Before this incident, Gu Qingzhou always thought that Wei Qingjia, the daughter of mayor Wei, had passed away.

For the dead, it won't affect the living too much. Even if she has flowers in Sima's heart, it has nothing to do with Gu Qingzhou, because Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to live in Sima's heart.

She never inquired.

Even if Sima mentioned it many times, Gu Qingzhou was also lack of interest.

All of a sudden, I found that this man was still alive, and I was ignorant of the boat.

She asked, who is Wei Qingjia, asked very sincerely, eyes full of thirst for knowledge!

Mrs. Yan is an elder. The elder should speak in a proper way and pay attention to the importance.

So, when Mrs. Yan wants to make a draft in her heart and sort out the beginning of the conversation, Yan Luoshui ignores it. Seeing Mrs. Yan hesitates, she begins.

"Wei Qingjia, the first lady in Yuecheng, don't you know her?" Yanluo waterway, a little surprised, as if everyone should know Wei Qingjia.

Gu Qingzhou shakes his head: "I just came here, you didn't say, where do I go to know?"

"Yes, when you came, Wei Qingjia had been married to Peiping for more than four years." Yan Luoshui said.

Yan Luoshui told Gu Qingzhou, "Wei Qingjia is the eldest daughter of mayor Wei Lin, she has been a miracle since she was a child. When she was five years old, she would recite three hundred Tang poems, which is very powerful."

Gu Qingzhou was also a little surprised.

Tang poetry, she also recited when she was a child, no achievements, recited a forgotten one.

"... when she grew up, she was able to learn. Her mother took her to travel to Western Europe for four years. She learned to speak fluent German, English and French. She was a genius." Yan Luoshui added, "when she was 15 years old, she took part in the banquet of the Ministry of foreign affairs and translated for the director general of the Ministry of foreign affairs, and she was very beautiful!"

A woman of talent, good appearance and good family background can afford to be the first lady in Yuecheng, and siqiongzhi can't match her.

Siqiongzhi is often unconvinced and wants to learn like Wei Qingjia. Unfortunately, not everyone has this kind of talent.

Yan Luoshui continued to talk about Wei Qingjia. Later, he talked about Sima. Because Gu Qingzhou didn't plan to marry Sima, Yan Luoshui said it fluently and without any scruples. He told Gu Qingjia all at once.

"When Sima was 13 years old, Wei Qingjia was 17 years old. He pursued Wei Qingjia. At that time, it was quite a sensation. My brother often used to talk about Sima's marrying a sister.

You can also see that the boys in Sima's family are very tall. When Sima was 13 years old, he was taller than the 17-8-year-old boy. Moreover, he was born sophisticated and steady. My second brother saw that he and Wei Qingjia had coffee together, which was quite a match. " Yanluo waterway.

Wei Qingjia and other personages actually looked like a little hairy boy, which was unbelievable to outsiders.

Maybe, this is what mayor Wei meant. Let her make friends with the governor's office. Don't annoy the Secretary's family.

Later, when they sat together, the people they saw found that the son of the inspector general was born very fast and didn't look young at all. He had a sense of compatibility with Wei Qingjia's talent and beauty.

"... later, we all know. Two years later, Sima somehow drove the second daughter of Wei family, Wei Qingyun, Wei Qingjia's younger sister, out of the city to play.

The car crashed, and Sima was OK. Wei Qingyun was bloody and died on the spot. Sima was too scared and dumb. He was sent out by the governor's wife for treatment. His love with Wei Qingjia ended unharmed.

In the second year of the accident, Wei Qingjia married the Hu family, a famous family in Peiping. It's said that because of her, her husband became the director of the Foreign Ministry of Beiping government, and she always went with her husband. " Yan Luoshui added, "last year, when Wei Qingjia got divorced, the news spread to Yuecheng from Peiping so far away. It can be seen that Yuecheng people's attention to this famous lady has never been reduced.

In October of this year, the news of Wei Qingjia's divorce is true, and she is preparing to return to Yuecheng with her assigned property. It is estimated that she will soon arrive at Yuecheng. "

Gu Qingzhou suddenly realized.

Sima is cold and arrogant. After being rejected, he is still clinging to Gu Qingzhou for treatment. It turns out that his first love is coming soon.

"Madame Si is afraid that Sima and Wei Qingjia will get tangled up. First, she will pull me out as a shield, and then slowly cut off the relationship between Wei Qingjia and Sima?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

How snobbish is Mrs. Si?

Even if Wei Qingjia is an immortal, she has been married. Sima doesn't care, but Sima can't accept it!

"It should be." Mrs. Yan concluded, "it's such a thing, or it won't make sense. I saw that madam Si pushed you to our house to cure you for the sake of hurting you. It can be seen that she has no kindness to you. "

Mrs. Yan knows Mrs. si very well.

Mrs. Si can't even see Yan's family, let alone look after her family? No one who cares for the light boat is qualified to enter the gate of the governor's mansion.

Now Mrs. Si has given her family such a large amount of annual gifts. The motivation is too obvious.

"No wonder." Gu Qingzhou road.

Mrs. Yan and Yan Luoshui carefully watched the face of Gu Qingzhou.

It's not going to be easy on anyone.

