Gu Qingzhou is very patient to help Sima.

Sima is also getting used to her needles.

On the sixth day, all of a sudden, Sima couldn't make a sound.

Sima, who has always been lonely and calm, has a strong sense of despair in his eyes. He clutched Gu's hand.

Gu Qingzhou's delicate wrists, cool and smooth skin, fall on the palm of SIMU's hand, but give simu infinite strength and desire.

His eyes are asking Gu Qingzhou, "how could this happen?"

Why are there repetitions?

"Didn't you sleep much last night?" Gu Qingzhou is very calm and gently taps the back of his hand.

He just slowly released his hand and nodded.

Can speak, Sima in the mind of a lot of things, one night involuntarily tossed and turned, can not sleep at all.

He thought a lot.

He occasionally insomnia, won't affect anything, just get up early, can't make a sound again, he's not calm down.

All his composure was gone.

There is no hope, and hope broke, is two different blows, the latter is more serious.

Sima is afraid.

"It's OK. I'll sleep later and wake up. You should know that you have just recovered. It's normal that you haven't slept all night. You don't have enough energy. Relax. " Gu Qingzhou road.

Her bland words and casual attitude are actually the best medicine for simu to know. It's really nothing serious.

Smoothie is relaxed.

Gu Qingzhou's calmness gave Sima confidence, which made him feel at ease.

On the same day, Gu Qingzhou left after acupuncture and moxibustion. After taking the medicine, Sima fell asleep. Half an afternoon, he tried to open his voice and said "Jiajia". He heard the voice himself. He could speak, which seemed a little bigger than yesterday.

Smoothie was completely relieved.

It's all right.

On the seventh day, simmer was able to speak hoarse and low.

"Gold bar, here you are." Sima has been silent for a long time. He is not used to it. He is like a toddler. He always rushes out with two words.

He promised to take care of the boat. If he cured him, he would give her a little yellow croaker.

Sima doesn't think it's expensive.

He saw famous doctors all over the world, but he never recovered from his illness. He was taken care of by the light boat, and her ability was worth the money.

"Then I'll take it." Gu Qingzhou put the gold bar in his bag and smiled, "I wish you a speedy recovery."

Sima nodded and his eyes were a little warm.

Gu Qingzhou packed up his things to leave. He thought of something and said to Sima, "young commander, can you keep it secret? At least don't tell the governor and the old lady. "

Sima's eyes flashed a little confused.


He didn't know much. Gu Qingzhou cured Sima. She was very kind to Sima's family. Isn't it good that she took the opportunity to earn money and human feelings?

As for the future...

Sima may not marry, but he will help her arrange her marriage.

The superintendent and the old lady will certainly appreciate her. With the gratitude of the Secretary's family, it will be much easier to go this way.

"Can you keep it secret?" Gu Qingzhou stands in the windward place, her face is bathed in the warm winter sun, and her eyes are golden and warm.

This light falls in the eyes of Sima. It's golden and clean.

She cured Sima. No matter what she said, Sima would promise unconditionally.

"Well." Sima agreed. His voice was very short, and his strength was not so easy.

Gu Qingzhou told him again and again that he didn't need to drink the medicine, but the effect had to wait for several days, so he couldn't worry.

"Being impetuous is even worse for recovery. If you remember me, I will never fail in my treatment. " Gu Qingzhou road.

"Yes," said slim

Gu Qingzhou left the other Museum of Sima.

Before the new year, Gu Qingzhou never saw Sima again.

In the middle of December, Yan Luoshui called Gu Qingzhou. She asked Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing to have afternoon tea.

Three people met at the department store.

Yan Luoshui is in a rare good mood. Her mood, let Gu Qingzhou and Huo gather static not to touch the head.

"Luoshui, what's the good news?" Gu Qingzhou asked, Yan Luoshui's mood, all written on his face.

Yan Luoshui seldom does.

Even if Yan Luoshui can get out of the shadow of Xie sanshao, she will not look like this. She looks very happy now, as if she has great good news.

"No." Yan Luoshui laughs, and the laughter is as light as a bell.

Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing exchange a look, knowing that there is a good thing!

What's the matter? Yan Luoshui refuses to say. Gu Qingzhou and Huo Fengjing respect the character of * * very much. They don't ask.

They trust each other's friendship very much. Knowing the right time, Yan Luoshui will tell them.

"... I heard about a rare event. Simaneng spoke." Yanluo waterway.

After that, her eyes fell on Gu Qingzhou.

It has been ten days since the last follow-up visit, and Sima has gradually recovered. Now he can speak normally and is used to speaking. His voice is fluent, but he is relatively low, hoarse and less powerful.

The manager is so happy!

The governor and his wife asked simu how well he was ill. Simu said he knew a doctor.

The Secretary knew that he was cured by taking care of the boat. But Sima didn't admit it, and the governor didn't know what was going on between the children. He just remembered the love of taking care of the boat in silence and didn't publicize it.

Yan Xinnong also knew, as an anecdote told Mrs. Yan and Yan Luoshui and others.

