Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2008 reporting

Obviously, ye Xiu has a bad impression on Dong Shiyuan, and the ribbon cutting ceremony is not pleasant, but their relationship has not been revealed.

In an instant, he asked, "xiner, will you be sent back to the manor"

Kangqin was slightly surprised, instead of answering, "you have something to deal with later"

"some things need to be dealt with."

Kangqin said: "I'll go with my uncle"

"no, you go back to have a good rest."

Kang Qin felt deeply doubted and asked: "what is so mysterious in the past? My uncle didn't want to avoid me. He just said that he would teach me how to turn his head and never count."

Ye Xiu couldn't help laughing and said: "I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid you don't want to see some people."

"Some people"

Kang Qin's heart reaction was also quick, and she said: "go to find the sparrow boat"

Ye Xiu looked at her and nodded.

"That's all."

Kangqinxin waved his hand, thought about it and said, "let's take me home."

Leaves should be good.

"Mom went to see Mrs. Si early in the morning. I don't know if she has come back."

Kang Qinxin guesses.

Ye Xiu said: "it's not wise to go to see madam Si for private affairs.

It's always harmful to have a good division of teachers and apprentices, mixed with interests and human feelings. Why don't you try to persuade "

Kangqin sighs in a helpless tone:" you know that mother's character is introverted. If you are always willing to pull down her face and go to ask for help, it's not because kangshuhong

I didn't persuade her or she didn't understand, but she can't stop her. "

She said, looking at Pei's Hospital in front of her, and said: "little uncle, don't send me back. I'll go to the hospital to see my aunt.

She's broken her leg. I'll see her in person. "

"OK, then how can you go home later"

"I call the rickshaw, you don't have to worry about me."

Kang Qinxin lets the driver pull over and stop. Just about to get out of the car, he is grabbed by Ye Xiu and turns to look at him doubtfully.

Ye Xiu: "my heart, it's not peaceful in the city recently. Take good care of yourself."

Kang Qinxin knew that he was referring to the shooting at Qinggang. He nodded. He bought flowers and fruits outside the hospital as usual and went to the ward.

Kang Nuan is lying on the bed to rest. His left leg is suspended and fixed by splints. The white bandage is wrapped around his knee. It can be seen that the injury is not light.

Except for sister-in-law Zhang of the Wei family, there was no one else in the room.

When sister-in-law Zhang saw her coming, she stood up from the chair under the window and said with a smile, "Miss Qin Xin, you are here."

He went up to pick up the fruit basket and flowers.

Kang Nuan obviously didn't sleep well. He opened his eyes when he heard the noise. His pale face barely smiled: "it's Qin Xin."

"Auntie, I was not at home last night. I heard that you were hurt. Come and see you."

Kangqinxin goes over and wonders, "why is my uncle and cousin not here? Is he not with you?"

"your uncle just left, and has called rong'er to come here.

In fact, with sister-in-law Zhang, I have nothing to do with it. "

Kang Nuan asked sister-in-law Zhang to move the stool, and then he called Kang Qinxin to sit down and talk. His face was heavy: "how is the family"

Kang Qinxin was puzzled. He avoided his eyes and said: "why does aunt ask"

"how can Shuhong be so confused"

he is the only son in the family. Your father has great hopes for him, and how can he be so confused "

Kang Nuan mentioned his family's affairs It was full of worry. "I called back to the villa from the hospital in the morning, but no one in the house"

"how do you know aunt"

Kang Nuan handed her the newspaper under the water glass next to her, and Kang Qinxin took a look at it. The news on the front page that "the banker's son sold morphine for personal gain, and has been put in prison" occupied the whole side.

She glanced at it briefly, and found that the sparrow boat was really generous in exaggerating. She directly described Kang Shuhong as a vagrant and wealthy son who was ignorant, unskilled, lecherous, and mercenary.

The report also pointed out that he was the main conspirator, colluding with Nanyang merchants and Tavern owners, selling morphine for money laundering and other criminal evidence, and also put on his photos in prison, wearing unsuitable prison clothes full of blood Kang Qin heart, and then turned to other pages, his face was also shocked.

In the early morning, there were so many things at home that she forgot to read the newspaper. No wonder her mother couldn't wait to find Mrs. Si.

Kang Nuan saw her expression and said, "Qin Xin, you don't know that Shuhong people didn't go home in prison. Don't you think it's strange"

"no, I know that."

Kang Qinxin closed his eyes holding the newspaper. He didn't expect the speed of the sparrow boat to be so fast. Under Kang Nuan's gaze, he said: "I know he was taken away by the family of the Secretary, but I didn't expect to report like this."

"If your father is not in the city, what can I do now? Shuhong has been raised to be superior since childhood. Where has he suffered such hardship? I asked your uncle to visit government officials to see if he could spend some money to get people out.

But if it is the Secretary's family who is really involved in this matter, the money may not help.

Qin Xin, does sister-in-law know about it? "

" my mother already knows. She went to visit Mrs. Si today. "

Kang Nuan was not happy when he heard the words, but still said with a bitter face: "Madame Si is famous, regardless of politics, what's the use of finding her"

"my mother is trying to be better."

This report came unprepared. Even if he had prepared for it, Kang Qin was still a little flustered.

It must be a mess in the bank now. I don't know if dad got the news.

He also looked at the photos of Kang Shuhong in the newspaper. Some of them couldn't bear to look directly at him, so he moved away.

"We can only do our best. Whoever has done this is not good. We must provoke the family members of the Department."

Kang Nuan worries about his nephew and asks Kang Qinxin where he came from.

"My friend started a company and invited me to attend the cutting ceremony," he replied honestly

"How come your sister-in-law and Hua Rou are not at home"

Kang Qinxin also truthfully explained.

Kang Nuan's face was ugly, and she said in a cold voice: "Yulan is fine. Her mother is seriously ill and has to go back to have a look. But what's the matter with Hua Rou?

Shuhong is your sister's brother. Now she's in prison. She goes to work in an orphanage, and you're still in the mood to participate in the opening of another company Moreover, I am the brother of my mother and compatriot with you. "

"I know what my aunt taught me was that I would pay attention."

She suffered a leg injury. Kang Qinxin could not explain the truth to her, nor argue with her. He could only acquiesce in his heartlessness.

Kang Nuan's topic is ultimately around Kang Shuhong. Kang Qin's heart is not comfortable talking. He left without more excuses.

Xu is in a low mood. Instead of avoiding the door of people, she chooses a quiet back road.

As a result, the path is not quiet. Just when I went out, I saw a few bodyguard like men guarding at the intersection. However, when I heard the wind, I looked very serious.

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