Gu Qingzhou smiled quietly: "I think it's very good..."

Yan Luoshui's heart was thumping.

What's good about this?

"If I refuse to withdraw, I want to take advantage of the governor's office. Now the Secretary's wife wants to use me to solve the problem for the secretary. They are also using me. I don't feel guilty for using each other. " Gu Qingzhou road.

But Mrs. Yan is very distressed.

"Light boat, or to leave the family, it is not worth the delay." "You have our support," said Mrs. Yan

"Once I leave, I can't escape to run a company no matter how you support me!" Gu Qingzhou road.

All of a sudden, Mrs. Yan was speechless.

It is.

In addition to the control of the governor's office, other people are of no use to him. As long as Gu Qingzhou withdraws, he will fall into his hands completely.

Now he refuses to marry Gu Qingzhou.

Mrs. Yan can't say, let Gu Qingzhou be a concubine for Si Xingqi, right?

"Canoe, for the first time, I know that people are in such a difficult situation." Yanluo waterway, "what do you do, Canoe? And the last time I rode a bicycle... "

GU Qingzhou didn't want to mention it. She interrupted Yan Luoshui:" when the boat reaches the bridge, it will be straight. It's OK! "

Understand the motivation of the next year's Festival ceremony of Si's family, and Gu's mind will be stable.

She put the list away.

"In fact, this list, those annual gifts are baits to catch Gu Guizhang's baits. Whatever I say now, Gu Guizhang will believe it. " Gu Qingzhou thought.

Thinking of it, she felt a little better.

She is at home reading.

Gu Shao has come back from Nanjing.

During his trip to Nanjing, he had made it clear. He told Gu Qingzhou that no one in Ruan's family knew about it.

At that time, Ruan's wife came back from Hong Kong. When she passed Yuecheng, she became pregnant. She couldn't take a car, so she stayed in Yuecheng to get sick.

The Ruan family hired a temporary employee to take care of Mrs. Ruan.

Aunt song, who lives next door to Qin Zheng, is good at delivering babies and caring for mothers. She volunteered and was eloquent. Mrs. Ruan hired her.

Mrs. Ruan has a bad temper and is very hard on servants. Aunt song is very angry. Aunt song has some evil skills. She can tell whether a woman is a man or a woman.

She shares the same interest with Qin Zheng. When Qin Zheng was pregnant with a child, she said that the baby was a daughter. Gu Guizhang didn't give birth to a son. Qin Zheng was afraid. She knew that it was not worth money to have a second daughter.

Aunt song hated Mrs. Ruan, and because her son broke the law and needed money, she said to Qin Zheng, "Mrs. Ruan is pregnant with a son, and her date of birth is close to yours. If you will give me some money to tide me over, I will be responsible for changing the two children.

The Ruan family is rich and rich. Mrs. Ruan has three sons on her head. It's not unusual to have a son. If she has a daughter, the Ruan family must be a treasure.

If you think about it, you have a son to lean on, and you will not be rich in the future? And the Ruan family is looking forward to a daughter. Your daughter has gone to the Ruan family, but she is not rich in clothes and good in food? You don't lose anything! "

At that time, Gu Guizhang and sun qiluo were married. On the surface, they had a good relationship. Sun qiluo loved Gu Guizhang, but Gu Guizhang was also moved.

Qin Zheng felt that the opportunity could not be missed. In case of a new daughter, Gu Guizhang's heart would be cold and he would not come back.

"Then change it!" Qin Zheng agreed.

At that time, Mrs. Ruan was waiting for work in Yuecheng. Mr. Ruan had a business to do. He went back to Nanjing First, and there were only two servants around him. The others were hired temporarily.

The temporary servants are not devoted. Aunt song dismissed them at will.

It's a coincidence that Qin Zheng and Mrs. Ruan came to the stage on the same day.

In this way, aunt song changed the two children and completely changed their fate.

"It is." Gu Qingzhou is not surprised to hear Gu Shao finish.

She guessed at the time that it should be.

"Elder brother, what are you going to do now?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Gu Shao shook his head: "aunt song has passed away, and his wife has passed away. Aunt song's son knows these things, but who believes them? Ruan family is very precious Ruan Lanzhi. They don't believe me. "

In the Ruan family, the old lady has four sons and eleven grandchildren. Ruan Lanzhi is the only granddaughter, and the whole family is a treasure.

What Gu Shao said at this time is meaningless.

Ruan family will not believe Gu Shao. The only thing Gu Shao can do is to continue to be Gu Guizhang's son.

"Have you figured it out?" "Will you be sorry?" Gu asked

"No, that's providence." Gu Shao said, "this kind of absurd thing happened to me. It's not the destiny of heaven. What is it?"

He took his life.

Gu Qingzhou said nothing more.

After talking with Gu Shao, Gu Qingzhou returns to his room.

As soon as she entered the door, she felt a little strange.

She remembered that when she went out, she didn't turn off the light, because the switch of the light was at the head of the bed, and it was inconvenient for her to blacken and enter.

But now, the room is dark.

"Who turned off my light?"

Gu Qingzhou is alert and cold. When he turns around and is about to run out, he holds his lips tightly and presses him on the wall.

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