"Is that you?" Yan Luoshui asked Gu Qingzhou in a whisper. She leaned over and asked playfully,

"yes." Gu admitted, "young commander gave me a little yellow croaker. In case it spreads, saying that I still receive money for treatment, I have a bad reputation, but if I want the money again, I will not allow him to say it. "

She explained this way, Yan Luoshui and Huo gathered their heads, but they knew that they didn't want to let Si Xingfu know.

Yan Luoshui and Huo Fengjing both know that Gu Qingzhou is trapped in the cage of Si Xingfu, and she can't escape.

On the same day, the three of them had afternoon tea and went to see a movie again. After the movie, Gu Qingzhou invited them to have dinner. The dinner was a bit full, so Huo asked them to go to the theatre.

It's quiet in Yajian. They listen to the play and chat at the same time.

He didn't come back to Gu mansion until he played until more than 10 p.m.

Just after she got home, the servant opened the door for her, and Gu Qingzhou found that the second aunt was too sleepless. She was sitting on the sofa reading magazines and holding a cup of coffee to refresh her mind.

Gu Qingzhou is slightly shocked: "second wife?"

The second aunt put down her book, and graceful stood up and said with a smile, "Miss Qingzhou is back? Sit down, I'll wait for you. "

Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand what he wants. He takes off his cloak and gives it to the servant. Gu Qingzhou sits at the other end of the sofa.

The second aunt gave a gift list to Gu Qingzhou: "today, the adjutant of the governor's office came, saying it was a gift for the new year. Everything is in the storeroom. Here is the list. Miss canoe, have a look. "

The chief inspector said that he would talk to Gu Guizhang during the new year and want to set the wedding date for next year.

It's a sign that marriage is really about to begin.

Gu Qingzhou's heart sank.

"What does simmer mean? He made it clear to me that he had another sweetheart. Besides, I cured his voice. How could I still send him the annual ceremony? " Gu Qingzhou is a little annoyed.

She looked through the list of gifts. This year's gift is very rich. It comes from the etiquette before the dowry.

"Has Abba seen it?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

"The master went to Taicang to have a wedding party. He won't be home until tomorrow evening or the morning after tomorrow." Second aunt too way, "otherwise I also won't wait for you to arrive so late."

Gu Qingzhou shows a slight frown.

She took over the list and said, "second wife, it's so late, or you go to bed first. I'll take it up and take a look. I'll go to the warehouse tomorrow morning."

Second aunt too nodded, yawned: "good night, Miss canoe."

Gu Qingzhou smiled: "good night, second wife."

"... Miss canoe, it's a good thing. Next year, we will have double happiness in the mansion." Aunt two went to the winding of the stairs and said something.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't understand. He looks up at her.

The second aunt is too standing on the back of the crystal lamp, smiling lightly, unable to see clearly.

She didn't wait for Gu to ask what, and went upstairs.

"Double happiness?" Gu didn't understand. "Who else is going to get married?"

She said she wanted to see the list of rites, but there was nothing to see. The value of the annual rites only meant the beginning of marriage.

Gu Qingzhou didn't say anything. He took this gift list and went upstairs.

The next day, Gu Guizhang had not come back. Gu Qingzhou had already changed clothes. She had changed into a moon white Long jacket, a long skirt of the same color, and a white fox skin gale cloak on the outside, which made her face as white as jade.

Gu Qingzhou goes to Yan's house.

She showed the gift list to Mrs. Yan: "it's still the custom of Yuecheng. Does this mean that the wedding will be planned next year?"

Mrs. Yan looked and looked solemn: "Yuecheng has such a custom. The year before marriage, it will give a heavy gift to the wife's family. Everyone knows that it's time to talk about the date of going out of the cabinet."

Gu's face suddenly collapsed.

It happened that Yan Luoshui also came.

Seeing this, Yan Luoshui also worries about taking care of the light boat.

"Madame should not have agreed. Why didn't she stop it?" Gu Qingzhou doubts, "she should do everything to stop the governor. Besides, these gift lists should be prepared by her, right? What does she mean? "

Yan Luoshui didn't understand.

On the contrary, Mrs. Yan understood.

"It may have something to do with Wei Qingjia's divorce." Said Mrs. Yan.

As soon as her voice fell, Gu Qingzhou and Yan Luoshui exclaimed.

"Wei Qingjia is still alive?" This is the exclamation of Gu Qingzhou.

"Wei Qingjia is divorced?" This is Yan Luoshui's scream.

They both said it at the same time.

Then, Yan Luoshui first replied to Gu Qingzhou, "of course Wei Qingjia is still alive. Do you think she is dead?"

Gu Qingzhou thinks so.

Sima said that he wanted to cure himself for Wei Qingjia.

Gu Qingzhou always thought that Wei Qingjia was his girlfriend who died in a car accident, so he never forgot.

She only treats her partner as a dead person.

Gu Qingzhou never inquired about Wei Qingjia, but also thought of the dead as the most important thing, so he didn't need to explore others' life.

Mrs. Yan said that Wei Qingjia was divorced. Gu Qingzhou knew that he was wrong.

"Who is Wei Qingjia?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

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