Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2010 floating hearts

Kang Qinxin calls back his father.

Kang Yu was calm. Although he also cared about Kang Shuhong's situation, he was relieved to hear that Si quefang deliberately released the news after consulting his daughter.

This shows that, after all, Si quefang still cares about the relationship between the two families and leaves a face for the Kang family. Otherwise, in his position and identity, he would not know how to deal with the Kang family directly. After all, Kang Shuhong is not really innocent.

His father's reasonable, let Kang Qin heart admire, holding the phone and said: "Dad, you can rest assured to cure the disease, I can handle the situation here."

Kang Yu was silent for a moment. "Qin Xin, you have the ability to be good, and you don't need to be strong. You can do everything according to your ability. If it's really difficult, you can call dad.

Besides, don't bother your uncle about our family affairs. Ye's business is enough for him. "

"I know dad." Kang Qin's face was slightly coagulated, and explained to his father, "in fact, my uncle intervened in this matter, because the Secretary's family checked his gambling house during the investigation, not because I deliberately asked my uncle for help."

"Well, you just need to know how to measure. Also, I just talked to Yingmao on the phone. He said that since the news of Shuhong came out, many people have gone to the bank to withdraw money today.

There were several orders for the business that had been negotiated, and all the branches did. There was a large amount of cash flowing out of the business, but thanks to your preparation in advance, you didn't have to be unprepared. You did a good job. "

Kang Qinxin, "thanks for Dad's praise. It's just my daughter's speculation. After all, it affects the bank image."

"Now your brother is in deep trouble, and I can't deal with these situations. If you have time, go to discuss with Yingmao and solve the problems in the bank."

Kang Qinxin hesitated a little: "Dad, I'm not a bank employee after all. It's OK to give suggestions to Yingmao. If I really intervene in the bank's decision-making in the past, I'm afraid it's not very good?"

"You don't have to worry about it. You are miss Kang, and you still have the right to do things in the bank. Neither your mother nor your elder sister has been exposed to these things. It's up to you. " Kangyu still trusts her young daughter, and knows that she has the ability.

Kang Qinxin said: "thank you, Dad. My daughter will try her best. If you don't understand, I will call you."

After hanging up, she dialed Xinquan villa again.

Uncle Qin said that the young master had not come back. Kangqinxin told him to call back his mother when his uncle came back.

After changing her clothes, she plans to go to the bank.

Just downstairs, ye Wu asked her, "my heart, did you call your father?"

"Yes, dad said he knew."

"Did your father say when he would be back?" Ye Wu stands up.

"Kang Qin heart replied:" Dad said he will not come back for the time being

Leaf charm is surprised, hurried walk to ask again: "how can not come back, he does not come back Book Hong how to do?"? Heart son, how exactly did you say to your father? Did he just ignore Shuhong? "

Kang Qinxin went over and said, "Dad said that he would cooperate with the Secretary's family. They would not deliberately create difficulties for our family."

Ye Wu's face is more difficult: "the Secretary's family has punished Shuhong. You didn't see the appearance of Shuhong in that newspaper. You are all hurt Where has your brother suffered such hardship? I have to call your father again to urge him to come back. "

Kang Qinxin quickly stopped her and said, "Mom, it's useless for Dad to come back. Kang Shuhong has been transferred to prison."

Seeing that her mother was still anxious, she continued: "I saw some injuries in that newspaper, but this is a situation where there is no one can beat him or her to make a move in Singapore, and the Department will not target us, so it's good to check things out."

"When will it be found? Even if we don't bend to fight, there will always be torture and extortion. " Ye Wu is full of thoughts on her son, with a sad expression.

Kang Qinxin helps her to go back to the sofa and sit down. "Mom, what do you say you go to see Mrs. Si today?"

Mentioning this, ye Wu was even more discouraged and shook her head without answering. "I advised you a long time ago. You have to go. It's a big deal. Unless the main culprit is caught, it's not so easy for them to let people go. As for the situation you are worried about, it will not happen. If you have transferred to prison, you will no longer be tortured. "

She saw that her mother was calmer, looked up at the clock, and said, "Mom, there is a mess in the bank now. I have to go and have a look."

Leaf Charm holds her hand, some reluctantly, "you still want to go out?"

"I'll be back soon. Don't worry too much." Kangqinxin is curious about how his sister-in-law and sister-in-law are still not back, and she is not sure to let her mother alone at home, and she says, "then I will sit with you for a while."

For a moment, ye Wu may also feel that it's not appropriate, and let Kang Qinxin go out: "don't worry, mom is OK at home."

"Mom, I'm not in a hurry."

"Is your little uncle in touch?"

Kang Qin shook his head and said, "I just called. Uncle Qin said he hasn't returned yet. It should be something important."

Leaf Charm sighs.

The sound of cars came from the courtyard. Kanghuarou came back.

When ye Wu saw her coming in, she said, "ah Rou, it's a very eventful time at home. Don't go to work first. Tell your aunt Han that you can go when our family is better."

"Mom, we all agreed before." "At that time, Shuhong didn't have an accident. Mom agreed just because you were bored at home. Now I'm in a panic all day, and the bank is also turbulent. I heard that Yingmao said that there are still many people who are not in line to withdraw money, and they are quite dissatisfied with our bank. How can I rest assured that you don't know kung fu? " Ye was afraid of her daughter's involvement.

Kang Hua's face is hard.

Kang Qin changed the subject and asked, "sister, how is Mrs. Jiang? Have you seen your sister-in-law? She didn't come back with you? "

When she heard about her mother, ye Wu followed her.

Kang Huarou shook her head and said: "aunt Jiang is in a bad condition. She has been sent to the hospital. The doctor suggested that she should have surgery to remove the tumor, but the Jiang family did not agree. Now she is still stuck. Magnolia is still in the ward. I don't think she will come back tonight. "

Kangqin nodded, "which hospital?"

"Pei's hospital is the most famous oncology department over there. I heard that President Pei is the best at it."

"I'm also in Pei's hospital. I'll stop by today as long as I know."

Ye Wu also said: "so serious? Then I have to visit tomorrow. "

"Second sister, have you been to the hospital today?"

"Yes, I went to visit my aunt."

Kang Huarou asked hurriedly and nervously, "so what's the matter with you? I heard that Pei's hospital was not peaceful this afternoon. There was a fight at the back door and a gun was fired. All of them alerted the security department. "

As soon as the words came out, the outside guard came over and said, "madam, two young ladies, the police officer of the guard department asked for an interview." Ye Wu and Kang Huarou look at each other, and Kang Qin is upset.

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