltering and halting look, Kang Qin felt tired again and said in a tone of impatience, "it's late. I have to go out with elder sister tomorrow. If you don't say, I'll go back to my room." Kang Shuhong untied the button on the top of the neckline. It seemed that he could relax and don't open his eyes to embarrassment: "you might as well send Lu Yu to protect me. He is good at it. He is also a brother-in-law. Even if the secretary wants to do it, he will have some scruples.

"I can't be the Lord. Go to my uncle." Kangqin's heart is about to go upstairs.

Kang Shuhong grabbed her. "How can't you be the master? My brother-in-law has always been obedient to you. What's the matter with him? Besides, I just heard it in the gambling house. Lu Yu listened to your orders. "


Kang Qin's heart wrists slightly turned, cleverly avoided his capture, leaned on the nearby stairs and squinted and said, "I've cleaned up most of the baskets you poked yourself. What else do you want?

Lu adjutant is a member of the Ye family. Even if he listened to me, I wouldn't have bothered him if it wasn't for you today. I advise you not to have more trouble. Let Lu Yu follow you. Do you want to disturb grandpa and make him worry about you? "

Kang Shuhong did not dare to disturb Ye Laozi. He was not in a good mood. His eyes were very unnatural.

Kang Qinxin said: "don't look forward to doing things in the future, and make friends carelessly compensate for not saying it yourself, but also implicate others."

Their relationship was not good. She spoke directly and left.

Kang Shuhong listened to the footsteps of going upstairs and kicked the railing beside him angrily.

Kang Qinxin went back to the room to wash and then began to sleep heavily. She got up angry. In the early morning, the Filipino maid knocked on the door and asked her to use breakfast. When she saw no reaction in the room, she did not dare to disturb.

Ye Wu drinks porridge and waves back the servant. Looking at her son, she casually says, "didn't you call last night and say you were resting in Xianghai hall, and you won't go home?"

Kang Shuhong lowered his head, his eyes twinkled. "The dinner is over early, and he's back."

Ye Wu thinks he is not quite right. She looks at Jiang Yulan, her daughter-in-law, and asks her, "what time did Shu Hong come back last night?"

Jiang Yulan repeated "Shuhong and Shuhong" twice, and carefully went to see her husband's eyes. Because she was ignored, she replied, "more than three."

"More than three?" Leaf Charm frowns.

Kang Shuhong called "Ma" and raised his head to complain: "I've been working for many years, and I'm the bank president. There are always some business contacts outside. Don't you think I'm a child who always looks after his son."

Then he stared at his wife.

Jiang Yulan didn't dare to talk.

Ye Wu heard the complaint and said, "don't bully your daughter-in-law all the time. It's Magnolia I asked. Why can't I ask you when you are going home?"

"You know that's not what I mean."

"Since there are many social activities outside, there are apartments in Xianghai Pavilion. If you think there are many people in your family and want to move out to live, mom can't understand. As long as you often come back to live."

Ye Wu knows that her son feels uneasy when he grows up at home. She yearns for those young people who move out to start their own business after they have established a family. Although she opposed it before, she gradually changed her mind in the past two years.

I thought he would be very excited when he heard this, but Kang Shuhong shook his head immediately after hearing the words: "Mom, Xianghai hall is just a temporary place to rest, how can you be a master?

The son naturally wants to live with you and your father, so magnolia is also convenient to serve you. If you don't like your son coming back at night, I will come back to accompany you as soon as possible after the end of my bank affairs. "

This surprised Ye Wu. Her son, who had never been in touch with the family, was unwilling to move out. However, her son and daughter-in-law naturally live together, so she was very happy despite doubts.

Then Kang Huarou, who had finished breakfast quietly, put down his chopsticks and got up and said, "Mom, I'll call second sister to get up, and you'll use it first."

Ye Wu dotes on her daughter and says, "since you don't think of it, let her go on sleeping. You'd better not disturb her."

Kang Hua said softly, "she promised to accompany me to my aunt's orphanage. I'm afraid that my aunt will be in a hurry if I go late."

"Leaf Charm nods:" since want to go out that can delay not, still early go out of good

Kang Hua smiled softly and walked slowly to Kang Qin's heart's room.

Kang Qin's heart was awakened by Kang Hua's soft push. She squinted, waved her arm and turned over to sleep. She murmured, "sister, you let me sleep for another half an hour."

"It's almost eight o'clock. The orphanage is in the suburb. It's far away. We need to go out earlier."

"I don't think my aunt will mind this half hour," Kang said vaguely

Kang Hua chuckled and joked: "you can't wake up like this. Did you go to be a thief in the middle of the night?"

"Don't make fun of me. What kind of thief do you want to be? At least you can make a profit from being a thief, but I'm not trying to please you." Kangqin's heart was half asleep and half awake, and he replied casually.

"I don't know how you're so keen on business. You've been running around with uncle all day. Now you're dreaming of making a profit." Kang Huarou laughs, sits beside the bed and pulls her up. "Get up quickly. I have something to ask you."

Kang Qin's heart leans on the head of the bed. He yawns and looks at her blearily. "What do you want to ask, sister?"

"You went out looking for Shuhong last night?"

She was still listless: "how do you know?"

"I got up in the middle of the night to drink water and I saw you coming back. What happened to Shuhong? Just now, his mother agreed to move out with his sister-in-law at the dinner table, but Shuhong was not happy. "

Seeing that elder sister is concerned about Kang Shuhong, Kang Qin blinks her eyes and replies, "how dare he move out even if he doesn't think of his family recently?" She felt that she didn't have to worry about it again, and said casually: "in fact, it doesn't matter. It's just that he and the owner of a restaurant have made some mistakes and been watched by others. It's a little bit troublesome, but it's known that the owner of a restaurant deliberately used him. He won't be too embarrassed."

"How can I look at Shuhong? It seems that things have not passed yet?"

"In the past, I went to get him last night."

Kangqinxin opens the quilt and goes to the bathroom. After washing, she comes out and sits in front of the dressing table to comb her hair. Looking at the elder sister who is still sitting on her bed in the mirror, she confesses: "he just feels that he has provoked some fear of the big man. He is afraid to find him again."

"What great man can scare him out of the door?" Kang Hua is soft and intelligent. He thinks a little and then understands: "is it the Secretary's family?"

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