With more and more children in the orphanage, Kang Han gradually found it hard. He planned to expand the church and hire several more teachers to teach here, but he was far from thirsty.

Although Gu Shao teaches in the University, he has been doing charity work, and there are some schools that do not charge tuition fees.

Now, Kang Han is in a happy mood and praises the dean of the school.

Kang Han took Kang Huarou's hand and said: "the Dean Xinshan has been doing charity for a long time. Before, he helped many homeless people to go to work and settle down. I will be relieved if these children can go to school later.

President Ruan also said that the director of Pei's hospital will send doctors and nurses to see doctors every week, and the prescriptions and infusion are free of charge. "

Kang Huarou said, "the dean is the sister-in-law of Dean Ruan, right?"

"Yes, his aunt married Pei's family. Now Pei's hospital is the Best Western Hospital in Nanyang. It is said that President Ruan came to see Mrs. Si to have an agreement on this matter.

So, you don't have to bring so much material next time. The situation in the orphanage is much better than before. " Kang Han smiles and pats her niece's hand.

Kang Qin listened and couldn't help but ask, "hasn't Aunt considered adopting these children? Although they now have a place to live and solve the problem of going to school, they are still so small. How good is it to have a family? " Kang Han smelt the expression and sighed: "Qin Xin, what you said has been thought of by my aunt for a long time. She adopted several children earlier. When they took their children away, parents said they would take care of them, but when the migrant workers in the hospital went to visit

they found that those children had not been very happy since they were taken away. "

Kang Qin stopped and asked, "how can I say that?"

"They are all brought back to serve as servants, or accompany their own children. That's to be punished if you want. There's a kid who came back crying because he couldn't stand it. "

Kang Han thought back to these things, and her eyes were sad. "When I saw those scars, I regretted sending them out. If I can't guarantee that the children can live better, I'd better take care of them. For a long time, I don't want them. "

"Auntie, I think it's too easy," said Kang chin in a low voice

Kang Han smiles with relief.

Kang Huarou then said, "you are young, so you don't know the dangers of the people."

"Elder sister said this as if she were much older than me. It's clear that we are about the same age."

Kang Hua said softly, "I am six years older than you, and I have experienced more than you."

Kang Qin thought of elder sister's past and swallowed it again. She pretended to be relaxed and joked: "elder sister now relies on the old to sell the old. She always likes to teach me."

Kang Han looks at the scene of the two sisters talking and laughing. She can't help thinking of her own daughter.

Kang Huarou likes to spend time with her children, and she is reluctant to leave after circling the orphanage. She said that if she wants to go to the charity school in Gu Shao, she can also see if it is necessary to add some facilities to the school.

Kang Han said, "what kind of family are Ruan's? They have all kinds of schools. They have nothing to lack for a long time. But since you want to see it, my aunt will go with you. "

Kang Qinxin also thought about Guo Nan in the hospital, and said to them, "I have something else to do, so I won't go to school with my aunt and sister. I'll send the stationery and new clothes back to school. "

Kang Huarou knew that her temperament was restless, and it was not easy to be dragged by herself for a long time. She said with a spoiled smile, "I know I can't keep you. Go ahead, remember to go home earlier, and don't let everyone wait for you to have dinner again."

"I see."

Kang Qinxin asked the driver to drive to Pei's Hospital, and told him to go back to the orphanage and wait for her to go back to the house.

The driver hesitated. "You, miss two?"

"This is the center of the city. Are you afraid I can't go home? Go quickly. The suburb is remote. My aunt is short of money, so don't bother her. "

Kangqinxin bought a bunch of flowers and some fruit at the door, went to the hospital and asked the nurse Guo Nan's room number at the front desk, then walked along the road sign.

But she got lost!

It took him a long time to go to the ICU. Kangqin was shocked. The ICU? Don't you say it's not serious when you ask about the situation on the phone?

In a hurry, I didn't pay attention when I went to the corner of the building. I met a little girl on the front. A pair of round little hands hugged her calf, and then grabbed the beads on the skirt to play.

Kang Qin's heart is bowed. She is a little girl carved with powder and jade. She is five or six years old. She is wearing a small foreign skirt with a bow tie and round eyes.

She squatted down, afraid of frightening the child, and asked gently as much as possible: "little sister, did you lose your father and mother? Can I see you to the front desk? "

The little girl was not afraid of strangers. She tooted her lips and said, "how can I get lost when I look so smart?"

Kangqin's heart is choking, whose clever little ghost? Not afraid to live with boast?

She can't care about her children. They must be worried about their parents if they run around a bit. So he coaxed: "are you coming to visit your parents? Do you remember the ward number?

If they can't find you later, they need to worry. In this way, my sister will take you to the front desk and ask my sister nurse to contact your parents for you. "

Then she took off her little hand holding her skirt, and took it to the front platform.

The little girl was quick, struggling to get rid of her old age and said, "I don't want to go with strangers. Who knows that if you don't see me as smart and cute, you will abduct me?"

Finish saying and back to the corridor side of the bench, stand on tiptoe three or two times and sit up, wearing pink shoes feet swing around, very leisurely.

Kangqin's heart is speechless, holding the fruit bag rigidly in place.

Come on, let's go. I'd better go to see Guo Nan's situation, and then I'll call to ask if my uncle has come back. I don't know what happened to Kang Shuhong. She thought about going forward like this, but after a few steps, she stopped again, and went back to the little girl. Kang Qinxin put the bouquet into her arms, then bent over and picked her up, deliberately threatening: "I really turned you today, you either follow me or call the nurse."

"Do you want to say that I can't cry for help even if I break my throat? Hum, I won't shout. How stupid that is! " Who knows that the little girl is not afraid. She is cuddled by Kangqin's heart. She is even quiet. She pulls out the petals and stays in her arms. Without panic, she says: "in this hospital, you can't turn me away. You say you are young, how can you be so nosy? Even if I'm separated from Abba and Muma, what's your hurry? "

"I'm afraid that you will become a vagrant child and increase social pressure," said Kang

Entering Guo Nan's ward, she put the little girl down and saw that the severe patient was leaning against the bed to eat the fruit plate. In addition to two small injuries on her forehead, even the infusion stopped. She was surprised: "it's just skin injury. How can I run to the intensive care ward?" Guo Nan and she are very familiar. Usually they are not big or small. They don't stand up straight and shout to miss Biao like the guys beside them. They still eat the fruit plate and say vaguely: "what's the skin injury? Go to get a beating and try it. Although you don't see it, it's also caused by their department. I can't get special treatment when I go to the hospital?"

It was originally arranged by the manager of the sparrow boat. Also, Pei's hospital was opened by his uncle.

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