Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 201: confession

When Gu Qingzhou was held down by others, he was shocked and lost his color.

She's been a little busy lately.

Soon, she smelled the familiar smell, the freshness of the cigar.

With the mellow smell of cigars, I came close to her and kissed her lips.

His kiss was so deep that Gu could hardly breathe.

"Si Xingfu!" Gu Qingzhou was very angry and hesitated when he kissed him. "You scared me to death..."

Xing Kai let go of her, closed the door for her, and then whispered: "run to the next room in the middle of the night to whisper?"

Gu Shao inquires about the news. Si Mudu knows. Can Si Xingfu not know?

It's because I know that, so Si Xingfu is very concerned. His woman, who knows what will happen when she goes to a man's room in the middle of the night without blood relationship with her?

However, Gu Shao is a weak scholar, and Si Xingfu doesn't pay attention to him, but vinegar still needs to be eaten.

Gu Qingzhou doesn't want to talk to him.

She felt like a heavy stone in her heart. She pressed her tightly, especially after seeing Si Xingfu, the pressure of this heavy stone was even greater, and she could not breathe through the light boat.

She faintly wanted to rush to the arms of Si Xingfu to cry. She seemed to be very wronged.

At the same time, Gu understood that her grievance was not that Mrs. si used her.

Because of what, she does not understand, is grievance sad.

She wants to cry with Si Xingfu in her arms. She is very emotional and just wants to vent in front of him.

But reason told her that she had nothing to vent.

She was in a low mood and was not interested in talking to Shi Xingqi. Draw the curtains, Gu takes out an old towel and covers it on the bedside lamp.

In this way, the light of the desk lamp is covered.

She turned on the lamp again. There was a light in the room. The light would not penetrate through the curtains. At the same time, the people in the room could see what was in front of them when they got used to it.

Gu Qingzhou sat on the bed, his legs turned inward and sat still.

She's soft, like a gamble, like a heavy heart.

"Why, in a bad mood?" Si Xingfu gently touched her face. "Go out with Si mu. I thought you were very happy."

Sarcastic sentences.

Gu Qingzhou thought of it. The adjutant said that Si Xingfu would not come back until the end of the year. Now he is a few days ahead of schedule.

I don't know if it's because I finished the work early or I came back to look for Gu Qingzhou.

I guess I heard that Gu Qingzhou was treating Sima and came back early to find her trouble.

The mood of Gu Qingzhou is more heavy and congested.

However, Si Xingqi slapped her face hard and clamped her chin with both hands: "little thing, are you angry with me?"

Gu Qingzhou opens his hand, but he presses her down and kisses her on the lips.

He sucked, very hard, almost to bite Gu Qingzhou's lips, press her on the bed, unable to move, and his hands had already slipped in along her lapel.

Gu Qingzhou's heart is heavy and his body is heavy.

She did not move, leaving the Secretary to do whatever he wanted.

Si Xingfu also noticed her unusual appearance. She was lying on the bed with red and silver embroidery and lotus blossom. The blooming lotus embellished her. Her long black hair haunted her like a gorgeous corpse.

She was lifeless.

Si Xingfu felt that something happened to her. He sat up and held her in his arms.

"I've repeatedly told you about Sima. You're not allowed to cure him. If you don't listen to me, you can cure him. I won't let you off this matter. Let's settle it slowly." Si Xingfu gathered her in his broad chest, and then asked her, "what's the matter with you?"

Gu didn't answer, she was silent.

She didn't feel so sad in front of other people, only to see Si Xingfu, and all her emotions came out.

However, it was complicated and complicated. She couldn't make sense of her mind. Her heart was like a sponge full of cold water. She could easily squeeze out tears.

"Canoe?" Si Xingfu's lips fell gently on her cheek, "who bullied you?"

After a long time, Gu Qingzhou sighed slowly and said, "I want to go to bed. Go back. What can I do tomorrow?"

Where is Si Xingfu willing to go?

He came to settle with her.

Seeing her like this, he couldn't bear it, so he didn't move and held her tightly.

It was not until three o'clock in the morning that Gu Qingzhou had already fallen asleep.

Pushing open the door on his balcony, he found Gu Shao standing in the cold wind.

The child did not know how long he had been standing. He was frozen and his cheeks were red with the cold wind.

"Young commander, you can't do this to Zhouzhou!" Gu Shao was too cold, and his voice trembled. "Zhouzhou is going to marry your brother. Why did you ruin her life?"

"What does it have to do with you?" Si Xingfu is indifferent, quietly glances at him, turns over and jumps off the balcony.

Gu Shao is frightened and looks down on the balcony. Si Xingfu looks like a quick leopard. With the help of some simple climbing on the wall, he has landed stably in the first floor yard.

The courtyard wall is about 1.8 meters high, but Si Xingfu, like stepping over a small bench, lightly jumps over and disappears in the misty night.

Gu Shao was very angry.

He couldn't say anything, so he had to go back to his room first.

