Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 1993 eating, drinking and playing

Kangqinxin said he was gloating. Wei Xinrong didn't deny it. He only said that Singapore hasn't been busy for many years, and some news is good.

But she didn't like that the news came from ye Xiu. What's more, she was talking about how the Secretary's family was. Even the people of the Secretary's office of Huamin guard had to make way. It's hard to understand.

Perhaps it was because of the words before the meal that Kang Qin was a little less interested in going out of the shooting gallery and said to him, "take me back to the manor."

"It's still so early, what are you doing in a hurry to go home?"

Wei Xinrong didn't want to leave the venue very much. He stood at the door with her and waited for the parking person to pick up the car. He said: "it's not easy to know that my son has a free time. If you want me to take you out tomorrow, it's not so straightforward."

"Let's talk about it later." With that, he saw a familiar figure across the road.

Wei Xinrong does not give up, tone grievance: "you this is because Mr. ye came back can leave me, right, also don't think who is the former horse before and after you play!"

When kangqinxin recognized the person opposite, the other side saw her too. He shouted across the road, "brother, cousin!"

It's Wei Yuexi.

When Wei Xinrong heard the sound, he "ouch", reached out and patted his head. He was lost in a flash in his eyes.

He turns around and looks at his sister who is getting closer. "Why are you here?" he says

Then he glanced at the people around him and raised his voice deliberately: "eh, who is this beautiful lady?"

Wei Yuexi said: "this is my student and my friend. Don't pick up a conversation when you see a beautiful girl!" He also pulled people behind him to protect them, lest he should be touched by his romantic brother.

Then she cheerfully called out "cousin Qin Xin".

Kang Qin nodded in his heart. He was not surprised by their brother and sister's mutual acceptance.

"Come here for dinner?"

Wei Yuexi nodded, "yes, Yan Qing said he wanted to eat spaghetti, so we came here."

Then he pulled out the people around him and said, "Yuexi, this is my cousin." Then he looked at Kang Qinxin and said, "cousin, Pei Yanqing, a student in the Department of clothing, birunli University."

Pei Yanqing has a beautiful appearance, especially those smart eyes. Although his clothes are not impressive, they are exquisite in details. At first sight, they are custom-made. They want to come to a family.

"Hello, Miss Pei," Kang chin said with a little nod

"Good cousin Kang. I often hear Yuexi talk about you."

Pei Yanqing is cheerful and familiar. He looks at Wei Xinrong and whispers to Wei Yuexi, "Yuexi, this is your brother?"

Wei Xinrong finally had a sense of existence, and introduced himself: "Miss Yanqing, right? I'm Wei Xinrong, Ashi's brother. You can call me as she pleases. "

"Come on, Yan Qing, don't pay any attention to him. My brother is not serious."

"What's the matter with Wei Yuexi? I regard you as my own sister and cousin. Do you lie about my reputation? " Wei Xinrong reached for her forehead and complained.

Wei Yuexi was quick, and deliberately threatened him: "if you say it again, I will tell Dad that you are neglecting your duty and wandering out during working hours."

Wei Xinrong immediately said: "how can I be negligent of my duty? I didn't see that I had dinner with your cousin? Your cousin is in a bad mood. I took her out to relax. "

"Don't look for any reason. Which woman must have pigeoned you and dragged your cousin out temporarily?" Wei Yuexi smiled and asked Kang Qinxin, "cousin, do you think so?"

Kang Qin's heart was not happy, but he put the troubles of the previous talent behind him, and arranged Wei Xinrong together according to her words: "I think so, even the tickets were bought long ago. It's probably what Yuexi said."

Wei Xinrong hates to jump. "Qin Xintiandi conscience, you misunderstood me like this? What kind of sisters have I got? Why are they doing this to me? "

Swaying his head and beating his head and feet.

Wei Yuexi covered his mouth and sniggered. Pei Yanqing beside him could not help laughing. He envied: "your brother and sister have a good relationship."

Wei Yuexi asked, "Yan Qing, don't you also have some cousins? Don't you get along well?"

"Not really. My cousins and cousins all loved me very much. They used to play together when I was a child, but now they have their own family business. The number of times to see them is less, let alone go out together. " Pei Yanqing is obviously a good talker, and continues to say: "but my little cousin is not bad. He doesn't take over the business like the second cousin. He has a little more time, that is, he has a better life. He and I stand together and feel inferior."

"Do you feel inferior in this way?" Wei Yuexi was surprised. "Your cousin is a boy. How good-looking can he be, and more beautiful than you?"

Wei Xinrong also said: "Miss Yanqing, don't be arrogant. I will tell you from the perspective of men that you are more beautiful than my two unconscionable sisters."

Pei Yanqing smiled. Wei Yuexi stared at him and pulled Kang Qinxin over. "Cousin, please play with us. Don't pay attention to my brother!"

"Yuexi, why do you rob people?" Wei Xinrong is dissatisfied, but he is not good enough to pull Kang Qinxin back.

Kang Qinxin asked Wei Yuexi, "where are you going?"

"Would you like to go to the beauty salon for a care, cousin?" Wei Yuexi asked and hurriedly "go to it" coquetry.

Kangqin thought that Wei Xinrong had been out for a long time, and now she was no more free than before. She responded to Wei Yuexi and said, "cousin, you'd better go back to the company to deal with affairs, or my uncle will tell you if he knows it."

Wei Xinrong was very sad: "Alas, my life is too hard. I spent a day playing with others, and I kicked it off."

Kang Qinxin laughs. She really likes them both. She has the ability to make people laugh.

Wei Xinrong asked Pei Yanqing, "how old is Miss Yanqing? My two younger sisters have gone in collusion. There must be a single one among the three. Why don't I go shopping with you? "

Wei Yuexi hurriedly blocked Pei Yanqing's protection of the calf and stopped him from visiting: "that's enough, brother. Yanqing can't afford to be flirted with. Hurry up."

Pei Yanqing also shook his head: "I have something to do today. Don't bother Mr. Wei."

Wei Xinrong sighed and walked into the car. He walked across the door with a dejected head. "Cousin, you really can't think about it. There's no future for you to play with Yuexi. I don't know how nice you are. Cousin left, you can't miss me!"

Kang Qin's heart was speechless, while Wei Yuexi hummed softly.

After meeting Kang Qinxin asked her, "didn't you go to school today? My cousin said you went out early in the morning. " I know that he likes to sleep in late, but I didn't expect to go out so early to go shopping with this little girl? Wei Yuexi replied cunningly, "I went to school to report to the next class to find someone to change."

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