Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2009 get rid of him

Kang Qinxin noticed that all of them had guys on their waists.

This look and their behavior, however, are not like the guards of the security department. That's on the underworld.

Gang people are the Best Western Hospital in the city.

Normally, the blood debts caused by the grudges of gangs are handled in some small clinics or hospitals, and seldom come to the regular hospitals.

What's more, Pei's Hospital, which has a very strong background, can see that they only dare to squat at the back door of the road and understand that these people dare not disturb the hospital.

The path is uneven. Kang Qinxin walks slowly. Suddenly, he hears the rumble of the car behind him. Turning around, he sees that it is the cleaner in the hospital who pushes the garbage truck out of the small door and is walking towards the garbage dump to take out the garbage.

When Kang Qinxin looked back, he saw that the two people on the side of the road were looking at the garbage truck in front of the cleaner with their bright eyes. Then he walked slowly, as if he wanted to turn over the garbage.

Kang Qin felt a little strange. He was still looking for people when he was looking for things.

Kangqin's heart stops. He was going to see the follow-up, but he was thinking about his family and the bank. He didn't mind his own business, so he continued to leave.

But as soon as I raised my feet, I heard the voice of body movements behind me, followed by the landing sound of dull hum and pain.

Kang Qinxin turns around again and sees a gun falling to his feet. Looking around, a young man covered with filth and bloodstain has put down his bodyguard.

He should have suffered a very serious injury, but these two times he also fell down, on the pile of garbage, struggling to think of but no energy, pale face.

The thug got up to pick up the gun.

Kang Qinxin looks at the young man on the garbage heap who wants to stand up again with one hand on the ground, glances at the hand about to touch the gun, raises his foot and kicks the gun at the injured young man.

The man was also sharp, fighting hard to pick up immediately, aiming at the hitter.

When the Thug's action failed and he was pointed at by the gun, how could he think that the woman in front of him would help him? He looked up and said, "the girl who comes here dares to be nosy"

Kangqin was not afraid to laugh back. "You'd better think about yourself first."

She turned to see another person at the intersection had noticed something wrong, was waving to the person across the road, and then ready to come to see the situation.

There seem to be a lot of people.

Kang Qinxin reminds the wounded man, "deal with him quickly. Someone is coming."

The man held the pistol, but he didn't shoot.

Kangqin is angry that he is bloodless and doesn't scold strangers. She regrets her troubles. Now she has been regarded as an accomplice and has to do it herself.

However, she was very confident in her own skills. She thought she would stun the other side with a sharp hand, but it hurt a little when she took it down, but the person didn't fall down, so she had to continue to fight under her agitation.

Someone came to the intersection in a hurry. "What are you doing?"

"shoot him in the leg"

Kang Qin was just miscalculated. He thought it was cruel, but he didn't dare to open it for a long time with the gun. She was so angry.

Seeing that people are getting closer and closer, the clothes and skirts participating in the ribbon cutting ceremony can't give full play to the original players, and urging: "if you shoot people, you will come. What are you flustered about?"

this sentence woke up the man, and then he heard a bang. The man who fought with Kang Qinxin "ouch" fell to his knees on one leg.

She got the first chance, which made him easy to control. Two more actions jumped to the garbage heap, shouted "gun to me", and fired at the later fighters.

"Go to the hospital."

The movement here will certainly disturb the people across the road. Now Kang Qinxin can't say clearly. If he offends him, he can only help him to the end. He urges him to go to the hospital with him, but the man doesn't move.

He couldn't stand up. Kang Qin was so regretful that he knew that he could not wade through the main gate of the hospital. He squatted down and helped him to stand up, almost dragging him in.

No sooner had she entered the hospital than she let go.

The man fell on the corridor of the hospital, seriously injured and fell to the ground, humming with pain.

The people outside dare not come in. One of them retreats and leaves. They should go to the people above to make an idea.

Kang Qinxin called the nurse to rescue him.

Pei's hospital has never received such a fugitive patient. Besides, everyone heard the gunshot just now. The nurse hesitated for fear of getting into trouble.

Kang Qinxin, who had already caused trouble, threw the gun in his hand at the man and said, "this is a fugitive."

The man didn't take the gun. He looked at the nurse and said: "I, I am Shen Junlan, Shen's family." Kang Qin was surprised, and secretly felt that the world was so small.

See the nurse is still dawdling, she urged: "quickly arrange the operation, if this person died in your hospital, the sea Shen family and you are not finished."

Shen Junlan looks at Kang Qinxin. Kang Qinxin sits down on the bench next to him. Some of his detested body is dirty. When he sees him looking at himself, he says softly, "don't hold on. Don't worry. I will inform Shen family for you."

"Thank you very much. Please let my uncle know. The number is" he gave the number.

Kang Qinxin was going to call grandpa yezhaituo to inform her. After all, she didn't know the contact information.

Unexpectedly, he lost his uncle's phone directly. After the nurse cart took him to the operating room, he went to the front desk to make a phone call.

Shen Junlan should have been injured at the Qinggang port. The shooting riot was really aimed at him, and someone was sent to pursue him. It's said that Shen Junlan is still the only son of Shen family. How much hatred is it? The phone was connected quickly. It's said that it's about Shen Junlan. The phone immediately transferred to Shen Yinghao.

After learning about his nephew, Shen Yinghao expressed his thanks and said that he would come immediately.

Kang Qin thought that since the Shen family was about to arrive, he slipped away before the guards of the security department arrived, so as to avoid being interrogated and taking notes later.

When she returned to the manor, ye Wu was already at home. She had a dignified expression. It was obvious that her trip to Si's home was not smooth. She didn't even notice the stains on Kangqin's clothes. Sitting on the sofa, she raised her eyes and said, "Xin'er, your father asked you to call back."

"My father called back"

Ye Wu: "all the things about Shuhong have been broadcast. How can your father not know how he is in prison.

By the way, Yingmao just called to see you. It seems that it's something in the bank. I don't understand these things. Your father and Shuhong are not here. Please help me deal with it. "

Kang chin nodded, "Mom, don't worry. I'll call dad back and go to the bank."

Ye Wu was relieved and sighed again: "your brother-in-law doesn't know what he's doing. I can't find anyone for Shuhong's business.

Qin Xin, do you see anyone else? Please contact him for me. "

She put her heart and soul on her young girl.

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