Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1983 dress up as a lady

Kang Qinxin didn't hide it. He went to the cabinet to pick up his clothes.

When Kang Huarou saw that she was going to choose the clothes and trousers she usually wore when she went out with Ye Xiu, she immediately hung the hanger back, opened another cabinet door and chose a white dress for her, and then put down her hair that she had just combed.

Kang Qin's heart "elder sister ah" made a sound and stroked the hair on his shoulder.

"Now that you have a new hairstyle, why do you tie it up? You'd better be gentle. " Kang Huarou asked her to change.

Kangqinxin's family didn't listen to anyone, but he couldn't help the people in front of him. Knowing that he liked to dress himself, he had to do it. After all, he couldn't bear to refuse elder sister's words.

She is really sleepy. Kang Huarou pushes her back to the dresser to make up her hair.

Kang Huarou's hand is dexterous. She chooses her hair accessories and asks, "you helped Shu Hong last night. Should the previous gap be untied?"

"Elder sister, I don't know. It's like guarding me against thieves. How could you help him to make up?"

Kang Qin said again with a heart full of Indifference: "he asked me to let Lu's adjutant follow him to protect him, but I refused and complained that I didn't care about him. I'm not trying to be grateful to him, let him think. "

"Your face is cold and your heart is hot. Sister knows that you can't care more about him."

"It doesn't matter." Kangqin refuses to admit it.

Kang Huarou smiled and thought of what he saw on the table just now, and sighed with some distress: "since the birth of Magnolia, my relationship with Hong and his wife is not as good as before."

"My sister-in-law is shy and weak, and dare not ask about my elder brother's affairs. Her feelings are not equal."

"You don't know where I found him last night! If nothing had happened, I would have beaten him. "

"You can't interfere in it, because Magnolia doesn't say anything." Kang Huarou advised.

Kang Qin was surprised: "sister, do you know?"

Kang Huarou smiled at the line of sight she had cast, pulled her up and said, "let's go down and eat something. Let's go out."

He walked around her and said with satisfaction, "look, how nice it looks. Don't mix with uncle's men all day long."

Kang Qin smiled helplessly.

When they left the room, they happened to meet Jiang Yulan, and Kang Huarou called out to her younger sister-in-law.

Kangqinxin thought of the woman who was exposed last night. She felt a little guilty and said awkwardly, "sister-in-law, why are you standing here and not coming in?"

Jiang Yulan's gentle explanation: "no, I just arrived. My mother has prepared something for you to bring to my aunt."

Kang Huarou looks at the direction of the stairs and asks, "what about mom?"

"Shuhong accompanied her for a walk in the garden."

"Why, he doesn't go to the bank today?"

Jiang Yulan hung his head and said, "Shuhong was a little sick last night. He called the bank and was ill for two days at home."

She said hesitantly looking at Kang Qinxin, "second sister."

Kangqin's heart answered, "what does sister-in-law want to ask?"

"Shuhong, are you ok?"

"Don't worry, sister-in-law. It's OK," Kang Qin said

"That's good." Jiang Yulan showed her smile. "The gifts to my aunt are all by the sofa in the living room. Aunt Zhu is waiting there. I'll go back to my room first."

Kanghua should be soft.

The two sisters went downstairs. Kang Huarou asked her to have breakfast first, and then went to the warehouse to sort out the items to be taken to the orphanage.

Aunt Zhu accompanied Kang Qinxin with breakfast on the side and said with a smile, "it's nice for the second lady to wear this dress."

Kang Qinxin is a little uneasy: "it's all selected by sister A. I don't remember when the skirt was put in my cabinet. I think it was prepared by sister a before."

"The first lady loves the second lady very much. She will buy you a shop every time she goes shopping."

Kang Qin nodded, "yes, elder sister is the best for me."

She took a sip of milk and asked, "by the way, has Yingmao already gone to work?"

"Yes, he went to the bank early in the morning. I don't think he looks very well. He left home late last night in a hurry." When it comes to her son, aunt Zhu is worried.

Kang Qin said, "you can let him have a good rest later. It doesn't matter in the bank."

"I see. Thank you, miss two."

After all, if she didn't take Kang Yingmao out in the middle of the night, she wouldn't let him have a bad rest. Most of the gold bars in the bank didn't work well, so he had to help with them.

After breakfast, she called the bank. By the way, Kang Yingmao said that she was at ease.

Kangqin then went to the suburbs with kanghuarou.

The orphanage was opened by her aunt Kang Han. Earlier years ago, Kang Han and her daughter started to help the homeless children after they were separated due to the war. These years, they have been growing up, and almost all their energy has been spent on it.

Kang Huarou has also been helping in recent years and has a good relationship with Kang Han.

When Kang Han saw them coming, he waited at the door of the orphanage in person. First, he took Lacan's soft hand and looked at Kang Qin's heart, saying, "Qin Xin has also come. Aren't you busy recently?"

"Not busy aunt, this kind of welfare of the public can't always be done by elder sister. I'll do my best." Kangqin answers with a smile.

Watching the children rush out to move things in the car under the arrangement of migrant workers, the mood is also very happy.

Kangqinxin hands over the gift that his mother brought to kanghan, "it's from your mother."

Kang Han then said with a smile, "my sister-in-law is so polite every time. Go inside quickly. My aunt will accompany you everywhere."

The orphanage is very busy and full of children's laughter. Kang Han looks at everything in the orphanage contentedly and talks about these children with pride.

Kang Huarou's eyes are the same. Kang Qin's heart quietly glanced at her eyes and saw her staring at a five or six-year-old boy in the corner. She was moved. She deliberately turned the topic to ask Kang Han, "Auntie, I heard that you are trying to arrange for these children to study, right?"

"Yes, many children have reached the age of enlightenment. There used to be few people. Several teachers and I can teach. But after all, there are differences in age levels, so we should send them to school."

"Is there any arrangement?"

Kang Han said: "there is a charity school nearby. I'm going to send the children there. I've seen Dean Ruan talk about it, and he's very happy."

"Charity school, Dean Ruan?"

Kang Han nodded and explained, "it was Mrs. Si's brother who opened it. You must have heard of it."

It seems that I thought of one thing, and then I said, "speaking of it, Mrs. Si is still your mother's teacher. Your mother may also know this Dean Ruan, whose name is Ruan Shao." Kangqin's heart was slightly shocked. Later, she realized that her mother's teacher, Mrs. Si, was that the mother of the sparrow boat?

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