Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2000 infatuation

Kang Qin's heart was still at the right moment, and song Hezhen next to her voiced her doubts. He and Pei Yanqing said respectfully, "I have seen Miss Yanqing."

"And explained:" Miss Kang is two less guests

Pei Yanqing was in high spirits and asked with a smile, "what about the second cousin?"

"Two less in the study."

Kang Qinxin just reflected Pei Yanqing's identity. It's no wonder that she is the only daughter of the Secretary's wife and the Pearl of Pei's family. No wonder her temperament is extraordinary.

She replied politely and said lightly, "if you have something to discuss with the second young man and are about to leave, then don't disturb Miss Pei."

"You're welcome, cousin Kang. Yuexi and I are good friends. We knew each other when we first entered university. You don't need to be outsider.

Just now I saw you leaving in a hurry. I came to see my second cousin

Pei Yanqing smiled cunningly.

Kang Qin was very humble, but he didn't know how to answer. He asked, "how are you separated from Yue Xi?"

"Don't mention that Yuexi's family is in a hurry to go back, so I have to come to my cousin for dinner."

Pei Yanqing's tone was familiar, and he said autonomously, "it's getting close to the west mountain. My cousin is too difficult to treat guests. At this time, he will let you go.

If cousin Kang has nothing else to do, why not stay and play? "

The invitation with a wink and a wink looks smart, and its tone is not like a first acquaintance. It's very close.

Song he really wanted to talk, but after a little contradiction, he still looked at Kang Qin's heart.

It happened that the car that the Secretary had sent her was coming.

Kang Qin shakes her head and politely refuses: "no trouble, there is something else in the house. Thank you for Miss Pei's kindness. I'll ask you to come out with Yuexi some other day."

Pei Yanqing's expression is lost, listless way: "that is good."

She raised her feet and walked to the gate of the villa. After two steps, she turned around. She hesitated and said, "that, cousin Kang, I want to ask you something."

Kang Qinxin is getting ready to get on the bus. Hearing this, he stands in front of the door and turns his head. "Miss Pei, please say it."

Pei Yanqing came back in three or two steps and asked curiously: "I heard that a woman and my second cousin had visited most of the city center the other day. Is that you?"

Kang Qinxin was surprised and thought for a moment and said, "if Miss Pei asked about people who have been to the city center by borrowing two or more cars, it should be me."

"It's really you!"

Pei Yanqing suddenly pulled up her hands and her eyes were full of surprises. She continued, "no wonder I feel very close when I see you today. You are my second cousin's girlfriend!"

Kang Qin was surprised and stared at her.

Even song and Zhen forgot their words.

"Well, how long have you known my second cousin?

I haven't heard of him before. He's really deep. "

Pei Yanqing complains on purpose.

Kang Qinxin was about to explain that it was not what she thought. On the second floor, there came a warning voice of Indifference: "Yan Qing, if you talk nonsense again, I will throw you out. Do you believe it?"

Several people look up, just see the sparrow boat do not know when to appear on the balcony.

Pei Yanqing was afraid of him. He immediately replied, "I know how to intimidate me! If you bully me, I will tell my uncle and aunt and let them clean you up. "

Sparrow boat did not answer her words, only to song Hezhen order: "send Miss Kang away."

Song Hezhen took the order with respect and solemnity, "Miss Kang, please get in the car."

Kangqinxin said goodbye to peiyanqing and nodded to the people upstairs, then closed the door and left.

Lu Yu is still waiting at Chu gang.

"Just stop here. The song adjutant doesn't have to deliver."

Song Hezhen did not insist either. He saw Ye's car go away before returning to the villa.

"I can't help but let Miss Biao go in alone," she asked in the interior of the car

"No, it's hard for you to take me home."

Kang Qinxin is worried about how to explain Kang Shuhong's affairs to her family. Since Si quefang chose to use Kang Shuhong's conviction to relax the laxity of Yan soming and other organizations, it must not be released so quickly. She can't hide it for a long time. She is afraid to see her mother's worried eyes.

However, when she entered the house, she found that her mother and elder sister were not there.

Jiang Yulan told her that when her aunt Kang Nuan was supervising the unloading at Qinggang port this afternoon, a gun battle broke out near the port. I don't know what illegal elements caught people and killed them. The people on the scene got away in a flash and her aunt was injured.

Kang Qin was shocked. He just sat down and immediately stood up. He asked with his heart, "what's the matter with the aunt? Is it serious?"

"Don't worry, second sister. Sit first. My mother and eldest sister called back after they got to the hospital. My aunt was not very serious. Fortunately, she was with a helper. She fell when she was squeezed and ran away. Her left leg was broken."

Jiang Yulan said while pouring water for her, sighed: "I call to find Shu Hong and I can't find anyone. I'm not in the bank or the Xianghai Pavilion."

"Then I have to go to the hospital."

To tell you the truth, Kang Qinxin is afraid to face Jiang Yulan. She is afraid to ask about Kang Shuhong.

Jiang Yulan then got up and pulled her. "I advise you not to go first. Mother and elder sister are already in the hospital. Now the hospital is full of people. It's better to go another day."

"My sister-in-law is right."

Kangqinxin had to sit back and drink a mouthful of water and said: "I thought Singapore was stable, how could it still be so chaotic?

What are the years when the port gunfight is staged? Who are the people? "

"I don't know what's going on. I haven't heard it on the radio yet. Maybe it's all unexpected.

It's said that the people of the guard department were already covered with blood when they went. It seems that it's the action of some guild. "


Don't Singapore's guilds all belong to Yan's family?

This Yan Jiaming is not bad with the government on the face, how can he connive at his subordinates like this? "

Kangqin's heart murmured, as if he thought of something, and asked again, "by the way, is Qinggang the Shen family's territory?"

"Yes, the Shen family that mom often mentioned.

It's said that the transport was carried out by Mr. Shen himself. Unexpectedly, all of them arrived in Hong Kong smoothly, but this happened. "

Jiang Yulan did not have deep hope: "I hope you are OK."

Kang Qin heart speechless, twisted way: "sister-in-law, mother wishful thinking, you don't take it seriously."

Jiang Yulan smiled and said gently, "even if Mr. Shen doesn't want to say it to your second sister, it's also a good friend of Ye family's family."

Kang Qin nodded and said, "well, sister-in-law is right. It's better to be OK."

The telephone rang suddenly.

Two people reach out at the same time, after looking at each other, Jiang Yulan whispers: "it may be Shu Hong's phone."

Kangqin can't bear to say it through. She retracts her hand and says, "take it, sister-in-law."

Jiang Yulan is looking forward to answering the phone, "Hello, Kangjia manor Oh, it's my brother-in-law. Do you want to find the second sister?

She's here, no trouble, just a moment... " She handed the receiver to Kang Qinxin, and her eyes were a little lost. "Second sister, my uncle asked for you."

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