Gu Qingzhou sleeps beside Si Xingfu, always very heavy, except tonight.

So he got up and left. Gu Shao was talking to him on the balcony. Gu knew everything about the boat.

She was lying still. She felt that the quilt was getting cold. When it was cold, the day was bright.

Gu Qingzhou didn't sleep all night.

It's a bad feeling because I don't know what I'm upset about.

The next day, it rained when I got up early.

Gu Guizhang also came back from Taicang.

He was in a good mood, especially when he saw the annual gift from his family.

"Good, good!" Gu Guzhang laughed, "this year's new year, we should have a good time!"

Second aunt too reminds him: "master, our family is still in filial piety period."

"The rules have been changed. I don't want to post red couplets. I don't care about anything else. What is the purpose of revolution? It's to discard those old shackles! " Gu Guizhang said.

He sees tradition as a shackle.

Gu Qingzhou did not speak.

Gu Guizhang said again, "light boat, this year you are helping the second wife to prepare for the new year. The eldest girl is going to get married next year. We should learn all these things about housework. "

"Abba, I'm not feeling well recently." Gu Qingzhou road.

Seeing that her face was not good, Gu Guizhang asked, "what's the matter with you?"

"Maybe I was too attentive in the final exam. I'm a little weak now." Gu Qingzhou is serious enough to talk nonsense.

Gu Xiang is nearby. His white eyes are about to turn out.

Gu Guizhang saw that she was Wan and did not dare to force her, but said, "then you should ask the second wife more, not to be lazy."

Gu Qingzhou road is.

After breakfast, there was a thin drizzle in Yuecheng. The drizzle seems to be worried to death. The sky and the earth are suddenly covered with white and light gauze.

The driver of Si Xingfu, pretending to be a member of Si mansion, came to take care of the light boat.

Gu Qingzhou went.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw Si Xingfu sitting in the sofa, with the document at hand.

On the way, it rained more and more.

Gu Qingzhou lies in the sofa lazily, unwilling to talk.

"What's the matter with you?" Si Xingfu asked her, at the same time a little worried, "what's wrong?"

"It's not comfortable anywhere." Gu Qingzhou said, "I don't want to come to you."

The rain is more and more heavy, even lightning.

In the cold winter, such a heavy rain is rare. The window lattice is rustling and the sound of water is all around.

Si Xingfu glanced at her and guessed her mind.

She treated Sima, and simaxing knew about it. Now that simaneng has spoken, Sima's family is going to marry them next year, simaxing knows about it.

He had made up his mind. After the first month, he straightened out the affairs in the camp. When there was a showdown between the capital and the governor, he left with Gu Qingzhou.

He is going to choose a new place to be his commander in chief and set up his own door.

"What else do you have?" Gu Qingzhou asked coldly, "I'll go back if I'm ok..."

Si Xingfu pulled her over and asked: "what are you feeling guilty about? Has he cured Sima and his feelings? "

"It's my freedom who I treat, and I'm not your slave!" Gu Qingzhou suddenly gets angry and pushes him away.

She was not pushed by the secretary.

He's also holding a fire.

"Canoe, am I too indulgent to let you know the height of heaven and earth?" Si Xingfu's face was livid. "Do you know whose woman you are?"

In a flash, Gu Qingzhou understood where he was sad.

Something happened to her bike. She was afraid that she could not explain it to Si Xingfu.

Who believes it?

It turns out that she is concerned about the opinions of Si Xingfu towards her, so she is very sad.

She couldn't make it clear until she said, "whose woman are you?" she immediately felt that she couldn't prove her innocence like she did?

Whose woman is she?

She is young and has not experienced many things, so she always mind. She pretended not to care, until Si Xingfu appeared in front of her and destroyed her disguise.

She pushed the Secretary away: "it's not yours anyway!"

She ran out.

The manager was stunned.

It rained heavily outside, and the cold rain fell like a sharp arrow on his body. Regardless of the light boat, he rushed into the rain curtain.

Si Xingfu is angry and angry. Is it going to freeze to death?

When he pulled Gu light boat, Gu light boat suddenly went mad, hit and kicked again: "get away from me, you should die far away, you should not appear in front of me, I hate you!"

Si Xingkai thought that since he dealt with Qin Zheng, she no longer hated him. What happened recently?

She's in love with smoothie?

She struggled so hard that she broke free and ran away in a trance.

He catches up, pounces forward, two people fall to the ground.

Si Xingfu pressed her tightly.

The ground is covered with rain and cold.

The rain falls down like a waterfall.

"Are you crazy!" The manager yelled at her.

Gu Qingzhou struggles, kicks him hard, barks hard, and then suddenly sobs.

The manager was stunned.

"Canoe?" He called her softly.

She suddenly put her arms around the neck of Si Xingfu and sobbed, "Si Xingfu, what should I do if I have an accident?"

She burst into tears.

Si Xingfu hugged her, but he was relieved and patted her on the back: "it's OK, canoe, I'm here."

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