Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2005 has work

Kang Qinxin quickly took her hand. "Sister, don't be sad, it's all over."

Kang Hua nodded softly, and then said, "yes, it's all gone. I don't want it for a long time."

Side over the eyes to slow down the mood, then took the bag beside to get up.

Kangqin was shocked. "Sister, you are going out"

"yes, I have nothing to do at home all day. I asked my aunt for a job in the orphanage. I will go to work there from now on."

Kangqin is surprised, "why didn't you talk about it before"

"you are busy all day, sister, it's just a small thing."

"Elder sister, you wait first."

After Kangqin heart called her, he told Alan, "go upstairs and get the money from the envelope of my left bedside table."

"My heart, my sister has money," said Kang Huarou, waving her hand

Kang Qinxin explains: "I know you have money. Sister, you stay at home all day, and the dividend in the bank will buy things and send them to the orphanage. It must be enough.

This money is not for you. Go to ginger's house before my sister comes back from work. Take the money to my sister-in-law.

You don't know. My sister-in-law is going to sell the jewelry my mother bought for her to raise money. "

Kang Shuhong's room, Jiang Yulan doesn't say, they really don't know, who would have thought that Kang's young grandmother's life would be so urgent

Kang huaroumian is surprised, you should know that Kang Shuhong's children and the dividend in the bank, no matter what sum is small.

They have only two husband and wife, and they have no children under their knees. How can they be so short of money.

Since the Jiang family went bankrupt, uncle Jiang seldom bothered his sister-in-law with family matters, lest his father should know and extend his hand.

I'm afraid Mrs. Jiang is very ill when I call this morning. "

"If you want to, I'll call Yulan when I get to the orphanage to see if it's at home or in the hospital. If you're in a hurry, I'll send it right away."

"If I have something on my friend's side today, I will trouble my sister."

Kang Qin's heart fell. At the same time, Alan went downstairs. She took it and handed it to sister-in-law: "I don't have much cash in my room. You tell my sister-in-law that if it's not enough, you can tell me that it's a family. Life is the most important thing.

If you can, let the Jiang family send it to the hospital. Western medicine flowed to China decades ago. If some Chinese medicine can't cure it well, it really needs surgery.

At that time, even Mrs. Si suggested sending Mrs. Jiang to the oncology department of the hospital for surgery after seeing her illness. You advised her and the Jiang family to think about it again. "

Kanghuarou put the money in the bag and nodded with a fixed face, "I see. I'll go out first."

After kangqinxin saw her on the bus, she suddenly found that there was no car at home. Alan stood beside her and said in a low voice: "my wife and miss usually don't go out often, but they all go together occasionally. Otherwise, I'll call a coachman for you outside the manor."

kangqinxin nodded, which is the only way. Who could have expected that the elder sister who doesn't have two doors and doesn't have one should go to work all day.

The orphanage is located in the suburbs again. I think it's time to suggest another one with my father.

Because it's a rickshaw, it's a little slow. When she gets to Xinquan villa, it's almost nine o'clock.

Uncle Qin greeted her and said, "Miss table, you are here. The young master is awake. He is in the study."

"Did you and your uncle say that I was coming?"

"said that, I know that you are coming, and the governor of fangcaiguo came to ask you to go out, and I pushed it off."

Qin Shu accompanied her upstairs as he answered.

Kang Qin couldn't help arranging: "how can Guo Nan still be idle when he's hurt so badly? He's thinking about his job all day. It's really worthwhile for my uncle to use him."

"Mind, what are you talking about me?" asked Ye Xiu from the study door.

Uncle Qin stopped and made a look of please.

Kangqinxin strode in and saw the man looking at the official document in the folder.

She said with a smile, "I mean, you have a good command of the younger uncle. All the people under you are able to work for you even if you are injured."

"Don't think I can't hear you.

Come to me so early. "

Ye Xiu closes the documents, arranges them and puts them aside. He looks at Kang Qinxin fondly.

"I'd like to ask my uncle for a favor today."

Ye Xiu's eyes were even more smiling. She looked at herself sitting on the sofa drinking water, and slightly opened her lips: "what's so busy and polite"

"Shiyuan's trading company is going to open, please go to the cutting ceremony."

Ye Xiu smells the words and frowns subconsciously.

"Good uncle, you should help to gather a number.

Shiyuan, you've met a friend of mine when I was studying in England. She's not familiar with Singapore. I have to help her. "

Ye Xiu's face was serious: "I have nothing to do with her, how could she invite me

must be your random idea."

The tone is firm, the smile is not just like.

Kang Qinxin knew that he could not be fooled, so he had to tell the truth: "you also know that dad is still in Lishan island. As for Kang Shuhong, don't say that he is now locked, even if he stays at home well, I don't want to trouble him.

I think about it. It's more convenient for me to find my uncle. "

She said and walked over, pulled his arm and asked, "OK"

Ye Xiu rarely saw the coquettish appearance of her daughter's home. She waved away her suspicion and nodded with a smile: "you've opened your mouth, can I say no"

patted her hand and asked: "a few cutting gifts"

"ten o'clock."

Ye Xiu raised her wrist and looked at her watch. "It's almost time to start."

"It's not very urgent. I asked the address. Her company is nearby. We used to go there quickly, so you can change your formal clothes."

Kang Qinxin pulled him up and said excitedly, "my brother-in-law is young and handsome. He must be the most brilliant among the old entrepreneurs."

"When to learn to be glib is not serious."

Although Ye Xiu said so, the crooked lip angle still exposed a good mood.

Kang Qinxin picked out his tie again and they went out.

Without seeing her car, ye Xiu inevitably asked.

Kang Qinxin then told him all about his family and said, "now that sister a has a job, I still have to live here today and tomorrow.

Alas, there is no place for heroes. Pity me for my ability. "

"Why, you've been condescended by me"

Ye Xiu teases her.

Kangqinxin nodded seriously: "that's right.

You see, Shiyuan's father is more open-minded and supports her to develop her business in foreign countries. The company says it will start soon. I also want to do some small business. "

Ye Xiu watched her serious expression and understood that she deliberately concealed her sharp edge for the sake of brother sister relationship in recent years. She was very distressed. She asked: "what do you want to do? I'll give you an idea

by the way, last time you said that a friend invited you to join in the business"

"it's Shiyuan.

At that time, I was very excited, but it wasn't interesting. After all, people were not short of money. They spent their energy on planning for the company. Besides, they had to help sell goods through her father. How could I share her share without any reason?

seeing her tone was low, ye Xiu encouraged: "it's as if your heart of Kangqin is dead.

I'll tell you more about Ye's tomorrow Industry.

Although your uncle seems to be mainly producing military weapons for the government, there are many other industries involved.

Mind, you can find a plan for yourself and do whatever you want. I'll teach you what you don't understand. "

Kangqin smiled, "you can't go back on what you said."

Ye Xiu can't laugh or cry. She has a knock on her head.

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