Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2001 indomitable

Ye Xiu calls to ask her about her situation in the sparrow boat. Kang Qinxin says he is very good, so he doesn't have to worry.

Ye Xiu asked Kang Shuhong how to deal with the matter. Kang Qinxin looked at Jiang Yulan, who was sitting beside him, and said, "it's not very good."

Ye Xiu was silent for a moment, and asked in a low voice, "did you suggest that he do that?"

"He had planned to come to see me just to see the attitude of the Kang family." Kang Qinxin firmly believes that even if he does not agree, the sparrow boat will push Kang Shuhong out. Then the situation will not be as good as it is now.

Ye Xiu "well" voice, advised: "you don't care too much, this is Shu Hong's own trouble, always want to learn a lesson."

Kang Qinxin was about to answer when he heard Bang Dang. Jiang Yulan broke the water glass, which was just broken in the corner of the coffee table. She quickly covered the phone with her hand and asked how she was doing.

Jiang Yulan's face was white, she shook her head and stared at the phone in the other's hand.

When he didn't speak to each other, kangqinxin first said to Yexiu, "little uncle, I have something to do here. I'll call you back later."

Ye Xiu says well.

Kang Qinxin took out his handkerchief to wipe the water stains on Jiang Yulan's body. "Sister in law, you should go upstairs and change your clothes first. I'll call Alan to clean up." Turn around and call for the servant.

Jiang Yulan pressed her hand, her tone tense and dignified, "second sister, you tell me, what happened to Shuhong?"

"Brother he..." Kang Qinxin doesn't know what to say, but it's obvious that Jiang Yulan has heard a little.

Jiang Yulan frowned, "I feel that he is always wrong these days. He seems to be afraid of something. He is always nervous when he sleeps at night.

Today, those people who claimed to be Shuhong's friends came to find him out, but I can feel your brother's fear. He didn't want to go out but had to go out. Second sister, you can tell me what happened to him? "

Kangqinxin pulls her to stand up. "Sister in law, I will accompany you back to your room to change clothes first."

When Jiang Yulan saw the servant coming, she knew it was inconvenient to talk, so she followed him upstairs.

Kang Qinxin seldom enters their couple's room, so he waits in the small living room, looks at the tea set in the tea tray, remembers Kang Shuhong's scene of scolding Jiang Yulan that night, and feels sorry for her.

Jiang Yulan changed her clothes quickly and came out and asked again.

Kang Qinxin asked her to sit down and said slowly, "actually, it's not a big thing. My brother's business outside has been ruined by others. After that, it's not easy to solve and offend people."

"Second sister, you don't have to comfort me. I know it can't be such a small thing."

Jiang Yulan is not clumsy, speculated: "is it something on the gambling table? He liked to gamble a few days ago. He lost a lot of money. It wasn't just his uncle's gambling house. He went to those underground gambling houses to play. He gambled nine times and lost nine times. He also moved the bank's public funds.

Dad was so angry when he knew it. If he didn't rush out, Shuhong would have to be beaten. Alas, I'd rather dad beat Shu Hongyi hard now. If so, he would not dare to continue gambling, and things will not develop to this point. "

"Sister in law, do you think Kang Shuhong moved the bank's public funds?" Kang Qin was annoyed at this. He must have been forced down by his father. He didn't even mention it at home.

Jiang Yulan looks embarrassed. Seeing her angry and helpless, she also stands up and explains: "second sister, I know you look down on Shuhong, but there is no way.

All the things that can be sold in the safe have been sold. My mother's family is different from the past. I really can't fill in the deficit for him... "

"Sister in law, why are you still speaking for him?"

Kang Qin's heart was furious, and his voice rose: "do you sell things to help him fill the void? You should have told your parents about it.

He can embezzle public funds now. Will he change the property of the seller in the future? How can you just accommodate him? He won't remember your virtue and will only make it worse. "

"In fact, Shuhong used to be very good, that is, the bad habits of being led by others."

Jiang Yulan said modestly, "second sister, he will be better. I advised your brother that those underground gambling houses must have cheated on purpose to cheat him, or they would not have lost so much.

When dad knew about the embezzlement, he promised not to go again. Maybe it was designed again! Second sister, tell me the truth, did he ask those guild organizations in the underground gambling village to borrow money, so now they are called by talents? "

It would be easy if it was only about money. Kang Qin was upset. He didn't expect that Kang Shuhong had any of these things before. He even regretted to take care of him: "he never changes after repeated education. If you can't take care of him, let the family take care of him. How can you hide it for him! Sister in law, don't you feel aggrieved if you work too hard at home like this? "

Jiang Yulan said with a wry smile, "my parents treat me as they treat my daughter. When my mother's family changed a few years ago, it was my father who took the money to help her. Otherwise, I'm afraid our yuan family would not have the day to live in peace.

Instead, I have been married to Shuhong for several years, but I haven't been able to give birth to a child for the Kang family, which makes him lose face in front of his relatives and friends. Sometimes he is in a bad mood and should be angry with me. I am sorry for him "Uncle Kang just taught you to be so virtuous and virtuous. Why don't you fight for yourself? Last time you were pregnant, if he didn't accidentally push you down the stairs, would the child? Sister in law, you just have a good temper. The more you can say, the more he bullies you. "

After listening to her unfair words, Jiang Yulan, with a hot eye socket, shook her head with Kang Qinxin's hand and sobbed, "I know you, your parents and elder sister are all in love with me and never treat me as an outsider.

If you change to another wife's family, you must be protecting Shuhong. How can you think about it for me? Second sister, I'm really lucky to get married to Kang's family. It's just that I didn't take good care of Shuhong and let my parents worry. It's that I didn't fulfill my daughter-in-law's responsibility. "

"Don't say that, sister-in-law. Kang Shuhong how to you, the whole family all see in the eye, only mother's heart is soft and ruthless can't teach him, just let you be wronged. "

Jiang Yulan shakes her head, wipes her eyes and turns around again: "is Shuhong in the hands of those underground gamblers now?

Dad is not at home, or I'll confess to mom when she comes back, and I'll always redeem people first, right? "

She said she frowned again and denied, "that's the way, mom should be disappointed with Shuhong, and dad can't hide it. Shuhong was concerned about his parents' views on him, and was most afraid of being compared. "

He felt embarrassed when he said this in front of Kang Qinxin. He quickly changed his words and said other things: "by the way, my uncle's business in the city is big. I heard that you just called him. Has Ye's family been alerted?

Alas, it's really a big deal. Otherwise, second sister, please ask my uncle to let him get Shuhong. I really don't want my parents to know that Shuhong is gambling. "

"Sister-in-law, it's not so simple. He can't help his uncle." Kang Qinxin felt that he could only tell the truth.

Jiang Yulan's face collapsed after hearing this. She fell back and sat down on the sofa. She was frightened and said, "how can I get into a lawsuit? What can I do if I am in the hands of my family?" She looked helplessly at kangqinxin: "second sister, you have to think of a way to save your brother. If you talk about morphine, you will die if you don't do well."

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