Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1992 give you some pistols

Wei Xinrong is used to enjoying himself. He is good at eating, drinking and playing. He never worries about going out with him. He has a good time from the north to the south of the city.

When it was time for lunch, Wei Xinrong asked Kang Qinxin whether he wanted Western food or Chinese food.

After a little thought, Kangqin, who missed his meals in England, entered the western restaurant with him.

Wei Xinrong knew his preference, took the menu and ordered two beefsteaks. He added some soup and some dessert for her, which Kangqin loved.

She fiddled with the candy paper bag at hand, and her eyes fell out of the window on the crowded street.

Next to it is a local restaurant, opposite is a coffee shop and a shooting gallery. This area is more westernized, and there are fewer Chinese than other streets.

Wei Xinrong looked down at her eyes and said with a smile, "when you have a meal, do you want to go in and play two? The technique of shooting accompaniment is not bad

"It's really itchy."

"I know how you do it."

Kang Qin suddenly sighed: "I used to think that if I could use a gun, I could go around the world. I didn't expect that Singapore has so many regulations on guns.

If you want to have some guns in the ordinary house, you have to apply to the government first. Cousin, I don't have a gun in my hand. I have to rely on real Kung Fu to go out. "

"You are a girl's family. Why are you full of fighting and killing? Now it's a civilized society. Do you need to carry a gun to defend yourself in the turbulent times? If you have itchy hands, you can play in the shooting gallery. " Wei Xinrong made fun of her on purpose.

"I know that gun control is very strict now. For example, in our government, if people in the bank can match guns, they are not allowed to be private. I just grumble, after all, the shooting gallery is full of fake toys, which is really exciting. "

Wei Xinrong said, "it's not easy for you to play with guns? I'll get you two later. Do you want English, American or Italian? " "You're so happy to do this business, uncle. It's easy to talk about. It's like sending guns and sugar." As a Kang family, it's not difficult for Kang Qinxin to use a gun. What's difficult is that he can't use it openly and legally. There's no big difference between them.

"That's not it?" "Wei Xinrong said and shot her on the waist," now the girl's house is very deceitful. I see you have a gun in your hand, and I adore you

Kang Qin's heart was white and he lost his integrity without a word.

Wei Xinrong asked vigorously: "why do you want a gun suddenly? Do you want to fight with someone? You look for me! "

Kang Qin replied: "it's not about fighting. I met a local snake in Yonghua lane. I feel that he was arrogant because he had a gun." "You went to Yonghua lane?" Wei Xinrong's expression was slightly surprised. After a pause, he was curious: "what kind of local snake? Although there are many fish and dragons in Yonghua lane, Mr. Ye's power is not small. When you go there, don't the Ye's people greet you? How can you let

you suffer? "

The more he asked, the more worried he felt, and even the color of joking and teasing went away. He asked seriously, "what is the source of the other party's bullying you? I'll teach him a lesson."

Kang Qinxin knew that he was serious, for fear that he would really offend the sparrow boat, and said softly: "it's not a loss, but it's uncomfortable in his heart. He copied all the restaurants of my little uncle. I can't help others."

"Smash Ye's house? Who's not going to die and dare to do that? " Wei Xinrong just finished exclamation and looked serious as if he understood something. "Is it si's family?"

Kangqin's heart nodded.

So Wei Xinrong clearly said, "it's the second youngest student in the Department. No wonder my friends in the Department of the Chinese people's security always complain to me these days, saying that the investigation by the Department's family has left them idle all day."

"Huamin security department is a direct subordinate of the governor's office, which is only responsible for the governor's office. Even they are not supported by the secretary?" Kangqinxin was really surprised that he didn't know much about the current situation in Singapore. "Even the soldiers in the governor's office should be awed when the Secretary's family moves. What's more, the Secretary's office for the protection of the Chinese people? We should know that in the early years of Singapore, the Secretary family was reorganizing the Chinese community on behalf of the government. Even if the Department of security was set up later, it could not be compared with the Secretary family. That is the prestige that the Secretary family has established in the past decades. "

Rao is such a proud man as Wei Xinrong. When he talked about the Secretary's family, he also spoke with respect. He didn't show any dissatisfaction with the dictatorship of his family.

He was silent and asked again: "it's reasonable to say that the Secretary's family has kept a lot of low-key in recent years. If it wasn't serious, he would not have done anything casually. Two young since personally take a person to check Mr. Ye's gambling house, but what matter? "

Kangqin's heart and face were heavy. "My uncle's gambling house was searched for morphine."

"What's the situation? Yejia's coal and iron plants have already spread all over Singapore, and its domestic business is booming. It has also won the authority to produce military equipment for the government. Why bother to get involved in this? "

After questioning, Wei Xinrong felt that the speculation was hasty, and then said: "Ye Laozi broke his legs in order to fight against Japan. This is a real national hero. How can he tolerate having people handle morphine?

Since the late Manchu and Qing Dynasties, how many of our compatriots have been harmed by opium. I don't believe that Mr. Ye will do so. Is that a misunderstanding? "

However, the Secretary's family did not have evidence and would not easily take action, especially in the face of the Ye family, he felt that there was another secret.

"Kang Qin was ashamed and said:" this is our family's involvement in the little uncle "Kang Shuhong?" Wei Xinrong is also a smart man. He immediately wants to understand. He doesn't even care about the order of his cousins. He swears: "is that kid dizzy? Take morphine to your family's field and hurt your uncle?! No wonder I didn't see Kang Shuhong in the bank yesterday. Now I dare not go out, right "The process is endless, but the good thing is that there is no danger. Sparrow boat is good at talking. I know that Kang Shuhong was deceived, so I don't have any trouble. It was Kang Shuhong who was guilty of being a thief. He was afraid to go to the bank to work.

”Talking about these things, Kang Qin is in a complex mood.

"Is Mr. Ye back when this happens?"

Kang Qin nodded, "yesterday I will go back."

"I'm afraid Mr. Ye is in a mess now. No wonder you have free time to come out with me. Otherwise, he is in the city, and you are always inseparable from him." Wei Xinrong suddenly felt a little lucky and asked, "Mr. Ye didn't blame Kang Shuhong, did he?"

"My brother-in-law has a good temper. Naturally, he didn't care. He didn't even find Kang Shuhong." Thinking of Kang Shuhong's behavior last night, he said, "I hope my uncle can teach him a lesson, and dare to dump his temper at home if he is in trouble outside."

Wei Xinrong refused to say, "I'm afraid that you are the only one who can say that Mr. Ye is in a good temper. Other people have heard Ye Xiu's voice change."

At the right time, the waiter came to serve the steak. Kangqin leaned back a little. When the steak was uncovered, he listened to the bared voice and said, "cousin, are you exaggerating? How bad is my little uncle's temper? It's the most gentle and polite way to treat people. "

"It's just a gentleman in front of you. If you think about it, he is in charge of the Ye family's business at a young age. Can he be a good talker?" Wei Xinrong was a little bit of a spectator. He said with a smile, "no matter whether morphine is related to Kang Shuhong or not, Ye's family is innocent. Let's see. Some of them have carried it. Two people are so clean."

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