Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2007 advice of elders

"Mind, since it's your good friend's mind, don't let it down." The voice of Yexiu appears in my ear.

Kang Qin's heart turns, frowns and winks, and cries "little uncle" in embarrassment!

If ye Xiu doesn't see her, she just closes the contract for her and says with a smile, "don't you always say that you are in love with Miss Dong? It would be very kind of you to push her gift. "

Dong Shiyuan was very happy that ye Xiu was speaking for her, and then encouraged her to say, "yes, yes, Qin Xin, I will be angry when you see me again. Do you want to treat me as your best friend?"

Kangqin really doesn't want it.

Ye Xiu looked at her eyes, took out the pen from her suit pocket, wrote a check, and then forwarded it to Dong Shiyuan. He said seriously, "please accept this money, and it will be deemed as the share of Xin'er.

She had this idea when you invited her to open a company, just because of many reasons. Now that she's a member of your company, it's natural to make up for that. "

Dong Shiyuan's smile gradually froze, embarrassed: "Mr. Ye, I'm not for this." She lost her voice.

"Of course, but you also know the temperament of the heart. It will never be useless. Take it as the reserve fund of the new company and make her feel better. "

Ye Xiu's voice could not be refused, and the hand holding the check stretched out again, "Miss Dong, please don't refuse."

"Thank you, Mr. Ye." Dong Shiyuan had to put it away. Her face was still lost.

Kang Qinxin is holding the contract. Seeing that she looks unhappy, she feels embarrassed and sorry.

Shiyuan was also kind to the happy cutting ceremony, but now it seems that the taste has changed, and everyone is not comfortable.

However, ye Xiu seems to have no idea. After playing Kang Qin, she says to Dong Shiyuan, "don't disturb Miss Dong's greeting. Let's go to the table first."

Dong Shiyuan nodded and held the check for a long time.

Kang Qinxin only waited to sit down with him and said: "why do you do that, brother-in-law? Shiyuan must think that I was too clear with her in order to get rid of the relationship." Leave the contract with him. "You care what she thinks, and how does she care about how you feel? Knowing that you won't accept it for nothing and have to give you such great affection, you will always be inferior in front of her, and you will feel comfortable in your heart? " Ye Xiu is right to the point. He knows Kang Qinxin's temper too well.

Kangqinxin can't speak. "Think of it as a small industry and be happy." Ye Xiu deliberately ridiculed her with easy words, "I see that the scale of Dong's company is similar, and there is no shortage of talents here, so it should be able to develop well. You will take the dividend in a safe way in the future,

how good is it?"

"Kang Qin heart regret:" know now, not as I promised her at the beginning Ye Xiu opened up and looked at the contract and said, "well, you've said it's your best friend. Don't worry so much. Miss Dong doesn't care about this, otherwise she won't sell 10% of the shares. It's really a big deal. I thought that she would give at most 2% and 5% of the shares. "

He seems to have calculated it carefully, "well, it seems that the amount is less."

Kangqin's heart didn't stop. He laughed.

Ye Xiu then raised her head to tease her, "this is a small thing. Don't put everything in your heart. It's right that you are so tired when you are young. Here, take good care of your private property. "

"This is your contribution, uncle."

Ye Xiu is serious: "well, that money will be the money you gave me for running errands in these two years."

"OK, I'll take it."

In fact, ye family industry doesn't say that her mother has shares, but later Ye Xiu also intermittently divides her. Although Kang Qinxin refuses to sign the contract, Ye's dividend is still paid to her account every year.

So it's not worth mentioning to run around for ye family, but Kang Qinxin knows Ye Xiu, and only when he talks about it with him can he really offend him.

Dong Shiyuan is destined to be busy today. Kang Qinxin will go to say goodbye to her after a symbolic meeting.

Dong Shiyuan tugged her hand and explained: "Qin Xin, I really just feel like I have a company to share with you, no other meaning.

I know your concerns and thoughts at that time. I'm afraid that your brother will have ideas. So I don't want to embarrass you. I want to give you a gift. I didn't expect that Mr. ye would have to figure it out so clearly.

Originally, 10% is nothing. He has to give me a check, just like I forced you to buy shares. I really don't think so. "

She took out the check and tried to plug it back to Kang Qinxin.

Kangqinxin broke away from her hand and shook her head. "No, it's from my uncle anyway. You can serve as a reserve fund for the company as he said."

"I don't want the money either." Dong Shiyuan whispered, "don't Mr. ye think I'm particularly philistine? All things are good. " "How! My brother-in-law thought you were generous when he saw you giving me such a big gift. Shiyuan, don't worry about it. The money is nothing to him. He just did it because I was embarrassed to take your shares. Don't take it too seriously

"Really? Don't think of me that way? " Dong Shiyuan's eyes are happy and looking forward to her.

Kang Qinxin repeatedly promised, "really not. Who dare to think of you, Miss Dong, as a philistine? Stop thinking. Now I'm taking shares. It's OK to give some money.

You're safe. There are so many things in my family recently that it's really inconvenient to accompany you to take care of the company, so you have to work harder on your own. "

Dong Shiyuan asked again, "is your family's business very troublesome?"

Kangqin nodded and sighed, "it's really troublesome."

Seeing the other side's concern, he said with a smile, "my little uncle still has something to stay for a long time. We should go first."

"Leaving so early?" Dong Shiyuan held on to her sign language and said, "don't you wait any longer?"

"I'll come to you some other day."

Dong Shiyuan lowered her eyes, and then raised her eyes: "well, I'll give it to you."

When she got on the bus, Dong Shiyuan didn't go in, Kang Qinxin rolled down the window of the back seat and waved to her, "Shiyuan, go in."

Dong Shiyuan stared at her and nodded.

Kangqin heart see her motionless, just ready to say two words, listen to the next leaf Xiu cold command: "drive!"

The car moved in response to the sound, and Kangqin couldn't speak any more. Turn around, look at Ye Xiu, see its facial expression has different, don't understand of ask: "little uncle you how?"


Kangqin is skeptical.

After meeting, ye Xiu suddenly said: "Qin Xin, don't go too close to your friend."

"What's the matter?" Kang Qinxin was surprised and looked at him and asked, "Shiyuan and I have been classmates for several years. She chose Singapore for development. Naturally, we should have more contacts. What do you mean, my uncle?"

"Your friend's purpose is impure." Ye Xiu points to the end. Kangqin thought to himself, "you said she calculated me?" After that, he immediately denied, "it's impossible! You don't understand Shiyuan. She is really good to me. She never asked me for anything. How could she calculate me? Besides, she doesn't need to be a member of the Dong family. "

Kangqin's mind still has the ability to recognize people.

Ye Xiu asked in disapproval, "do you really think she is in Singapore because she does not want you?" "Isn't it?" "Don't speak in such a tone, my uncle," Kang Qin muttered, "even though it's because of the Chinese market in Singapore, but the domestic market is bigger. She didn't have to leave her hometown. In any case, it's my friend at least, so you can't be polite. " Ye Xiu was silent for a moment, and suddenly said something irrelevant: "today there are entrepreneurs with high prestige on the market."

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