Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1985 petition in person

Seeing that he was still able to laugh, Kangqin was relieved. She went to put the fruit on the bedside table, and when she turned around to look for flowers, she found that the little girl had almost torn the flowers apart, which made her a little embarrassed.

Guo Nan didn't mind whether to spend money or not. He just stared at the little girl and joked: "I haven't seen you for a few days. Where did you get such a big girl? It's pretty good. "

"It's from the outside stairs." Kang Qinxin didn't care about his joke, and said, "when I leave, I will send her to the front desk. I think it's lost with my parents."

"I haven't lost! I've scattered the petals all the way to the ground, and someone will follow the clues I left to find me. " The little girl was really not afraid of birth. She went to the sofa in the ward to sit down and began to open several presents.

Kangqinxin can't help but be attracted by her. She goes to ask her name.

"Zhang xuanjiao."

"I'm very gentle and clever, but I don't agree with my personality."

Zhang xuanjiao asked, "what's your name?"

"Kangqin heart."

"I still think this name is quiet and gentle. It doesn't match your name, either?" Zhang xuanjiao said.

Kangqin's heart is broken with laughter.

Guo Nan, who was ignored, could not help shouting: "ah! It seems that you have come to see a doctor, Miss 2? How can I talk to a child? "

"I know you're ok if I see you're full of enthusiasm and excited voice!"

Guo Nan suddenly said seriously, "yesterday's matter bothered you. I heard that you also invited Lu adjutant."

"I didn't help the gambling house, but I was still affected by our Kang family." Kang Qinxin went to sit on the bench beside the bed and asked, "is my uncle back? I didn't get through the phone with my uncle when I left early in the morning. "

"Well, it arrived at noon."

"Is it in the old house or the new spring villa?" said Kang Qin

"In the mountain villa, I go back to the market secretly. How can I disturb the old man?" Guo Nan put away his funny face and said seriously to her, "are you going to the villa?"

Kangqin sighed, "naturally I will go. If I don't go back, I will go back to my uncle's manor to find me. My mother will worry about what happened yesterday."

"Then you can take good care of your injuries in the hospital. I'll take care of your injuries for you."

Guo Nan couldn't laugh or cry: "just tease me. You know I can't sit. I'll be discharged when I wake up in the morning. I'm not allowed."

"My brother-in-law also cares about you. After all, you suffered yesterday, but fortunately, the sparrow boat's people don't care much." "How easy is it? He has smashed our arena. Who dares to enter our gambling house in Yonghua lane after that? " Mentioning this, Guo Nan said angrily, "it's too shameful to be in charge of sparrow boat! Now that I'm back, I can't spare that boy. "

Kangqinxin is also very dissatisfied with the practice of sparrow boat.

"How can you still speak ill of people behind their backs? Alas, the world of adults is full of intrigue, not pure at all. " While they were talking, Zhang xuanjiao suddenly accused them.

Kangqin was confused: "why do you want to interfere in everything? Who are we talking about behind our backs? "

Zhang xuanjiao suddenly stares at them, then gets off the sofa and opens the door and runs away.

"What happened to the child?"

After all, she brought in the hospital. There were many people in the hospital. Kang Qinxin saw her running out, and after two sentences with Guo Nan, she went out with her bag. She thought she would give it to the front desk nurse earlier.

As a result, I just ran into the familiar figure at the stairway.

The cold and heartless man of yesterday is now bending over to touch the little girl's head and hugging her again.

Kangqin sees Zhang xuanjiao holding the sparrow boat with her arms outstretched. She calls "Uncle" in her mouth. Suddenly, she really feels that she is meddlesome.

Zhang It's no wonder that the son-in-law of Miss Si's family is Zhang. It's no wonder that the child is so familiar with Pei's Hospital, just like visiting her garden.

Kang Qinxin didn't want to meet her. She was going to go back to Guo Nan's room and leave for a while. Who knows that the other side saw her first.

"Miss Kang?"

"Ha ha, it's such a coincidence." She stepped forward in embarrassment.

After kangqinxin's greeting, Zhang xuanjiao complained and said, "uncle two, she just said something bad about you. Don't pay attention to her."

Kangqin's heart chuckled and moved out of sight unnaturally.

It's hearty to speak ill of others in front of their nieces.

"What is Miss Kang talking about?" Maybe there are children in the scene, he is not as dangerous as yesterday.

"Misunderstood, how can I say two little bad words, the child listened to the messenger."

Kang Qin was embarrassed to tease Zhang xuanjiao, but the latter didn't give face at all: "I'm sure I heard it right. Second uncle, she said she would find someone to settle accounts with you. She can't spare you. "

"Oh? Really, Miss Kang? "

What can she say about her nephew's unity of heart?

Kang Qinxin points to Guo Nan's ward, and Gu says to the left and right: "it's very badly hurt."

"Sparrow Fang very seriously said:" a lot of mercy

"Second uncle, let's not talk to her." Zhang xuanjiao waved her arm.

Sparrow boat soft voice coaxed two, let her be obedient, and Kang Qin heart said: "I hear Mr. leaf back?"

"I know that too."

"Then I will wait for you." The sparrow boat's words fell, and squinted at her again. "Miss Kang is different from yesterday."

Kang Qin had a long haircut and said, "I have the right to praise me for two times."

Sparrow boat: that's right

"There's something else. Don't bother me." Kangqin's heart fell, and he went down the stairs. It was really not easy to go out. In the past, people who couldn't hit eight poles met three times in two days.

When she got out of the hospital, she felt that she was too counselled. Really, what was she afraid of him?

Depressed to the new spring villa, ye Xiu has long been waiting for her.

He loves Kangqin very much. Basically, he can take it with him.

This time, I left her with my close aide Lu Yu.

When I saw her enter the room, I first exchanged greetings carefully. I was afraid that she was injured yesterday. After I confirmed that she was ok, I complained a few times: "I told you not to go to Yonghua lane, how could I not obey you?" Although it is blame, it is not sharp. Kang Qinxin explained: "that's not all because you always don't let me go, I'm curious to go?"? But even if I didn't run into it by chance, my brother got involved, I can't stay out of it. In the end, our family has involved uncle you

, causing your gambling house to be smashed. " "What are you doing with me in this polite way? Well, you don't need to worry about these things. Come and see what I've brought you. " Ye Xiu took out a blue velvet box from the drawer.

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