Young General's Escaping Wife

Chapter 2013 emergency

Kangqinxin came to the door, and Mr. Wenger, the Bank of Swiss bank, was really puzzled. Especially after hearing her request to exchange gold bars at the ordinary market price, he laughed a lot and asked why Ms. Kang had such confidence. Nowadays, Swiss products, like their banks, have no customers and no market, but not poor quality. On the contrary, she contacted Swiss watches when she was in the UK. In her opinion, both appearance and technology are very sophisticated, but everyone would rather spend a high price

to buy American and French products, rather than choose Swiss products.

When she heard that she appreciated their products, she was in a happy mood, and her tone improved a little. Kangqinxin took the opportunity to promise that Kangjia would cooperate with them to open China's overseas and domestic markets.

This is very exciting.

Kang Qinxin, aware of his hesitation, went on to say: "we Kang family also do business. It's not unreasonable that we can stand for such a long time in the turbulent times of war.

Now just because my brother's personal image has some problems, the bank is a little bit difficult, as long as your bank is willing to deliver carbon from the snow, in the future our Kang family will pay back. " "What your Kang family is offending is the Department and the government. Don't mention the future of President Kang. There is no fixed number of life and death. Even if our bank is willing to exchange gold bars for you, I'm afraid it won't help. Even if it's really over, I think Kangjia won't be back

Kang Qinxin knew his concerns and said: "this is our business of Kang family. Gold bars are internationally used. In the end, no matter what the future of Kang family is, there is no loss to your bank.

Besides, why does Mr. ARS è ne Wenger think we can't get through this difficulty? Money is coming and going. Since the citizens have deposited their money in our bank, can the money still be defeated by our Kang family?

The semicolon of Kangjia bank is increasing year by year. To tell you the truth, there are many businesses in Singapore, even in China. Now we ask your bank for help, but in a short period of time, there are not so many working capital moved over.

What's more, what the bank is facing now is only a small trouble. It's only because my brother, who is the bank's president, has lost his virtue. It's not the result of our poor management. Mr. Wenger, do you mean it in words? "

There was a long silence. Kang Qinxin said again: "the Kang family is not unable to raise money to meet the needs of the public, but the situation has not reached that stage. My father asked me to deal with this problem, that is, I believe I can solve it, and I just need to realize it. For your bank,

it is only a single business.

As for what I just said, Mr. Wenger has plenty of time to think about it. In fact, you need a guide, don't you? "

"Yes, Miss Kang has said this. It's not difficult to exchange gold bars. I'll let our finance contact you later and send the money to you tomorrow.

As for future cooperation, if it is convenient for Miss Kang, can we choose a time to talk in person? " It's clear that Wenger has moved her market view.

Kangqin thanked him and asked him to set the time.

After hanging up, Kang Qin asked people to count gold bars and asked Kang Yingmao to make a statement. First, he resigned from the Bank of Kang Shuhong and then promised to continue to withdraw money tomorrow. Worried that the public would not believe it, they even put out some gold bars to reassure them.

Kangqinxin is in charge of adjusting the interest rate. If the account of the open source bank does not withdraw cash temporarily, it will raise the interest rate. After the second announcement, some people began to whisper and sway their ideas.

Kang Qinxin personally contacted with the Bank of Switzerland for the exchange work, and was busy with another secretary coming to say: "second miss, Mr. Ye's phone."

"Little uncle?" Kangqin's heart murmured, curious to answer the phone.

Ye Xiu knew that she was dealing with it in the bank, so she wanted to send her cash for fear that it would not be handled well.

Kang Qin declined, saying that there was a solution, so he didn't have to worry.

Ye Xiu is a little lost in her appearance and politeness, but she also knows that she is not just a person who tries to be brave and doesn't care about the real situation. Since there is a real way to say that, she doesn't force herself to take care of her rest.

At about two o'clock in the morning, the Bank of Switzerland's cash truck arrived. At that time, there were still some people who refused to leave. They were really relieved to see the truck. With the reputation of Kangjia for many years, they finally left at ease.

Kang Qinxin handed over the gold bars with them and arranged to put them in storage.

The head of Bank of Switzerland's cash delivery said that if your bank still needs money, they can borrow it. Please contact their president with Ms. Kang for details.

Kangqin nodded, thanked them and said he needed to trouble their bank again.

After seeing off the man, Kang Yingmao said, "the situation has eased down, miss two. Go back to the manor and have a rest." Kang Qin felt uneasy and left. He drank a mouthful of water and shook his head. "Brother Yingmao, although I said to adjust the interest rate, some people were still wavering in their mind, but Kang Shuhong is still in prison. Those people go back to think about that maybe they should choose to take what they want for insurance.

Although the Swiss bank said nice words and was willing to lend, I'm afraid it was decided by Mr. Arsene Wenger who investigated our Kangjia industry. The loan rate must be not low. "

"What is the lady going to do? The money may be worth tomorrow, but if it is, it won't last long. "

Kangqin thought to herself and went outside. "I'll make a phone call." After just two steps, I felt that it would be inappropriate to stay in the middle of the night

"Are you really not going back, miss two?" Kang Yingmao wants to persuade.

"No, I can come back tomorrow. If you call at home, you say everything is OK. " Kang Qindao thought that she would be asked about Kang Shuhong by her mother and sister-in-law if she wanted to go home. It's better to solve the problems in the bank and save her father's worry.

The next day just after dawn, Kang Qinxin called Si quefang.

He still remembers his number.

Now, all these troubles are caused by the news that sparrow Fang has put Kang Shuhong to sell morphine. She is too busy here to find the culprit.

It's not to say that we're going to have to ask for help, but now there's a lot of rumours that someone needs to come out and help Guangyuan bank. Otherwise, customers will have to withdraw money endlessly, even if Kangjia can pay, but the bank will have to start over again later.

It was song Hezhen who answered the phone. Hearing her voice, he said, "Miss Kang, you are busy. It's not convenient to answer the phone."

"You don't always say that, song adjutant. I really have an emergency with your second child."

Song Hezhen paused and said, "Miss Kang is calling for Guangyuan bank, right? Second, he did not expect that this was a financial matter, and he could not help it. " Just hang up. Kang Qinxin stared at the receiver and was stunned. Si quefang had expected that he would go to look for him to take charge of the loss of the bank, so he told song Hezhen in advance? He can't help in any financial matters, but he won't manage it!

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