Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2004 all my jewelry for you

It's too late tonight. It's inconvenient for Kang Qinxin to call again. Thinking about Shiyuan, she can't find it until she's burning. She has to open her eyes the next day before dialing.

She leaned lazily on the head of the bed, listening to the mechanical wait in the telephone line.

The housekeeper of Xinquan villa picked up the phone and said, "Hello, Xinquan villa, who are you

Kang Qinxin immediately called out: "Uncle Qin, it's my Qinxin. Does he wake up?"

"It turned out to be Miss Biao. I thought who would call so early. The young master hasn't woke up yet."

Kang Qin frowned, and was surprised: "haven't you woke up yet?"

"Yes, I didn't come back until early last night. I don't think I had a good rest."

Kang Qin's long and thin fingers twirled with patterns on the bedding, and asked tentatively, "is my uncle busy today?"

I thought that if I was too busy, I could only find someone else for Shiyuan.

Uncle Qin replied, "usually when you come back late at night, you don't go out the next morning."

"Well, I'll come back later. You don't have to call my uncle first."

Kang Qinxin said and hung up the phone. He got out of bed to wash and listen to the sound of percussion. Jiang Yulan whispered outside the door: "are you awake, sister-in-law? It's me."

"Wake up, sister-in-law."

Jiang Yulan stood at the door of the room with a make-up box in her hand. Her face was dark blue and tired. She had not slept for a night.

She opened her lips in embarrassment: "I know it's disturbing your rest to come here so early."

"It's OK."

Kang Qin felt that she was still here for Kang Shuhong. She didn't know how long she had been standing outside the door. She was so upset that she gathered her nightgown and got out of bed.

Two people sit on the small sofa, Jiang Yulan will hold the old jewelry box to her.

Kang Qin's heart didn't answer. He asked, "sister-in-law, are you here?"

"I know that Shuhong's affairs are troublesome to you, and you have to worry about going abroad.

I don't have a lot of body, and the dowry has been spent in these years.

These jewels were added by my mother after I went through the door. I was reluctant to wear them. I couldn't bear to sell them when I raised money last time. I always felt that my mother loved me. "

Jiang Yulan opened the box and stroked the necklaces and bracelets with nostalgia. "But I didn't take good care of Shuhong and let him suffer. It was my breach of duty as a daughter-in-law, and I also failed to live up to my mother's trust and expectation.

I brought these jewelry today. I hope you can find a reliable shop for me and sell it. The best job is to take money to dredge it.

Even if I can't save Hiro, let me see him.

I know it may not be enough, but that's all I really have. "

Kang Qinxin knows that Kang Shuhong's monthly salary is not enough for him to spend, and he has no spare money to give to Jiang Yulan. Most of these jewelry are all her talents.

She looked at the jewelry and thought her nose was sour. She closed the jewelry box and pushed it back. "You are our little grandmother of Kang family. Do you need to sell jewelry to deal with the emergency?

My family is not short of money yet. I will pay attention to his business. It's not in China. You don't know the situation. It's not the time to redeem people with money.

What's more, he is locked up by the Secretary's family, and money is useless.

This matter, you and I are all in a hurry. If I can help you, I will not be stingy. "

"But I just heard from you outside that you were going to find my uncle.

My uncle doesn't like Shuhong very much. Second sister, you should buy a suitable gift for me with this money, so that he can help Shuhong as much as he can. "

Jiang Yulan's voice is urgent. She has an old-fashioned thinking. She believes in taking people's money to relieve disasters. She always thinks that it's impossible to do without some money. Kang Qinxin has to accept the jewelry box.

Kang Qin is not really satisfied, and is embarrassed to say that he went to find Ye Xiu for Dong Shiyuan's wedding ceremony, so he said politely: "sister in law, these necklaces and bracelets are all bought by your mother. If you sell them, how can you explain to your mother if you don't wear them on New Year's day in the future?

I see what you mean. I'll give you presents from my uncle. Take them back. "

"If you don't, I'm sorry to bother you about Shuhong."

Jiang Yulan put the jewelry box on the table and stood up to leave. "I'll go down to the kitchen first to see how aunt Zhu prepared for breakfast. Mom likes to drink soy milk with less sugar. Don't be too sweet."

Kangqinxin then stood up to hold her and said, "sister-in-law, please take it away. It's a family. Don't be so polite."

Jiang Yulan is still hesitant, Kang Qinxin put the box into her hand and sent it to the corridor.

Close the door, she breathed a long sigh, worried, want to come to Kang Shuhong before, Jiang Yulan still want to find her.

At half past seven, she went downstairs to have breakfast. Seeing that her mother was ready to go out in proper clothes, Kang Qinxin hurriedly called out, "Mom, where are you going so early?"

"I don't think I haven't visited my teacher for a long time."

In the face of her daughter's inquiry, ye Wu unexpectedly has some inexplicable feelings, and she arranges her hair and sleeves intentionally or unintentionally.

Kangqin was clear-minded and sighed, "didn't you go to see Mrs. Si only years later?"

"It's been two months."

Ye Wu waves and arranges aunt Zhu to go out as soon as possible. "If you use breakfast while it's hot, mom will go to the department store to buy something first and then go there. You can't delay it."

Then he shouted to the driver, Lao Wang, to get ready.

Kangqin knows that he can't stop it, so he doesn't stop it.

Kang Huarou appeared behind her and said, "don't try to persuade her. Mom knows the truth. But she can't be sure if Shu Hong doesn't come back in one day. She will go even if she knows it's useless to go to the Department's home."

"I know, so I didn't advise."

Kang Qin heart turns around, the expression is helpless, ask next to the a LAN again, "sister-in-law, already had breakfast?"

It's unreasonable that I didn't go with my mother.

"Second miss, little grandma has returned to her mother's home.

Just now, Jiang's family called. It seems that Mrs. Jiang's health is not good again. When the little grandma hung up, her eyes were red. She went out without breakfast. "

Kang Qin's face was slightly sluggish. "Does that mother know?"

"Little grandma said she didn't want to bother her wife any more, so she went back to have a look first."

Kang Qin sighed and said to her sister, "the doctor checked out earlier that Mrs. Jiang had a tumor instead of an ordinary stomach disease. The tumor had to be operated on. Jiang Jiafei disagreed, but it has become more and more serious now."

"After all, it's an adventure.

What's more, taking medicine can alleviate the problem. Mrs. Jiang naturally disagrees with the operation, for fear of falling on the operating table... " Kang Hua understood in a soft tone and was also sad: "I think ah Xu died in the hospital before he was rescued."

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