Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2002 mother's pains

Jiang Yulan always thought Kang Qin had a strong heart. She didn't talk with Ye Xiu when she was young, and she stayed in England. She was different from Kang Huarou, a girl who was raised in a boudoir and received traditional education.

At present, people have ideas and opinions to make ideas, sometimes even more capable than her husband. She places her hopes on each other.

Kangqinxin can't say frankly about sparrow boat's idea. In the face of entreaties, she can only say: "sister-in-law, I can't even deal with this matter. What can I do?"

"If you can't help it, isn't Shuhong finished?"

Jiang Yulan panicked and turned to find the phone. "No, I'm going to call dad and let him come out."

Kang Qinxin quickly pressed her hand to dial the number, then took the receiver and hung it up, shook his head and said, "don't disturb dad about this. Dad is not in good health. This time, he was invited by his uncle to go to the island to get sick. Did you tell him that he can stay? "

"But how can we not say that it's the manager's family! Second sister, I know that there is a misunderstanding between you and Shuhong, but the situation is serious. Let's rescue the man first. I will persuade him to apologize with you after returning home. " Jiang Yulan prays for dew.

"Sister in law, it's not that I don't want to save. Is it because it involves the Secretary's family and opposes his family that he openly offends the government? There's a military job in that division. "

"But isn't this the way to ignore Shuhong?" Jiang Yulan's voice choked, just about to cry.

"Don't worry, I met the second youngest of the Secretary's family today. I just cooperated with the investigation and didn't worry about my life." Kangqin heart can only so calm her heart.

Jiang Yulan thought this was a consolation. Knowing that she could not be too strong, she nodded.

Kang Qin's heart soothed her. She went downstairs after seeing her mood stabilized.

She went back to her room and called Yexiu again.

In fact, ye Xiu didn't care much about Kang Shuhong's affairs. He was involved in such a big disaster and had the opportunity to make amends. The Secretary's family treated him with tolerance.

He was mainly worried about Kang Qinxin's situation in the sparrow boat: "are you really not embarrassed? Didn't mention anything about me? "

"The adjutant of his family did mention you to me on the way, but the sparrow boat did not." Kangqinxin repeated the meaning, and then asked, "what can I do for you? I think it's serious. "

"Small business matters." The wind is light and the clouds are light.

Kangqin wondered that most of the business of his family was taken over by the eldest son of his family. How could he leave his business card at the sparrow boat?

But after all, it's the chore of the Secretary's family, and ye Xiu doesn't want to talk about it much, and she doesn't ask much.

Outside the window came the sound of the car entering the hospital. She said, "it seems that my mother and sister are back. I'll ask my aunt how it is."

"Which aunt of yours?"

"It's aunt Nuan. She went to Qinggang port to unload the cargo today and met something."

Ye Xiu also heard: "are you talking about the port shooting?"

"Yes, my aunt happened to be there at that time. She had hurt her foot and had been admitted to the hospital. I didn't know until I came back." When it comes to this, Kang Qinxin is also worried, and there is a knock on the door at the other end of the phone.

Ye Xiu closed the microphone for two seconds, and then said, "well, Qin Xin, I've got something to do here. I'll say hello to Mrs. Wei."

Ye family has business with Wei family. Ye Xiu and Wei Yuan are very familiar with each other.

Kang Qinxin should know. Hang up and go downstairs. Unexpectedly, Jiang Yulan, who was still on the third floor, is already there.

Jiang Yulan didn't wait for ye Wu and Kang Huarou to enter the house, but she stood by the fountain and said Kang Shuhong's story: "Mom, try to figure out a way. Shuhong has been taken away for a long time. Listening to her second sister means that she can't come back these days."

Ye Wu was shocked, and the shopping bags she had not yet handed over to Aunt Zhu were all left in the courtyard.

Kang Huarou also doesn't understand: "sister-in-law, speak slowly, what's the matter with Shuhong?"

Jiang Yulan told the story again.

Ye Wu's body was crooked and almost fell down. Fortunately, Kang Huarou reached for her hand.

"Is it morphine?" she said, shaking? How could Shuhong get this kind of thing? Magnolia, did you just say that she knows what you mean? "

As soon as I finished, I saw my little daughter standing at the gate and hurried to ask for details.

Kangqinxin asked his mother to come in and sit down, and then he called Alan to tea, "Mom, don't be nervous."

I have to say it again.

"Then, the second member of the Secretary's family is not going to release Shuhong?" Ye Wugang just sat up and stood up, and shouted out, "old Wang, don't stop, I want to go out."

"Yes, ma'am," came the reply from the driver standing at the door

"I have to go to the teacher. If she can show up, the Secretary may be able to make a living by putting books in front of him."

"Mom! Are you going out so late? " Kang Qinxin hurriedly chased up and advised: "the Secretary's family is a large family, and also a political and military officer. Even if the Secretary's wife is willing to help you, do you want her to embarrass her son?"

"You're right. I can't make it hard for the teacher." Ye Wu stood at the turn of the stairs, hesitating and contradicting.

Kang Qinxin added: "you know that Mrs. Si is your teacher, and your relationship between teachers and students is not shallow. Don't you remember that No. 2 student of Si will not remember?"?

Mom, don't worry too much. I asked my brother for help a few days ago. I'll let him back. This time, I just asked him to cooperate with me. " She couldn't bear to see her mother sad.

After hearing this, ye Wu's face softened a little. Kang Huarou also said, "yes, Ma, what the second sister said is reasonable. Our family and Si Fu are old friends. They won't be too hard on the second brother.

After a long day out, you are tired. Take a rest earlier. Even if you really want to inquire, you should not disturb Mrs. Si at this time. "

"Yes, I was confused. The second childe of the Secretary's family, unlike the eldest childe, is a child with a very mild temper. I'm afraid that it's difficult to deal with morphine. " She sighed and went back to the living room.

Kang Qinxin told aunt Zhu, "let Uncle Wang go down first. There is no need to wait."

Aunt Zhu nodded. Kang Huarou poured tea for her mother, and ye Wu took a sip. She saw her daughter-in-law look like she couldn't speak. She said softly, "Yulan, please don't be impatient. We can't hurry about this. After all, Shuhong is the first to blame. As your second sister said, if you are clear, you will be clear. If you can't find anything, you will surely release Shuhong. "

"Mom, I see. I'm in a hurry." Jiang Yulan hangs his head. Some dare not look at Kang Qin's heart.

Kangqin knows that she is worried about kangshuhong, but if she is concerned, she will be confused. It's not easy to blame.

Although on the surface, ye Wu dismissed the idea of going to the Secretary's home to ask for love, and said that she was ok, but after supper, Kang Qinxin saw her calling the Secretary's home in the room. Standing at the door of the room, she heard her mother's low voice and subtle inquiry, which was very unpleasant.

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