Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2011 cross examination

They all thought that the security department was for the sake of Kang Shuhong. They were all nervous. Only Kang Qinxin thought it was not. They speculated that it was related to Shen Junlan of the hospital.

She went to Pei's hospital several times these days. She visited Guo Nan and her aunt. It was easy to find out.

The young police officer, named song Xiuli, came into the hall with a solemn and powerful face, and said "Hello, Mrs. Kang and two young ladies."

Ye Wu responds by asking the other party to sit down. Just as she wants to ask what's the matter, song Xiuli asks again, "who is Miss Kang, please?"

Ye Wu looks puzzled. Looking at her young daughter, Kang Huarou is also puzzled.

"I am," he said "I came to ask Miss Kang Er about Mr. Shen's injury. Where did you meet him? Why did you leave so quickly? But what's the secret?" Song Xiuli took the pen and paper from his subordinates and prepared to take notes himself.

"What son Shen?" said Ye Wu

Kang Qin said in a low voice, "just Shen Junlan."

Ye Wu's face is more curious after listening.

"Please do not disturb Mrs. Kang for the time being." Song Xiuli's serious reminder, but also kept an eye on Kang Qin's heart to observe the change of his face, "Miss Kang Er should not forget this afternoon?"

Kang Huarou suddenly looks at her sister in shock.

Kangqinxin's face is not changed. "Is shenjunlan still awake? How can you come to investigate in person?"

She wondered that Shen Junlan's injury was not serious. It may have been a long time since she was rescued. Isn't she still awake?

However, song Xiuli nodded his head seriously. "Young master Shen is seriously injured and still in a coma. Mr. Shen Er entrusted us to investigate his injury. You are the last person Mr. Shen saw. Please ask Miss Kang Er to cooperate. " Kang Qin psychology straight gas strong: "yesterday green port shooting, responsible for the transport of Shen Junlan disappeared, you said he was injured from where?"? When I met him, he was being hunted down. If you don't want to find out who killed him, run to ask his benefactor if it's black and white. "

"Miss kang'er means you saved Mr. Shen, didn't you?"

Kang Qin nods.

Song Xiuli lowered his head and simply recorded this point, then raised his eyes and asked, "where is the man who pursues and kills Mr. Shen?"

"At the back door of the hospital, didn't you find anyone?"

Song Xiuli shakes his head.

Kang Qinxin secretly said that she was in a hurry to help Shen Junlan to enter the hospital for rescue. The two men must have been rescued by their partners. Now Shen Junlan is unconscious. It seems that she can only question herself?

"Miss Kang Er, since you saved Mr. Shen, why didn't you wait for him to wake up and leave in a hurry?"

Listening to his tone, you still doubt yourself?

Kang Qin stood up, his face cold: "if I hurt Shen Junlan, what can I do to send him to rescue him? What can I call his uncle to do?"?

As for why I am in a hurry to leave, whose family has nothing to do with it? And Shen Junlan has been cured. I don't want to keep my name if I do good deeds?

When Shen Junlan wakes up and asks himself about these things, if I do harm to him, you can sit at home and wait for you to come to check? "

She said that her face was not red, her breath was not panting. Maybe she was too strong. Song Xiuli was embarrassed to continue questioning. She only said: "routine questions. Please forgive Miss Kang for any offence."

Kang Qinxin thinks that this man is too unreasonable and reasonable. He knows that people can know that it's a good person to send Shen Junlan to see a doctor. He can also cross examine at home like a suspect?

No way. There are a lot of things in the bank at home. She is not in the mood to deal with them. She will soon tell me how to find someone watching and doing something at the back door of the hospital and how to send him to the hospital.

"Is there anything else that officer song doesn't understand?"

Song Xiuli sorted out the record, stood up and said, "Miss Kang er said very clearly. If you have any questions, I will disturb you later."

Kangqin thought that when Shen Junlan was sober, he had no questions, no more words.

Song Xiuli said goodbye to several people.

Ye Wu couldn't help asking him about Kang Shuhong.

Song Xiuli said: "Mrs. Kang, I'm only in charge of public security and safety. I can't contact Mr. Kang, so I can't answer your doubts."

Ye Wu nodded, asked aunt Zhu to send him out, and asked Kang Qinxin what was going on. Kang Qinxin said simply: "it was after visiting my aunt that I met the injured Mr. Shen outside the hospital and called the medical staff to rescue him. The Shen family is going to investigate the circumstances of his death, just ask me. " She hurried out of the house and got up.

But ye Wu continued: "it was you who saved the son of Shen's family, but it was also fate. I would have arranged for you to meet, but I didn't expect to see you first."

Kang Qin stopped to think about Shen Junlan's appearance of holding a pistol for a long time, but he could not open it. He shook his head and said, "Mom, don't be busy. It's impossible. He's not as weak as I can fight."

"Why do girls always mention fighting and killing? Do you choose a husband or an opponent?"

Ye Wu's tone was discontented. "Although Mr. Shen's skill may be a little poor, it's not the time to use a knife and a gun. If you want to be able to fight and do something like that, you can help his father go out for business when he's young."

Kang Qin really wanted to get rid of his mother's idea, and deliberately said, "yes, he almost died in business."

"How do you speak, you child?" Ye Wu murmured.

Kang Qinxin went out and said: "now there are so many things, you'd better not worry about me first. I went to the bank. Sister, you stay with mom. "

There are a lot of people around the bank. Even though it's getting late, they still wait in line with the number to get money. Some people call Kang Shuhong immoral and earn money with morphine. Some people say that Kang family is deceiving the world. In a word, the noisy words are extremely ugly. The door of the bank is blocked. Kang Qinxin has no way in. He is sad to hear their swearing. Guangyuan is a time-honored brand left by our ancestors. In those days, the banks were all over Shanxi Province. When Singapore's father didn't set up another name, he changed to Guangyuan bank. The bank can develop so fast, and it can also do it by virtue of the good reputation accumulated in China. Who would have thought there would be today? She hated Kang Shuhong in her heart. She was all affected by him. At the same time, I also had two expectations for Sparrow's words. I hope sparrow will come out to clarify Kang Shuhong's innocence after the end of the morphine affair. At that time, the bank will have a bright future. But the difficulty under the eyes of

is that the Kang family is suffering.

Avoid this way, Kang Qinxin finds someone to squeeze into the bank from the emergency channel. Kang Yingmao was so busy inside that he saw her frown and said, "Why are you here, miss two? The citizens outside have been around for a long time. The cash in the bank has been almost obtained. The rest of the people are determined not to leave. You come here now. I'm afraid you won't be able to leave later. "

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