Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 202: the attitude of Si Xingfu

The rain is heavy.

In Yuecheng in the month of December, there is a rare rainstorm, which is like hail mixed with the pain of needle pricking. It is a torture without an end.

Gu Qingzhou used all his strength to hold Si Xingfu tightly, saying that she had an accident, what should she do.

What to do?

"Get up, canoe." Si Xingfu was very strong. When she stopped making trouble, he raised the ground with one hand and hugged the light boat with the other hand. Then they got up.

He rushed home.

Back to another museum, Si Xingfu carried her upstairs.

He took off his wet clothes, wrapped her in a blanket, and then went to the bathroom to put hot water.

He had hot water all day long, and it was plentiful, full of a bathtub, misty with steam, and the whole bathroom was haunted by white fog.

"It's a little hot." He said to Gu Qingzhou, "it's OK to burn. It's good to drive away the cold."

He put goo in.

The water is really hot, and the skin turns red. Si Xingfu thinks that Gu Qingzhou must be noisy. After all, he can't sit in such hot water.

Gu Qingzhou did not move, but let the heat flow infiltrate her skin, layer upon layer of penetration, can penetrate into her heart.

Then, she did feel the warmth.

When the heart is warm, all the limbs will be warm. After the warm flow passes through the heart, the heart will be transported to all the organs.

The knot in her heart is useless when she says it. Only when she cries can she get rid of it. She has already let it out, and people are not so sad.

Just, Gu Qingzhou didn't know how to say it. She sat in the bathtub and stirred the water with her hands. The ripples rolled.

"What happened?" Si Xingfu gently scrubbed her back and her delicate and smooth arms. Her heart was full of fire. Her throat was tight and her words were full of desire.

He wanted to throw down the light boat.

He has such thoughts every day, anytime, anywhere. It's a pity that he promised that he would keep his promise when she came of age.

With these thoughts in mind, he asked Gu what was wrong with the boat.

Gu Qingzhou is very strong. She cries so much. I'm afraid it's a big deal.

Si Xingfu asked questions, but she didn't answer. Sitting in the bathtub, she gently stirred the water and washed her long hair.

Long hair floats on the surface of the water, soft and smooth like a green thick, with warm light.

She stopped talking.

"What can I say?" She herself regrets not falling. She shouldn't lose her temper.

What do you want her to say now?

Can you tell Si Xingfu: I've broken my body, not with any man, I'm still innocent, only a little accident? What can I do in the future? Who can I marry? Who can believe me? How to explain?

What does that mean?

It means she wants to go with the company!

One woman is innocent to another man. There is no other meaning except to talk to him!

I don't need to tell anyone except my own man.

Gu didn't want to go with Si because she didn't want to be a concubine. This matter, how also cannot say from her mouth, once she said that, Si Xingfu will misunderstand.

He misunderstood that she wanted to go with him. Leaving was just duplicity. Gu Qingzhou would be nailed with the sign of "aunt" in her life, just like branding a mark on the forehead, which could not be removed.

My family once had wives and concubines. What is the status of my aunt? It's clear to take care of the boat.

Aunt is a concubine, concubine is a slave!

She comes from a decent family. If she doesn't steal or rob, she still has no way to go. Why do she want to be a slave to Si Xingfu and his wife?

She lowered her eyebrows and eyes, gently washed her hair with hot water. In the beautiful sight of the white fog, she saw her hands and her skin was healthy and ruddy.

"Canoe?" Si Xingfu pinched her chin, not hard, soft in the palm, turned her head, and kissed her cherry red and tender lips.

The kiss of Si Xingfu was very light, like a dragonfly skimming over the water. He tried to resist his impulse and asked her in a low voice, "what's the matter with you?"

Gu Qingzhou can't tell.

There was a voice in her heart that asked her to tell the manager about it.

These voices are crazy and self-confident, as if Si Xingfu knew that he would pity her and trust her.

But the truth?

Gu Qingzhou hesitates.

She didn't know whether it was right or not, so she took care of it first, just like the warm-up before the opera, and opened a gong and drum first, so that the audience wouldn't be lonely and unable to sit down.

There is no hurry in the play.

"The governor's office sent the annual gifts to my family. They came from the etiquette of the next employee." Take care of the hands of the boat and gently circle in the bathtub.

One by one the circle swings open, like ripples, along her snow-white skin swings open.

Her snow palm rose slowly, and then sank slowly when breaking through the water, like a blooming snow lotus.

Si Xingfu squats beside the bathtub and wipes the skin on her back. Hearing this, his hands are slightly down.

"... I think it's strange that Mrs. Si really agrees? Later, when I inquired about it, I knew that simu's first lover had come back. Sima is still thinking about her. The other side is divorced. Madam Sima is afraid that the two of them might get tangled up and damage the reputation of Sima's family, so she will bring me out first. " Gu Qingzhou road.

