"Let me see."

Kang Qinxin took the account book in front of him, looked at it for two eyes and said, "how can the cash in the bank be so? This is the bank headquarters, not the branch. "

Seeing her disbelief, Kang Yingmao explained: "now the economy is developing rapidly and there are many projects on the market. I have never thought that the investment is too little. How can I think of too much?

The amount of money withdrawn by the citizens every month is limited, so basically this fund is reserved, even if it is a little more, it is not enough for the current use. What's more......

he stopped talking and didn't say anything.

He did not say that Kang Qinxin also knew that Kang Shuhong had previously laundered a lot of money. As she turned the numbers in her account book, she asked, "isn't it useless what I told you before?"

"That's not true. Even if it's only a day and a half, there are a lot of transfer funds suspended by our major banks. Otherwise, they won't be able to survive until now." Kang Yingmao said with a bitter face, "I don't know whether the two young ladies have any idea. In recent years, the master has sent people to Shanxi and Shanghai to open several Guangyuan semicolons. New China has just been re established, and everyone is suffering from war. Banks are not good at business. The master is supporting for the prospect, so many funds have been transferred back. "

No wonder my father always flew to China a few days ago. He was planning this. With such a short money in the bank, Kang Qinxin still didn't believe that he could make Kang's family fall into such a predicament in just one day. "What about the money lent out? Find a way to get it back. "

"Not yet."

Kang Qinxin wondered, "since the loan is not due, people outside can't move the large amount of money when they choose the dead time and the current time to save. How can they crowd so many people?" "When they saw that the president of Kangshi bank was in prison, they were afraid that the bank would fail and the money would not come back, so they risked not to pay interest and breach the contract. If it's good to have only one person and two people at ordinary times, now there are three or five groups of people who are less than br >

, it really doesn't make sense. "

"Isn't Kang Shuhong in prison? As for making them so flustered, our Kang family can still be shut down by a Kang Shuhong?" Kangqin heart whispered, looked up and said, "connect me with Kaitai bank."

Next to the staff should be immediately, Kang Yingmao persuasion: "second miss to have psychological preparation, Kaitai bank was originally affiliated to Guangyuan, this afternoon call over the situation is the same, I'm afraid not to move money to send."

While he was talking, the phone was already through, and it was answered by the Secretary of Kaitai bank.

She shook the phone and said, "I'm Kang Qinxin. How about yuan Xingchang?"

"It's miss two. Yuan Xingchang is in the money bank. Please wait a moment."

After a meeting, Yuan fan came to answer the phone.

They are familiar with each other, and he is not polite, "Qin Xin, are you in the open source headquarters?"

Kangqin answered, "yes, how are you doing there?"

"It should be better than your side. I made a promise to them to continue to withdraw money tomorrow, and now people are gradually scattered."

Kang Qin wondered, "do you promise?" I thought that there was no money to send to Kaitai for support. I was worried. "Yes, I think there are some gold bars and pearls in the warehouse, and I want to take them out for emergency. I called you over there and Shuhong was not there. Yingmao said he didn't dare to be the main one to ask Uncle Kang for instructions. Later uncle Kang called and approved my Lord

"It's a good idea, but how can you cash in when the time is so urgent?" "Gold bullion is a kind of international hedge money. We can exchange and cooperate with other banks. As for these Nanyang pearls, they were meant to be sent back to China for business. Previously, they called to say that a jewelry firm wanted to collect them. Uncle Kang thought that the price was not reasonable, so he didn't agree. Now, the situation forced people in China to contact the jeweler to sign a contract. " Yuan fan spoke in a clear and orderly manner, in a calm tone, and then said: "I can solve all the problems here, you don't have to worry. By the way, how is Shuhong? It must be a misunderstanding. I have been studying with him for more than ten years. I don't believe that he will be so confused as to get involved with such things. "

"Well, I'll get him out."

Yuan Fan said again, "when KangBo's father is not in the city, you have to worry about Qin."

"I know. You've been working so hard and worrying in the bank so late." "If you don't mention the relationship between our two families, uncle Kang can look up to me like this and trust me to give Kaitai to me. As a vice president, I can't stand by. I'm afraid it's not so easy for you to evacuate because of the larger passenger flow. "

Kang Qinxin said, "I wish you were OK there."

She planned to hang up, but yuan fan asked again, "Qin Xin, is everything OK at home?"

Knowing the meaning of his words, Kangqin said in his heart, "all are well." After thinking about it, she said, "my sister is going to work in the orphanage."

"Thank you. I'll visit my aunt when the bank is over."

Kang chin smiled, "I see."

When she hung up the phone, Kang Yingmao on the other side said in surprise, "how can you still smile when the second miss has arrived?"

"No problem with Kaitai."

Kang Yingmao clearly said: "Kaitai is a domestic business in Xiejie street. A lot of money earned earlier has flowed through. Unlike Guangyuan, which wants to support semicolons, capital is naturally sufficient."

"He reminded me."

Seeing Kang Yingmao, Kang Qinxin continued, "what about the gold bars of Kang Shuhong?"

"Still in the vault."

"Please contact the president of the Swiss bank for me. We will cash these gold bars from them," he said, nodding

"UBS? That's a small bank. " Kang Qin shook his head and said with a smile: "Switzerland is not small. People are very developed in Europe, but they suffer from little market in Singapore where Chinese gather. You should think that since our Guangyuan bank was established here, it has been very difficult for several British and French banks to operate, not to mention the local banks. Before Kang Shuhong's incident, we naturally trusted our compatriot enterprises. Now that we open source, who do you think is the happiest? Those local banks and British and French banks will certainly not help "Will Switzerland?" Kang Yingmao asked himself, and Lu Xinxi said: "by the way, the Swiss bank was in Guangyuan bank before it opened its account. Even if it was not well managed, it would have been beaten down by local and British French banks earlier. If it had nothing to do with Guangyuan, it would not have been hostile. But, once they had nothing to do with each other, would they help for nothing? "

"As long as the interest is big enough, who will refuse?"

When Kang Yingmao saw that she was full of confidence, he couldn't help but remind her, "second lady, even if we need emergency, you can't sell these gold bars too cheaply. We have lost a lot before." Kang Qinxin looks at him and laughs, "I see. You go to the backup statement and use it later."

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