She spoke slowly, Xu Xu said.

This warm field, she needs to cover it up.

"Not happy because of this?" The secretary was laughing.

"Well." Gu Qingzhou replied softly, "I just helped Sima. If you don't thank me, turn around and use me. It's not very comfortable."

She didn't care about it. She just took it out as a shield. It was very credible.

She wanted to test the meaning of asking the secretary.

Gu Qingzhou also wants to be simple and straightforward, but there are so many twists and turns in her life that she has become accustomed to calculating in five steps.

"Is Wei Qingjia coming back?" The Secretary asked.

"You know her?"

"Of course I do. She pursued me back then." Si Xingfu said with a smile.

Gu Qingzhou raised his eyes and looked at him in surprise.

When you think about it, Wei Qingjia is only one year younger than Sima when she is four years old. She is a peer.

Gu Qingzhou didn't expect that they knew each other.

"Why, do you think she will like simu? The vast majority of women are more mentally mature than men of the same age. Wei Qingjia is four years old. Can she like so many boys younger than her? "

When girls are 17 or 18 years old, they will appreciate men who are a little older than themselves, and they are less likely to have feelings than their own.

"Do you like her?" Asked Gu Qingzhou.

Si Xingfu smiled and raised her chin with his fingers: "jealous?"

Gu glanced at him.

Si Xingfu thought of Wei Qingjia a little, but he really remembered her: "she is very smart and beautiful, of course, not as smart and beautiful as a canoe.

She was very famous at that time, and I was also vain when I was young. She pursued me with a lot of heart. I also thought that I would accept her as an aunt first. After all, such a beautiful and talented celebrity has a bright face.

Later, at a dance, she took the initiative to say that she adored me very much and asked me what I thought. I said that I could accept her as an aunt's wife, but she didn't agree. Maybe she wanted to be the first lady.

I said, it's impossible. How can she be my wife? She should be clear about her status. I think it's good to give her a place. I didn't see her again later, and I didn't want to waste time pestering her. "

In the warm bathtub, the heat of the water is still a little hot.

But Gu Qingzhou is cold.

Leng Yi came out of nowhere, like a fierce fierce beast, and immediately knocked her down, knocked her down, and then enveloped her.

Si Xingfu's words made her feel cold all over.

There was a slight tremor in her body.

"... what's the matter?" Si Xingfu also noticed Gu Qingzhou's shaking and asked her.

He probably thought that Gu Qingzhou was worried about his old love with Wei Qingjia again, so he explained, "you don't have to worry about me, I can't even see her daughter, who is a big yellow flower girl. What's more, she's a second-hand product now? She's married, she's gone, she's not qualified to be my aunt. "

Gu Qingzhou suddenly felt weak.

So big bathtub, her four walls are slippery, she can not hold, soft to lie down, the whole person submerged in the bathtub.

Her black hair swims under the water like seaweed.

Si Xingfu thinks that she is like a sea demon in the seaweed grove. She is so beautiful that she can hook people's souls away!

He fished her up, but saw her red eyes, I don't know if she cried, or was steamed by hot water.

"What else do you worry about, Canoe?" "Don't worry, you won't marry Sima. Don't say whether Cai Jingshu agrees or not, I won't agree," he asked with a smile

"Well." For a long time, Gu Qingzhou answered with a cold voice.

In this moment, Gu Qingzhou suddenly looked away.

Wei Qingjia and other famous ladies, whose father is a senior official of the municipal government, are not qualified to be his regular wife in the eyes of Si Xingfu, let alone take care of the boat?

Maybe he saved him in the theater that day. He said that we were married. Maybe he took her to see his secret military base and his mother, which gave Gu Qingzhou little hope.

These hopes will take root in her heart, and she will think: "if I can be his wife, what can I do?"

However, her cycling broke the membrane in her body, which made her unbearable. She would feel that if she was the candidate for the wife of Si Xingfu, she was a little wrong with him, and she even needed to give him an account.

Gu Qingzhou always knows her way. She knows where the direction is. But the slim hope given by the Secretary opened a door on her way.

Maybe she can have different happiness when she enters this door, although she knows that this door may only be an illusion.

She also wants to push the door into this illusion.

So she was upset. She was very upset about cycling. She even felt that she had lost something important. I'm sorry for the loss.

Until this moment.

Si Xingfu evaluates Wei Qingjia and brings Gu Qingzhou back to reality!

The unreal door slammed shut so hard that Gu Qingzhou could no longer walk to Si Xingqi.

Gu Qingzhou is not qualified to be his regular wife. She has no identity background and fame. Gu Qingzhou is not a second marriage, but her body is not holy to Si Xingfu.

When the door closed and he was sure that there would be no result between himself and him, Gu Qingzhou was suddenly relieved.

It's unfortunate that she's riding a bike, but what does it have to do with other people?

What does it have to do with the manager?

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